Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4720: The awesomeness of the little buns 2

Fortunately, these brothers are not so sensitive in their ears, otherwise, they would vomit blood out of anger when they heard what these boatmen said.

They had already been beaten up by Xiao Baozi to the horror, but they were even said to be pretending.

This is definitely not eating grapes and saying grapes are sour!

Ah no, it should be because you don't know how much pain you are if you don't slap your face, and you don't know how angry you are if you don't scold you, and you will never feel the same words!

They really want them to be beaten by the little bun, so that they can feel what it feels like to be hit by the little bun's fleshy little fist.

Who could think that such a small fist, falling on the body, would be so painful, so life is worse than death.

This is simply their nightmare!

At this moment, they looked at Xiao Baozi with less hatred and more fear in their eyes.

They can guarantee that they have never been so afraid of a little milk baby.

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng laughed almost imagelessly when they saw their appearance.

"Deserve it!" Du Xueqin stared at these elder brothers, and said mockingly.

Mu Ziheng was also gloating, "That's right, let you dare to covet my sister, you deserve it!"

"How is it? How does it feel to be beaten by my little nephew?" Du Xueqin was so happy that she shook her head and asked these elder brothers.

The sons and buddies were full of grief, and they didn't want to get up when they lay on the ground. They hurt all over the body when they moved. I really don't know how the little bun was beaten.

Mu Ziheng couldn't help but gave a thumbs up to the little bun, and said in praise, "Little bun, that's amazing!"

"That's right, Xiao Baozi, you are like my aunt and my idol!" Du Xueqin also admired Xiao Baozi and said.

When the little bun heard Mu Ziheng and Du Xueqin's words, his little face raised a bright smile, and proudly said, "Of course! I'm mother's baby, so naturally!"

Mu Yue touched Xiao Baozi's little head, her eyes full of love.

"You!" Du Xueqin knelt down and squeezed Xiao Qiong's nose in Xiao Baozi, her eyes full of admiration!

Mu Ziheng also held his fist at the little bun, "Little bun, great, teach uncle!"

The little bun happily hugged Mu Yue's calf and said with a smile, "Mom teaches well!"

"Um!" Mu Yue listened, and couldn't help but twitching the corners of her mouth. How did she feel like lying down with a gun inexplicably?

Nangong Yuehua listened and turned to look at Mu Yue, "What did you teach him?"

Mu Yue quickly shook her head and waved her hands, "No, no, I didn't teach anything!" After finishing speaking, she stared at the little bun, "Smelly boy, who do you think taught you?"

Hearing Mu Yue's dissatisfaction yelling, the little bun shrank his neck, hurriedly stuck out his tongue, rolled his dark eyes, and said grinningly, "It's my father, it's my father who taught him, so many uncles are together, and my father taught him! "

Mu Yue was suddenly stunned, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "It's in the military area!"

"Little devil head!" Nangong Yuehua gently touched Little Bun's forehead.

This little bun's learning ability is really strong, this little bun will have so much!

The little bun held Mu Yue's calf coquettishly, and cried milkily, "Mom!"

"You!" Mu Yue said irritably, "Stay here obediently, don't move, your father should be coming soon!"

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