Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4709: Little bun learns to swim 3

The little bun drank the water, and suddenly burst into tears. He was completely frightened, and lay on Mu Ziheng's shoulders, crying loudly.

When Mu Ziheng saw the appearance of the little bun, he couldn't mention how much he blamed himself. He hugged him quickly and gently patted his back, "Little bun, sorry, sorry, uncle did not take good care of you, are you okay!"

Nangong Yuehua and Du Xueqin saw the little bun falling into the water and hurried over, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay!" Mu Ziheng patted Xiao Baozi on the back, and said comfortingly, "I just fell in by accident. I guess I drank a few sips of water!"

The little bun was crying with tears and nose, and his little hand was picking his nose. It is estimated that the nose was also watered and choked.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Nangong Yuehua comforted Xiao Baozi, feeling distressed.

The little bun rushed into Nangong Yuehua’s arms aggrievedly, sobbing, and yelling aggrievedly, "Mom, mom... I want mom..."

Nangong Yuehua patted the poor little bun comfortingly, and Du Xueqin smiled and said to the little bun, "Little bun, aren't you very good? You are better than your father. Why can't you drink a few sips of water? Up!"

"Yeah, little bun, you are a little man, you have to make mom look at him with admiration!" Mu Ziheng also smiled and said to the little bun.

The little bun’s head came out of Nangong Yuehua’s arms, his eyes were still teary, his small face was aggrieved, and his small mouth bulged, "The baby is a man!"

"Yeah, you have to learn well. Mom will be very happy if you wait and see!" Mu Ziheng smiled and calmed the little bun.

The little bun shook his little fist, "Well, the baby wants to make his mother happy, and he must kiss his mother!"

Du Xueqin couldn't help but laughed.

"Yes, the little bun is the best. You can learn it soon, and my aunt also believes that you can learn to swim quickly too!" Du Xueqin smiled and said encouragingly to the little bun.

The little bun nodded his little head heavily and made a fist, "The baby must learn soon!"

"Really good!" Nangong Yuehua smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head.

Little Bun turned his head, looked at Mu Ziheng, stretched out his hands, "Uncle, baby wants to learn to swim!"

"Okay, come, let's continue learning!" Mu Ziheng smiled and took the little bun.

The little bun followed Mu Ziheng and started to learn to swim again.

Mu Yue, who was taking pictures, heard Xiao Baozi's cry, and turned his head to look at the swimming pool where Xiao Baozi was.

"Little bun is crying!" Mu Yue said worriedly.

However, Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue tightly, and said softly, "It's okay, there are moms and they are here! You always have to drink a few sips of water to learn to swim!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's explanation, Mu Yue nodded in agreement, but couldn't help but worry, "However, I am still a little worried. The little bun is crying so sad!"

"What can he do? He is our son. It's okay! Maybe he will learn it right away and come to fight with me for taking pictures!" Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, and said to Mu Yue grievingly.

Hearing this, Mu Yue couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth fiercely, and glared at Xiao Junyan irritably, "Just make a fuss, your son's jealousy will be eaten! The jealousy is really growing!"

Xiao Junyan lowered his head, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "It's not because of you!"

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