Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4658: All come to listen to Mu Yue's lecture 1

Just as Xiang Tian and them thought, there are really many students who want to listen to Mu Yue's lectures.

Shen Guoxiong has also figured it out, so he has figured out that the students of his Chinese medicine school must

All were able to listen to Mu Yue's lecture.

Let the student association arrange it, pass it down one by one, and arrange the seats in the auditorium on a class-by-class basis.

Students from other colleges who want to come and listen to the extra seats can sit in those seats.

However, Shen Guoxiong still underestimated the school students' worship of Mu Yue and determination to listen to Mu Yue's lecture.

And there are some old masters of Chinese medicine in other schools who have heard about it, and they have all contacted Shen Guoxiong.

"Old Shen, you are not authentic, Mu Yue didn't even notify us of the lecture!"

"That's it, such a good opportunity, your school can't monopolize it!"

Facing these cheeky Chinese medicine practitioners who came to trouble him, he curled his lips, "The students in our school are only giving lectures. What a shame!"

"What a shame! I think you feel embarrassed!"

"That is, Mu Yue's ability, don't think we don't know, we have also heard her lectures, and they are better than us!"

"Yes, and it is of great help to our understanding of Chinese medicine. You can't favor one another!"

The most important thing for these old Chinese doctors in their lives is Chinese medicine, and the most important thing is Chinese medicine.

Now there is a rare opportunity to improve their Chinese medicine skills, even if they are cheeky, they have to listen to it!

Even if the person the other party is teaching is just a 21-year-old yellow-haired girl.

But this yellow-haired girl made them, old Chinese doctors, have to be convinced.

Shen Guoxiong faced these shabby old Chinese doctors, knowing that they would not give up unless they achieved their goals.

"I know, don't worry, I will definitely reserve a seat for you, is this always okay?" Shen Guoxiong said helplessly to them.

These old Chinese doctors listened, and then they showed a satisfied smile, nodded and said, "Well, very good!"

"Then it will work!"

"Old Shen, thank you! I'll buy you tea in two days!"

"Hehehe, Old Shen, next time I come to my house, I will treat you with a good wine!"

These old Chinese doctors finally achieved their goals, and they are all very satisfied.

Facing the old Chinese doctors, Shen Guoxiong couldn't laugh or cry, and pressed his head.

He only felt that this time Mu Yue's lecture seemed to be a bit loud!

If Mu Yue didn't speak well, it would be bad.

Ever since, Shen Guoxiong called her quickly.

"Mu Yue, what do you think about this matter?" Shen Guoxiong said the matter again and asked her.

Mu Yue laughed when she heard it, and said indifferently, "Dean Shen, since they want to listen, let's listen, as long as it's not troublesome!"

If her lectures can be helpful to these old Chinese doctors, she is also happy to see the results.

When Shen Guoxiong heard this, he curled his lips, and said with a bit of pride in his tone, "Those old guys all want to use your lectures to solve their puzzles!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Hehe...I am also very happy to be able to help them, just let them, Dean Shen, just look at the seating arrangements when you arrive, don't have enough seats!"

"Relax, absolutely not!" Dean Shen said confidently.

It's just that Dean Shen said it was too early, and Mu Yue's influence was completely low.

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