Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4734: Learn to sea motorcycle 1

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan changed their swimsuits, and Xiao Junyan moved a sea motorcycle from the yacht and threw it on the sea.

Xiao Baozi looked at the sea motorcycle, his dark eyes flashed with excitement.

"Dad, baby want to play!" Little Bun said excitedly to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan was holding Mu Yue's slender hand, and said, "Daddy drives this sea motorcycle for the first time, and when he becomes proficient, he will drive you!"

When Mu Yue heard Xiao Junyan's explanation, the corner of her mouth twitched fiercely.

This reason means that even she doesn’t believe it, okay?

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng both rolled their eyes at Xiao Junyan, secretly complaining about someone's shameless reason.

The rejected little bun, with a flat mouth, sat down on the beach, and started crying, "Don't don't, baby wants to play! Baby wants to play!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun and said to Du Xueqin and the others, "Watch him!"

"Oh!" Du Xueqin secretly touched a cold sweat, smiled and nodded, "I will definitely look after Little Bun for you, cousin, you guys play slowly!"

Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue to the sea motorcycle, let Mu Yue sit behind him, and started the sea motorcycle.

"Hold me tight!" Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled and hugged Xiao Junyan's waist with both hands, and said, "Okay, hold it tight!"

Xiao Junyan smiled at the corner of his mouth, activated the sea motorcycle, and quickly flew out without waiting for the little bun to continue rolling and crying.

As soon as the little bun saw his own stinky papa, he didn't even look at him, so he took his mother away and stopped crying immediately.

"Bad daddy, stinky daddy!" Xiao Baozi cursed in his small mouth, and his small hand grabbed a handful of sand around him and waved it towards the distance fiercely.

Du Xueqin saw the appearance of the little bun with a smile on her mouth, squatted down and said, "Little bun, let's go dig a hole, and then bury your father in it. How about you?"

Hearing Du Xueqin's words, Xiao Baozi's big dark eyes lit up, turning his head and staring fiercely at Xiao Junyan, who had already driven out quickly, "Okay! Buried Dad!"

Mu Ziheng heard the idea of ​​Du Xueqin and Xiao Baozi, and couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing the cold sweat on his face.

Du Xueqin smiled and took Xiao Baozi's little hand, and took him to play in the sand with tools.

Mu Ziheng looked left and right, rushed into the wooden house, took a swimming dry respirator and ran for a shallow swim.

To play this, as long as the sea bike comes, he can go to play immediately. If diving, he doesn't know when Mu Yue and the others will come.

On the other side, Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue and quickly galloped across the sea.

Mu Yue leaned on Xiao Junyan's back, feeling the sea breeze blowing on his face, and the sea water hitting his face, feeling very excited.

Xiao Junyan's technique is absolutely top-notch, speed and skill, both make Mu Yue have a great time.

Feeling a sense of excitement, Mu Yue also wanted to drive this sea motorcycle by herself. It must be very exciting and enjoyable.

"Jun Yan, I also want to learn!"

Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan.

Although the wind was a bit strong and there was the loud motor noise of the motorbike on the sea, Xiao Junyan still heard it.

"Okay! I'll teach you!" Xiao Junyan listened, nodded, and slowed down his motorbike.

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