Xiao Baozi finally learned to swim and was very excited, because Xiao Junyan also promised to take him out to sea with him.

Early the next morning, Xiao Junyan put on his jacket and said to Mu Yue, "You take the little buns and mom to the pier, and I will drive the yacht over!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "Go!"

At the seaside, there are still many piers built for tourism, and there is also a pier next to this resort hotel, which is very convenient.

Xiao Junyan took the luggage package and went to drive the yacht first. Mu Yue took the little bun's hand, took the rest of the package, and went to the pier.

The little bun took his little hat and asked excitedly, "Mom, can the baby also sail?"

Du Xueqin curled her lips and said, "You are still too young. You will not be able to drive in a few years!"

As for his small arms and legs, he must not even be able to grasp the armrests, so he has to open them!

Xiao Baozi heard Du Xueqin pouring cold water on herself, turned her head and stared at her dissatisfiedly, "Bad aunt, baby can drive!"

Mu Yue smiled and touched the little bun's head, and said comfortingly, "Little bun, you still have him too young to open it, wait until you grow up!"

"But, the baby wants to sail!" The little bun listened, but pouted his own little mouth, and didn't say anything bad about his mother.

Mu Yue comforted, "You might not be able to drive by yourself, but mom can let dad take us to play together, okay?"

"Mom takes the baby to play, okay?" The little bun turned around, and immediately hugged Mu Yue's thigh, with strong expectations in his small eyes.

Mu Yue shrugged her shoulders helplessly, and said, "Mom can't drive either!"

Little Bun let go of Mu Yue, holding his small fist, and confidently said, "Baby learns, baby learns, teach mother, baby lead mother to play!"


Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng listened, and couldn't help laughing.

I just think the little bun is too funny, too funny.

"Little bun, you have been learning swimming for a day. I don't know how long do you plan to learn to drive a yacht?" Du Xueqin couldn't help teasing the little bun.

Xiao Baozi was teased by Du Xueqin, her face flushed with anger, she stared at her, "The baby is very smart, it's all bad uncles, it's not the baby's fault!"

Mu Ziheng, who was lying innocently with the gun, turned his head and stared at Little Bun fiercely, "Little Guitou, you are slandering me again. It's obviously that you are so scared to death that you can't pull it off!"

"Obviously it's a bad uncle who can't teach well! It's not the baby's fault!" Xiao Baozi still stuck his neck, and quarreled with Mu Ziheng.

Mu Ziheng snorted, "Obviously you can't learn well, and you are so timid!"

Mu Yue watched Mu Ziheng and Xiao Baozi arguing and fighting, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth fiercely.

"Okay, OK!" Mu Yue quickly took the little bun into his arms and said comfortingly, "Little bun, stop making trouble, let's go to the dock first, your father must have arrived!"

Hearing Mu Yue's comfort and Xiao Junyan's whereabouts, Xiao Baozi quickly stopped arguing with Mu Ziheng, "Mom, let's go!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and glared at Mu Ziheng.

Knowing that the little bun is so small, and still arguing with him, how can he be so naive.


I’m so sorry, dear ones, my brother gets married on May Day, and then the younger sister gets married. I want to help. I'm out of town. I'll be very busy. I haven't saved the manuscript. I can only continue until the 4th and 5th. At least four thousand words!

Wait for the easing, then add updates

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