Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4850: Find the door automatically 3

Everyone is a good friend, especially Yuan Xiao and the others. They all hope to cooperate with Mu Yue and participate in this charity team.

They also have shopping malls, and there are various ways to make more, and now they are all willing to donate the food materials that were wasted to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue also asked them to cooperate with people in their own company. Now they have not really developed due to the venue. Therefore, those ingredients that can be delivered are delivered first, and those from other regions will be delivered in the same way as before. deal with.

"This is not a good job, and it will cost a lot of money, what are you going to do?" Yuan Xiao still asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, "Actually, it doesn't cost much, really! The money you mentioned is the venues, cars, etc., but these are not one-offs, and then the personnel, personnel, except for the main ones. Apart from the employees, everyone else belongs to volunteers. I have already signed a cooperation contract with the Red Cross for this matter, and they will send people to help! So, in fact, it is not a big expense!"

"That's really true! After all, there are a lot of salary payments!" Mu Zhitong nodded in agreement.

An Ziyun licked her lips and asked curiously, "Then who will cook the dishes? Should the volunteers also be used?"

Mu Yue rolled his eyes and explained with a smile, "How is it possible? They cook badly, but it will affect the diners. Therefore, I will let the students of the chef school I established do it! You can also let them learn more about cooking. art!"

"So it is!"

Everyone suddenly realized that this indeed solved the chef's difficulties.

"Hehe, after all, I will work in a medicated diet restaurant in the future. What they make should belong to medicated diet?" Yuan Xiao asked Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Well, I might let a big chef from the local medicinal restaurant take time to follow up. If they are there, it is better to arrange meals and exercise them!"

"You really deserve to be Grande!" Mu Zhitong pouted and said.

Su Yunxi nodded, "Vampire!"

Mu Yue rolled her eyes, "Come on, these are all they want, and I am very aware of it. This is a voluntary activity and there is no salary!"

"Cut!" Everyone gave Mu Yue a middle finger, but they also secretly praised Mu Yue, whether it was Mu Yue or the cooks who were willing to be.

"It seems that you have already thought about it, there is nothing else you need to help!" Yuan Xiao laughed and said, "I wanted to help you!"

Mu Yue faintly fainted, comforting everyone, "Don't worry, even if there are not enough people, I am not planning to cooperate with the university. Doesn't our university have a volunteer association? Let those students help, they are all young people. The strong one is the most suitable!"

Everyone once again gave a thumbs up to Mu Yue, expressing compliments.

"This is indeed a good idea, and the school volunteer associations are also doing real things!"

"They help others to help, and to help you is to help, they are all doing volunteer work!"

"You can discuss with the school leader!"

"Hmm, with school arrangements, it would be better!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "That's what I planned! I'll see you when I'm free!"

"It seems that you have arranged everything and we don't need to help you anymore! If you have any needs, just tell us!"

Now they all understand that Mu Yue has already thought about it very comprehensively, and they don't need to worry about it.

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