Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4671: Mu Yue started lecture 2

After all arrangements were made, Mu Yue walked onto the podium. For recording and convenience, he also hung a headset.

In this way, other students who are not in the auditorium or in the school can hear Mu Yue's lecture.

Mu Yue walked to the rostrum, everyone in the auditorium clapped at her excitedly, and their eyes were full of worship.

Facing the admiration of the people, Mu Yue smiled and bowed slightly to the people in the auditorium, got up, and said with a smile, "Thank you all for coming to my lecture today!"

The lecture this time was completely different from the last lecture. Before coming, she also made a little preparation, and prepared what she wanted to say in her mind.

Today’s lecture will not disappoint everyone, and will make them have a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine.

"I really didn't expect it. I just gave a simple lecture and received so much support from everyone. I am very grateful to those students who came to listen to my lectures, and also to those students who were not able to be in the auditorium! Your support, let I know and believe that the future of Chinese medicine will get better and better. You are the hope of Chinese medicine!"

The class she is teaching now is to make everyone interested in Chinese medicine, not to talk about all kinds of big principles and make them confused.

As long as the content of her lectures allows them to quickly understand and improve their Chinese medicine skills, this is the best return for her lectures.

When listening to Mu Yue's words, the old Chinese doctors nodded in satisfaction, and they were also full of expectation and hope for Mu Yue.

They are old, and without the blood of their youth, if Chinese medicine wants to develop, they can only rely on Mu Yue.

I believe that Mu Yue will not let them down.

"In the last lecture, I was talking about the theory of yin and yang. This time I will tell you about the theory of the five elements in Chinese medicine! In the last lecture, because of the rush, the explanation may not be very clear. I will do it today. It is added in the theory of the five elements, because the yin and yang and five elements are the foundation of Chinese medicine!

Mu Yue talked freely on the podium.

The students in the auditorium listened carefully to Mu Yue's lecture.

The students were holding their own notebooks in their hands, and from time to time they recorded what Mu Yue said.

In the entire auditorium, there was no voice of conversation, only Mu Yue was giving a lecture on the podium.

Even those in front of Shen Guoxiong and the old Chinese doctors listened carefully to Mu Yue's lecture on the stage.

They discussed with each other what Mu Yue was talking about, but first listened carefully, and merged with the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements in their minds.

Not in the auditorium, but in the classroom listening to Mu Yue's lecture on the broadcast, her expression is also very serious, writing her own notes on the table.

Although they were not able to enter the auditorium, they couldn't stop them from giving Mu Yue's enthusiasm and seriousness in giving lectures.

In the entire Jingcheng University, as long as there is a broadcast, it is broadcasted by Mu Yue's lectures.

Some people who hadn't had time to rush over, heard them directly from the nearby radio station.

There are also some students who only know about sports, playing basketball, etc., and want to participate in some sports competitions. They stop exercising at all times, find another dark place, and listen carefully to Mu Yue's lecture, but they also listen very carefully.

In an instant it turned into a scene where the entire Jingcheng University students listened to the class seriously.

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