Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4818: Little Bun Complaint 4

Han Tao entered the Mu's house holding the little bun, and at this time, many people had gathered in the Mu's house.

Elder Xiao and Dongfang Sheng are already at Mu's house and are still playing chess and chatting.

"Old Han is here!" Dongfang Sheng smiled and greeted when seeing Han Tao coming.

As soon as Xiao Baozi saw Dongfangsheng coming, his dark eyes lit up, twisting his small body, out of Han Tao's arms, stepped on his short legs and ran towards Dongfang Sheng.


Dongfang Sheng flew into the little bun in his arms, smiled and picked him up, letting him sit on his lap.

"Oh, the little bun is really getting cute! He's getting fatter again!" Dongfang Sheng squeezed the little bun's plump face and said lovingly.

The little bun bulged his mouth and said aggrieved, "The baby is not fat, the baby is handsome!"

"Puff, hahaha..."

When everyone heard Xiao Baozi's words, they couldn't help laughing.

Dongfang Sheng was stunned for a moment, but also laughed, petting the little bun's head, "Yes, yes, our little bun is the most handsome!"

When the little bun heard Dongfang Sheng's words, there was also a big smile on his little face.

"Mum is beautiful, and the baby is handsome!" The little bun said proudly and proudly.

Dongfang Sheng touched the little bun's head, "Yes, your mother is beautiful, how can you not be handsome, little bun?"

"The baby is the most handsome! The baby is the most handsome in the family!" Little Bun raised his immature and cute face, and said happily.

Everyone laughed again.

The little bun was holding Dongfangsheng's thighs and his big watery eyes, "Master, avenge the baby, okay?"

"Take revenge? What revenge is it?" Dongfang Sheng listened to it, and looked at Xiao Baozi in confusion.

The little bun bulged his mouth and started to file a complaint again, accusing Xiao Junyan of running away with Mu Yue and not wanting his son.

When everyone in the hall heard it, they all thought it was funny. This kid is really grudges!

Moreover, this baby is already old and can't deceive him anymore.

Dongfang Sheng felt distressed and touched the little bun's head, "Little bun is really pitiful, dad took your mom away, didn't he?"

The little bun nodded his little head, held his little fist and waved it in the air, "Well, my mother has been robbed, Master, beat Dad!"

Dongfang Sheng looked at the little bun amusedly, really wondering if this stinky boy knew that Xiao Junyan didn't want him to be born at all, so he kept his grudges until now?

"This is definitely the master of pitting Laozi!"

Everyone looked at the little bun, and at the same time such a year flashed in their minds.

Dongfang Sheng squeezed Xiao Baozi's fat little face, and said spoilingly, "You little devil, just like your mother, you really will bear grudges!"

The little bun doesn't know what it means to hold grudges, but he understands that he is like a mother. His little face suddenly raised a triumphant smile, "The baby was born to my mother, of course I am like a mother!"

"Hahaha, that's right, that's right! You were born to your mother, like your mother!" Dongfang Sheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and laughed again.

At a young age, the little guy has become everyone's joy.

Even though I don't know a lot of things yet, I've already slipped away, but it still makes everyone laugh.

Little bun is smart and cute, and has become everyone's treasure, but he can't bear to be wronged.

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