Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4759: Tell Grandpa about Space 2

Mu Yue coaxed the little bun to sleep and lay on the bed.

Xiao Junyan grabbed Mu Yue into his arms, which made him feel more relieved.

"Jun Yan, discuss something with you!" Mu Yue gently pushed Xiao Junyan's shoulder.

Xiao Junyan looked up at Mu Yue suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

"That's it!" Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "You know, the spirit tea plantation and medicinal wine factory I built in the capital is selling very well now!"

Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, turned sideways, and looked at Mu Yue, "Hmm!"

Mu Yue touched her nose and said, "I invested this money in the construction of the Chinese Medicine School. However, now that the Chinese Medicine School is about to start, the subsequent expenditures will certainly not keep up with the demand for funds!"

"Do you want to expand?" Xiao Junyan raised his eyebrows and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, "Yes, I originally had such a plan!"

"Do you want to find a place suitable for planting spiritual tea trees?" Although Xiao Junyan was asking, his tone was very positive.

Mu Yue nodded again, "Hmm!"

Now, Xiao Junyan's words are a little deep, "You don't want me to accompany you!"

"Do you want to follow me?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan with a dry smile.

She actually knew that Xiao Junyan would never allow herself to leave him too far, at most, he could only be in one city, and to another city, even the next city, he probably wouldn't allow it.

I was afraid that as soon as she left his sight, she would encounter some danger.

Xiao Junyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mu Yue, "What do you think?"

"Jun Yan, I'm going to work!" Mu Yue suddenly became confused, "I'm not a little bun, so there will be no problem!"

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly and glared at Mu Yue, "There is no discussion about this matter!"

"Jun Yan!" Mu Yue was almost mad, this guy, do you want to be so bad!

Xiao Junyan frowned, "I am worried about your safety!"

Mu Yue touched her nose and said quickly, "I am already in the late stage of refining the virtual and combining the Tao, and now my cultivation level is stable, so you don't need to worry about it at all!"

"As soon as you leave me too far, you will encounter danger, I don't worry!" Xiao Junyan frowned and said.

Mu Yue waved his hand and said indifferently, "Who else can hurt me now? My enemies are all dead now!"

Xiao Junyan glared at Mu Yue, and still threw a word, "I don't worry!"

Mu Yue couldn't help but twitched his mouth fiercely, and could only throw a blockbuster, "It's a big deal, I will bring the master, and my mother, how about it? If anything, I can directly enter the space without any need. Stay overnight outside!"

Sure enough, after hearing Mu Yue's words, Xiao Junyan didn't speak any more, it was obviously loose.

"How is it! With a master, no one can hurt me, and it can also help me arrange the formation!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan can only compromise, "Well, I will talk to the master about this matter!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue secretly touched herself a cold sweat in her heart, feeling that in front of this guy, she was a child like a little bun, and she didn't worry about leaving.

Xiao Junyan bowed his head and kissed Mu Yue's forehead, "Then you be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Mu Yue smiled and said comfortingly.


Announce here, the text will be finished at the end of this month or the beginning of next month!

Recently, there are relatively few updates, because the author is preparing a new article, and he has been killed several times at the beginning. The editor asked me to make changes. I can only continue to make changes, so this book is slow to write.

To compensate everyone, and to celebrate the end of "Rebirth Space: Chief God Pupil Merchant Girl", the author now wants to organize an event, grab the sofa, and be able to give away the fruit and colorful honey I made by myself. I don’t know if anyone is willing to participate. You can leave a message in the comment area!

The specific event time has not yet been determined, but it should only be these few days! Let’s first see who readers support this event!

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