Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4754: Be surrounded by expert doctors 3

"Doctor Mu, I watched your lecture video. Your lectures are so good. After your school is established, will you also give lectures?"

"Doctor Mu, will you still be able to teach in the future? Or is it in your school?"

Some Chinese medicine practitioners asked Mu Yue curiously.

Mu Yue's lecture video can be considered a wave of waves in the Chinese medicine community.

What's more, they are still affiliated to Chinese medicine hospital, and they all learned of Mu Yue's lectures from their friends.

After learning about Mu Yue's lecture, they went to see her lecture one after another.

At first glance, they were also obsessed with this lecture video by Mu Yue, and forgot about their work, which made them dumbfounded.

However, this lecture video also solved a lot of problems for them, and opened another door for them, so that their Chinese medicine skills have also improved a lot.

So now, when they see Mu Yue, they still hope that Mu Yue can give them more lectures so that they can understand more about Chinese medicine and improve their medical skills.

No one dislikes high medical skills, which is the same as one does not dislike too much money.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard the words of these Chinese medicine experts, but he didn't expect them to see it too.

"I'm just making a fuss, I can't get on the stage at all!" Mu Yue said modestly.

Although her medical skills are already very good, she still belongs to the younger generation, so she should be low-key and humble.

However, these Chinese medicine experts admired Mu Yue the most.

"How can it be a little trouble! Your lecture on Chinese medicine is the best mistake I have ever heard!"

"Yes, although you are only talking about the basics of Chinese medicine, it is very simple and easy to understand. For us, there is another kind of help!"

"Doctor Mu, your lecture helped me answer many questions, and also dragged me back from the crooked road. You can say that you are my mentor!"

These Chinese medicine experts all spoke to Mu Yue excitedly.

Mu Yue touched her nose awkwardly. She didn't expect these Chinese medicine experts to be so excited and praise her so much.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Mu Yue coughed awkwardly, and said to the TCM experts, "Lectures will definitely be there. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can come and listen. There will be some TCM doctors in the future. For the seminar, I also welcome everyone to come and participate!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, the faces of these Chinese medicine experts showed joy.

"Doctor Mu, you are the hope of our Chinese medicine community!"

"The rise and fall of our Chinese medical profession depends on you!"

They believe that if TCM wants to develop and TCM wants to take off, they must rely on Mu Yue.

Mu Yue shook her head, and solemnly said, "No, if Chinese medicine wants to be famous and want to go abroad, I can't rely on my own strength! I also need everyone's help to make our Chinese medicine famous at home and abroad! "

She can't do so many things alone, and she still needs their help in the future.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, these Chinese medicine experts felt warm and grateful in their eyes. Mu Yue was able to distinguish the pros and cons of gains and losses at a young age, and he was not proud of these false names.

If Chinese medicine wants to become famous, it is true that she cannot be missing, anyone can do without her, but Mu Yue must not be missing.

"As long as I can do my last meager strength for my Chinese medicine, I will do my best!"

"Being able to do the last thing for my Chinese medicine before I die, I will die without regrets!"

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