Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4686: Strong request from students 1

"So it is!"

"Damn, I was born early!"

"If two years later, I can apply for Mu Yue's school!"

"Mu Yue's lectures are so good, the students taught by her school will definitely be very good!"

"Yes, if I can study in Mu Yue's school, that would be great!"

"I really want to go to the school opened by Mu Yue! It would be great if I could transfer to another school! Even if I study for a few more years, I am willing!"

When these students heard Shen Guoxiong's words, all of them were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yue is now studying in order to create a better TCM school for herself. This is to choose the best and discard the dross!

Mu Yue is so serious, it is impossible for her school to be bad, which makes them all want to go to the Chinese Medicine School very much.

"Then Dean Shen, can you let Mu Yue give us more lectures in the future!"

"Yes, even if she can't let her graduate and give us classes, give us a few more classes, even if it is a holiday, we are willing to come back to listen!"

"Dean Shen, Mu Yue's lectures are really very good. It made me understand Chinese medicine immediately. Can you let her talk a few more times!"

Although the students can't let Mu Yue graduate and give them lessons immediately, they still hope to be able to teach several times.

Shen Guoxiong said with a helpless smile, "Well, I will try my best, but this is not so fast. I will tell you if I have any news!"

"Thank you Dean Shen!"

Hearing what Shen Guoxiong said, each of these students was very excited, expecting Mu Yue to give them another lecture.

Shen Guoxiong said with a smile, "Okay, you go back first, review it, if you forget, you can go to Mu Yue's Huafeng video website again!"

"Okay, thank you Dean Shen!"

The students listened and said gratefully to Shen Guoxiong.

The students left the auditorium one after another. Shen Guoxiong watched them leave and shook his head with a wry smile.

The old Chinese doctor at the side looked at the posture just now and smiled and said to Shen Guoxiong, "Old Shen, if Mu Yue wants to start classes in the future, you should remember to tell us!"

"Yeah, don't forget us!"

Listening to the requests of these old Chinese doctors, Shen Guoxiong rolled his eyes a little bit irritably, "Isn't there a Huafeng video for Mu Yue? You can watch it above!"

"This is different!"

"That's right, it's better to have a real person on the spot!"

The old TCM doctors immediately retorted with dissatisfaction.

For them, watching the Huafeng video is just reviewing the past and learning the new, while listening to Mu Yue's lecture here is really listening to the lecture, completely different.

Now for these old people, there is nothing that they can pay attention to. The only thing they pay attention to is Mu Yue.

Shen Guoxiong nodded, and could only say to them, "Okay, I will tell you!"

Alas, Mu Yue's lecture did not expect to have such a big sensation and such a big effect, which was really beyond his expectation.

He also wanted Mu Yue to give them more lectures, but no matter how busy Mu Yue was, he really didn't have much time to teach them.

And the courses in the school are not allowed. Looking at this posture, I am afraid that no one will listen to the courses of some teachers. It is not easy to arrange, it is not easy to arrange!

At that time, it didn't bring any benefit to Mu Yue, but it also attracted dissatisfaction from other teachers.


Thanks Katze and Li Xiaofeng 18186834885 for their rewards, okay?

Damn! really sorry! I was too busy these few days. I was too tired yesterday. I fell asleep when I finished writing and forgot to post! Post now

Thank you for your reward! muah! thank

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