Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4661: The lively Kyungsung University 1

The students of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine looked at the running students of other majors, and said with a smile, "What are you running? What is good for running!"

"That is, no matter how we run, we have seats! We have seats when we are late!"

"Hahaha... It's a long face, I've never been so happy and confusing!"

"Who says no, it's the first time I feel so face-faced!"

"I didn't expect it, our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine also had such a face!"

"Hey, it's still awesome in our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I really chose the right major, and I was born in the right era!"

"Mu Yue is really amazing. It really gives us a face for the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"As long as Mu Yue is there, our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine will only get better and better!"

These colleges of traditional Chinese medicine felt that walking was floating, and there was a big, bright smile on their faces.

Compared to these running students, and their seats have always been reserved for them, it feels like they are experts or people with status. How can they not let them, students of the Chinese Medicine School, be proud and seduced.

And those students who ran forward, looking at these Chinese medical school students, the muscles on their faces were twitching.

They do not envy jealousy, it is impossible.

My wife really envied them, and there is no need to run like them! Running so tired!

"Damn it, you don't need to be so damned!"

"I'm so mad, these Chinese medical school people are so arrogant, I really want to go up and beat them up!"

"I want to go to school again, to study Chinese medicine, so I don't have to be so miserable!"

These students spit out while running, feeling very depressed.

At this moment, there are already many students outside the auditorium who are about to squeeze inside.

Yes, the students all have to squeeze into the auditorium.

The members of the Chinese Medical College Student Union standing outside the door to maintain order, looking at the lively situation, felt that their heads were a little big.

They really didn't expect that there are so many people here!

I thought that no matter how many other seats were left, there should be enough, but depending on the situation, there were people coming from behind one after another, and it seemed that there were not enough seats.

"President, those spare seats are already full, what should I do? There are still people coming out here!"

A member of the student union said to the president Qiao Huan.

When Qiao Huan listened to this student's words, his face also became very ugly. When he looked at the people who were still rushing over, and listened to the students who were clamoring to go in, he felt that the first two were big.

"You should maintain order here first, and I'll go to the dean to ask about the situation!"

The members of the student union watched Qiao Huan leave, even more anxious.

And those students are still crowding the walls of the student union members, they are still yelling, it's very lively.

"What are we doing, we are going in, we are going to listen to Mu Yue's lecture!"

"That is, we are going to listen to Mu Yue's lecture, you can't stop us from entering!"

"Why do you stop us from entering Mu Yue to give lectures, let us in!"

"We are going to listen to Mu Yue's lecture, why are you stopping us!"

The students who were blocked from entering all wanted to rush in.

Especially those students of the Chinese Medical College, who entered with their school card, felt envy and envy in their hearts!

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