Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4737: A chance encounter with an old friend 1

Xiao Junyan flew out several tens of meters, found a place, and jumped directly into the water.

Du Xueqin watched Xiao Junyan's behavior and couldn't help but open her mouth into an "O" shape.

"Cousin is amazing!" Du Xueqin said to Mu Yue excitedly.

He had always known that his cousin was very powerful, but he didn't know that Xiao Junyan would be able to fly just like in the legendary novel. Is this a trivial effort?

The first time I saw Du Xueqin, she was extremely excited.

The little bun curled his lips and snorted his nose proudly, "Mom is more powerful, so can mom!"

Du Xueqin heard what Xiao Baozi said and turned to look at Mu Yue in surprise, "Cousin, you too? Can you fly too?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said with a smile, "As long as you reach a certain level of cultivation, you can fly a short distance!"

After hearing Mu Yue's words, Du Xueqin suddenly looked at her with more stars and admiration, and exclaimed in excitement, "Wow! Cousin, you are so amazing!"

When Mu Yue heard Du Xueqin's words of worship, his face showed a bit of embarrassment, "Your cousin is the best!"

Du Xueqin still looked at Mu Yue with admiration eyes, and said excitedly, "No matter what, cousin, you are still very powerful in my heart, you are my idol!"

Thinking, and looking forward to asking Mu Yue, "Cousin, can you teach me?"

Mu Yue glanced at Du Xueqin, shook her head, and said, "No, you're too late. At the age of Xiao Baozi, you can learn slowly!"

"Ah!" Du Xueqin listened and muttered her own mouth, very depressed, "Is there really no possibility? I want to fly!"

Mu Yue shook his head, "No, you are too old to learn! The veins have been shaped and you can't learn anymore!"

Du Xueqin listened with regret and sadness on her face, "Oh, okay!"

When Mu Yue and Xiao Baozi were building a castle, Mu Ziheng's sea motorcycle came to the shore at great speed.

Mu Ziheng excitedly yelled at Mu Yue, "Sister, what do you think is coming!"

When Mu Yue heard Mu Ziheng's yelling, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound.

However, what she saw was not Mu Ziheng, but the yacht behind Mu Ziheng.

Mu Yue saw a woman standing on the head of the yacht, her face turned out to be familiar.

"Sister Qingqing!" Mu Yue cried out excitedly when she saw the woman.

The woman standing on it is not someone else, but Wei Qingqing.

When Wei Qingqing saw Mu Yue, she waved her hands in excitement and shouted, "Mu Yue!"

She never expected that Wei Qingqing would appear here, how could she be here?

The yacht headed towards the pier, ready to stop at the pier.

"Why did Sister Qingqing come here?" Mu Yue asked Mu Ziheng who was running towards him in a puzzled way.

Mu Ziheng smiled and explained to Mu Yue, "I don't know, I'm driving, and suddenly I heard someone calling me. When I went over, I saw that it was Wei Qingqing!"

Although she is not familiar with Wei Qingqing, Wei Qingqing knows Mu Ziheng and has a deep memory. After all, she is Mu Yue's family.

It is true that now Mu Yue and Mu's family are getting more and more popular.

Originally Mu Ziheng didn't know, but when Wei Qingqing introduced herself, he remembered it and brought her over.

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