Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4674: Forget the time for class 2

For the whole morning of class, except for the little bun in the middle who asked Nangong Yuehua to take him to a toilet, no one else had left.

As it approached lunch time, Xiao Baozi was clutching his belly, turning his head and pulling on Nangong Yuehua's clothes, "Grandma, baby groaning!"

Xiao Baozi usually listens to Mu Yue's explanation of Chinese medicine. Now, when he listens to Mu Yue's explanation, he can only concentrate on it for a short period of time, and then just play around by himself.

Nangong Yuehua and Tang Yalan saw Little Bun's well-behaved appearance, and let him play around by himself, as long as they didn't leave their sight.

The students and teachers in the auditorium were all engrossed in listening to Mu Yue's lecture, but they didn't even notice that it was noon.

The little bun said he was hungry. Tang Yalan saw that it was almost twelve o'clock. No wonder the little bun would be hungry.

"Okay, it will be done soon!" Tang Yalan comforted the little bun softly.

The little bun flattened his mouth and looked up at Mu Yue who was giving a lecture on the podium.

Mu Yue received the aggrieved little bun's eyes, and felt as if she was scratched by something. Then she saw the little bun clutching her belly with a frustrated look, raised her hand and looked at her wrist. Watch.

I don't know, I was shocked at first glance.

Mu Yue didn't expect that the time was over 11:40, no wonder the little bun would show such aggrieved appearance.

"Cough cough cough..." Mu Yue coughed, stopped the lecture, and said to everyone, "It's almost time, everyone, let's go to lunch first! The rest, I'll talk about it in the afternoon!"

"Huh? Have you had lunch?"

"Is it early? What kind of breakfast? I just had it!"

"God! It's already over 11:40!"

"I obviously feel as if I just had breakfast, why is it noon? I have lunch so soon!"

"Why does time pass so fast?"

"It's the first time I went to class so seriously, so fascinated! I don't even know the time has passed!"

"I want to listen to Mu Yue's lecture again, but I don't want to dismiss it!"

"Damn, I even forgot to go to the bathroom!"

"I didn't expect that Mu Yue's lectures were so good. I was fascinated by it. I forgot to be hungry and go to the bathroom!"

When the students listened, they all felt very excited and admired Mu Yue very much.

Even the old professors have recovered from the lectures.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would sit for a long time after sitting, my back hurts!"

"Hahaha...Yes, I used to sit for an hour and couldn't sit still, but today I didn't expect to sit for a long time!"

"This lecture is really wonderful! It made me forget the time. Unexpectedly, it was time for dinner in the blink of an eye!"

"Good, good! Good! This half day today is really worthwhile!"

"I really want to keep listening!"

These old TCM teachers all admired Mu Yue and showed admiration for Mu Yue.

Mu Yue heard the old Chinese doctor and their exchanges, smiled and said to everyone, "Well, your stomachs are also hungry, I am also hungry, I will go to lunch first, have a good lunch, and continue to lecture at one o'clock!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, everyone wanted to continue listening, but Mu Yue said that he was hungry. They could not stop him, so they could only let Mu Yue go to dinner first, and then continue to attend classes in the afternoon.


Thanks katze for your reward! muah!

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