Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4690: Lecture video is booming 2

Some returned home, but still expressed their enthusiasm for Mu Yue's lectures, and went back to watch them again.

However, immediately drew a burst of shouts.

"Boy, you are playing games again. Didn't I say that you are not allowed to play games?"

"Mom? Where am I playing games! I am obviously studying hard, OK?"

"Reading? Do you want to read on the computer? Do you think I'm blind?"

"You are indeed blind! Don't you know how to watch it yourself? Obviously listening to Mu Yue's lecture very seriously!"

"Mu Yue? What Mu Yue?"

"Which one can it be? Mu Yue, the founder of Longteng Group. She started the class and taught for a day. Finally, there is such a clear video to see Mu Yue's lecture!"

"That Mu Yue? Lecture? What is she talking about?"

"What else can I talk about? Of course it is Chinese medicine. Mom, you don’t know. I regret it. I’m going to study Chinese medicine. I don’t want to study economics. I want to study Chinese medicine with Mu Yue. Chinese medicine is really amazing. I Go and be a Chinese medicine doctor!"

"Boy, no, you go to learn Chinese medicine, who will inherit the family business!"

"Why can't it! Others Mu Yue can create a powerful Longteng Group, so why can't I do it! I have to learn from Mu Yue!"

"You, want to **** me off!"

Mu Yue's lectures have caused many people to change their attitudes towards Chinese medicine. They just feel that Chinese medicine is not that incomprehensible.

They didn't understand before, because Chinese medicine was too profound and no one could explain it to them. Now there is Mu Yue, how can she still not understand with such an explanation?

They were all able to understand the basics of Chinese medicine from Mu Yue's lectures. It turned out to be so simple.

Mu Yue can not only start a company on her own, but also has such a high level of medical skills, she is definitely the idol of the students.

After all, besides those celebrities, only Mu Yue can be their idol now, a real idol, not that kind of imaginary.

Those boys only felt that Alexander, being pressed on his head by a girl like Mu Yue, was full of fighting spirit.

Yu Yunxuan hung up the phone, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Yu asked concerned about Yu Yunxuan's appearance.

Yu Yunxuan put his mobile phone on the coffee table and said, "It's Mu Yue, she's teaching at school today, and something big happened again!"

"What's the big thing?" The old man raised his eyebrows curiously when he heard the words.

Yu Yunxuan blinked and said with a smile, "There are not enough seats in one auditorium, and there are hundreds of people who have to listen to Mu Yue's lectures. Finally, the school decided to connect the entire school's broadcast. The entire school can hear Mu Yue's lecture!"

"Oh? There is such a thing?" The old man also showed a shocked look on his face, and said with emotion, "The boy, always creating miracles!"

Yu Yunxuan nodded, with an inexplicable expression in his eyes, "Yes!"

"Unfortunately, you met her too late!" The old man looked at Yu Yunxuan, saw his thoughts, and sighed with regret.

He also knew that Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan had their wedding in October.

For girls like Mu Yue, he still likes them very much, and he is very optimistic, but it is a pity that he was given the first step so early.

A wry smile appeared on Yu Yunxuan's face, and he called out Grandpa Yu, "Grandpa!"

"Hahaha, let's not talk about it!"

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