Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4824: Pit son also pit laozi 2

The little bun was not settled until after twelve o'clock. Xiao Junyan checked the time of his watch and returned to his room.

At this time, Mu Yue was already asleep in the bed.

However, when he heard the movement at the door of the room, Mu Yue opened his eyes in a daze from his sleep, "Alright?"

"Yeah! Alright!" Xiao Junyan took off his clothes, walked to the bed, lowered his head and kissed Mu Yue's forehead softly, "Sorry, I disturbed you to sleep!"

"You haven't slept until now! Nothing to disturb you! Hurry up and go to bed!" Mu Yue touched Xiao Junyan's eye bags with her tentacle and said distressedly.

Although she slept, she slept very shallowly, but Xiao Junyan was just to comfort Xiao Baozi that she hadn't slept yet.

"It's okay, you go to bed first, I'll take a bath!" Xiao Junyan held Mu Yue's delicate hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Mu Yue withdrew her hand, pulled her quilt, "I'm going to sleep first!"

"Go to sleep!" Xiao Junyan gently touched Mu Yue's forehead.

Xiao Junyan quickly went to take a bath and got into the bed, and took Mu Yue into his arms.

Mu Yue also found a comfortable seat and fell asleep again with Xiao Junyan in his arms, this time sleeping very deep.

Until morning there was a sound of door opening.

A small figure ran in through the crack in the door, ran to the bed, and got into the bed from the end of the bed.

"Little devil head!" Xiao Junyan pulled the little bun out of the bed.

Mu Yue opened his eyes, met Xiao Baozi's big dark and bright eyes, and nodded his little nose, "Little Guitou, what are you doing? Don't sleep well in the morning and run around!"

"I want to sleep with my mother!" The little bun threw into Mu Yue's arms, acting like a baby.

Xiao Junyan watched the little bun rubbing against Mu Yue's chest, his handsome face turned black for an instant, and he stretched out his big hand, "Smelly boy, quickly let go of your mother, your mother is your father and mine!"

The little bun suddenly puffed up his mouth and stared at Xiao Junyan aggrievedly, "Mom belongs to the baby!"

"You have to hug, hug your wife!" Xiao Junyan glared at the little bun.

The little bun tilted his head, "What is the wife? The baby doesn't know! The baby doesn't, the baby wants his mother!"

Xiao Junyan heard it, his face darkened.

Mu Yue couldn't help being a little funny looking at the way the father and son were getting along.

"Well, you two, father and son, get up when you have enough fun, Jun Yan, you brush your teeth and wash your face for the little bun, then go to make breakfast, I will squint for a while!" Mu Yue lay lazily on the bed, holding the quilt and said .

Your wife spoke, and Xiao Junyan naturally got up.

And now that he has gotten up, how can he let the brat stay in bed?

So, Xiao Junyan got up and took the little bun in his arms to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Although the little bun was very reluctant, he obediently let Xiao Junyan brush his teeth and wash his face, and then let his mother hug him cleanly.

Mu Yue rolled on the bed twice, stretched out, finally got up from the bed and yawned.

"Mom... Mom hugs!"

The little bun did everything well, ran to Mu Yue and hugged her.

Mu Yue touched the little bun's head, "Little bun, don't worry, mother needs to brush her teeth and wash her face first, you wait first, okay?"

"Okay!" The little bun nodded obediently, and ran to play alone.

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