Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4814: Xiao Shao goes out in person 3

After Xiao Junyan and Dongfang Sheng determined the top of the mountain, they asked Tang Senmiao to find out, and when Qi Chuan came, let Tang Senmiao talk to him.

As for the area set by Xiao Junyan, Qi Chuan recognizes the mark, so there is no need to worry at all, and there is no need for Xiao Junyan to come back.

It took Xiao Junyan and Dongfang Sheng only one day to settle the matter in the mountains.

After all, Xiao Junyan and the others went into the mountains to fly a helicopter, while Tang Senmiao and the others took a car. There was a big gap.

Therefore, it is completely driven into the mountain in the morning, and out of the mountain at night, staying in the hotel outside for one night, and going back early the next morning.

And Dongfang Sheng also went to the capital with Xiao Junyan, and Jiangnan Province was almost there, there was nothing he needed to do.

The wedding of Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue will be married in one or two months.

As Mu Yue's master, he had to go back, and he would belong to the elder's parent.

When he returned home, Dongfang Sheng saw Mu Yue holding the little bun, recognizing the medicinal materials on the book.

"Master! Jun Yan!" Mu Yue saw Dongfang Sheng, with a bright smile on his face.

As soon as Xiao Junyan saw Mu Yue, he stepped forward and took her into his arms. He only felt that the smell of her body was at ease.

The little bun stood up, gave Xiao Junyan a resentful look, and ran to Dongfang Sheng, pointing at Xiao Junyan with his fleshy little fingers, "Master, bad father grabs mom!"

Dongfang Sheng couldn't help laughing when he heard Xiao Baozi's immature words. He only thought that this little guy was so cute.

Mu Yue heard Dongfang Sheng's laugh, and couldn't help but come out of Xiao Junyan's arms, with a blush on her beautiful cheeks, calling Dongfang Sheng shyly, "Master!"

Dongfang Sheng smiled and took the little bun to sit on the sofa, and directly diverted the little bun’s attention, "Little bun, what were you doing with your mother just now?"

Hearing Dongfang Sheng’s question, the little bun suddenly showed a triumphant smile on his small face and said, “The baby and his mother are learning Chinese medicine. The baby is so amazing, and the mother praises the baby!”

"Really?" Dongfang Sheng heard Xiao Baozi's words, with a satisfied smile on his face, nodded, and said with compliment, "So smart! You deserve to be your mother's son!"

Little Bun proudly raised her cute and immature face and looked at Dongfang Sheng, "Baby is better than Dad!"

"Hahaha, yes, yes, you are the best, Xiao Baozi is the smartest, better than your father!" Dongfang Sheng smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's little head, and said dozingly.

I was thinking before that Xiao Junyan's character was afraid that the children born would be the same as him.

But now seeing the cute appearance of the little buns, it made Dongfang Sheng feel at ease, and he loved it very much.

It's a pity that Xiao Baozi didn't choose their mysterious doctor, but followed Han Tao.

The little bun suddenly looked at Xiao Junyan proudly, with a smug on his small face.

Xiao Junyan directly ignored the little bun, turned around with his arms around Mu Yue, and said, "Wife, I'm tired, help me take a bath!"

After hearing this, Mu Yue rolled her eyes angrily, "Won't you go by yourself?"

"My wife, I'm tired!" Xiao Junyan put his head on Mu Yue's shoulder and said in a very aggrieved tone.

Mu Yue couldn't help but shivered fiercely, and unconsciously complained in his heart. If Xiao Junyan's brother saw it, he would probably suspect that this person was not their boss!

"Okay, I know, I'm going now!"

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