Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4717: The bustle of the pier 2

Who is Mu Ziheng, but the little son of the Mu family has never been so threatened.

"Humph!" Du Xueqin also snorted coldly. Mu Yue is her sister-in-law!

These people actually dared to molest their sister-in-law in front of her little sister-in-law, it was almost death.

"It's you who are looking for death, dare to molesting my cousin in front of this lady!" Du Xueqin also walked to Mu Yue's body, hands on her hips, staring angrily at these **** brothers.

"Little girl, although you look good, you are still far behind this young lady!"

Even if it was threatened by Mu Ziheng, there was another little girl who dared to speak out in front of them.

The sons and buddies and Qi Qi stared at Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng.

Mu Yue looked at Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng and touched his nose, feeling helpless.

The little bun who was held by Mu Yue, raised his head, looking left and right.

Although Xiao Baozi is still a little milk baby, he can understand their conversation and understand that these guys dare to covet his mother!

Damn, there is already a stinky papa who is vying for favor with him, how come there are others!

Thinking of this, the little bun ran in front of these elder brothers and couldn't beat them. He could only lift up his little feet and slam on the back of their insteps.

Suddenly, the men who were originally aggressive, felt a sharp pain from their toes, and let out a miserable howl in their mouths.

One by one, all holding their feet, jumping around over there.

"Damn it, who is it!"

"Which **** dares to step on this young master's foot!"

These brothers all hugged their feet in pain and howled, cursing in their mouths.

They didn't see anyone in front of them just now, who actually stepped on their feet.

The little bun with his hands on his hips, with a fierce look on his immature and cute little face, stared at these elder brothers, "It's the little master!"

Hearing Xiao Baozi's immature voice, those brothers who screamed with pain in their feet looked left and right but didn't see the people who were speaking.

They would never think that it was a little nanny, and it was right next to their legs, and they couldn't see it all at once.


Faced with these guys, Xiao Baozi was extremely angry without knowing it was him.

Ever since, these people are unlucky again.

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng saw that the little bun had shot, ah no, it was shot, and they both stepped aside silently.

It's better to leave it to Xiao Baozi to protect his mother.

And they saw Xiao Baozi raise his little foot again and stepped heavily on the surface of their other foot.

Once again, these brothers made a louder cry than before.

If it is other ordinary children, if they step on their feet, it may not hurt so much.

However, I don't look at who the little bun is, but Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan's son!

Little Baozi could almost crush the bones of these young men's feet when he stepped on them. Can these young men not be in pain?

"Puff and puff..."

These brothers all sat on the ground, or they fell directly forward and backward on the ground, howling constantly.

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng just watched, no, they should be regarded as gloating at these people's unlucky appearance.

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