With Yan Xu's joining, Mu Yue's job became a little easier, and he didn't go to the school's leader, let alone the school's principal.

Mu Yue continued to work as a hand shaker, and asked Yan Xu to go to the principal by herself, while she was happy to be free.

Although Mu Yue didn't find herself personally, Yan Xu explained it well and reported on the charity activities.

Hearing Yan Xu’s report, the principal nodded with satisfaction, “If you are doing a good job, you should take the initiative. If you wait for Mu Yue to come by yourself, then we will be at a disadvantage. We come to the door by ourselves, not others come to us!"

Although Mu Yue didn't know when she came to find herself, she was still very satisfied with what Yan Xu said.

Doing good deeds by yourself is the real warmth and affection for others, especially for Mu Yue.

Mu Yue absolutely unknowingly kicked out another big event, even the principal of him admired it very much.

Yan Xu nodded and said solemnly, "Yes, so, Mu Dong will leave this matter to me!"

"Well, it seems that Mu Yue values ​​you very much, not bad, not bad!" The principal nodded with emotion.

Yan Xu blushed and scratched his head, a little embarrassed to be praised by the principal.

"Work well under Mu Yue, your future will be limitless in the future, and you must also do a good job of charity, and do it sincerely!" The principal said to Yan Xu seriously.

Although it was just a simple charity, being able to be valued by Mu Yue means that Yan Xu is still very good.

Yan Xu nodded solemnly, "Good principal, I will, then I will go and make arrangements now!"

"Well, let's go, arrange this! When it's done, I will give you a credit too!" The principal waved his hand and said.

Yan Xu thanked the principal, and then left the principal's office to arrange the matter.

In order to implement this work as soon as possible, Yan Xu asked all the volunteers from the association to gather in the conference room before meeting the principal.

After meeting the principal, Yan Xu came to the conference room and started a meeting with everyone about participating in Mu Yue's charity event.

This incident has already caused a lot of trouble in the city, no, it is a national sensation.

Every student present, every officer in the association knew it clearly, and many wanted to join.

When the students in the conference room heard what Yan Xu said, they were all very excited.

After getting their own arrangements, they all went down to do their own things.

Even if you are not a student of the Volunteer Association, you can join as long as you want to join.

The announcement was quickly posted in the most conspicuous window of the school to ensure that everyone could see it, and an announcement was issued to each class.

In one day, every college student in the entire Beijing University knew about this.

Those who were willing to go to the registration office of the Volunteer Association to report, the scene was very lively.

Everyone wants to be able to participate in this activity and do their part.

Even if Mu Yue heard it afterwards, she was shocked.

I am even more emotional, there are still many people in this world!

And this news is like a tornado, sweeping the entire teaching school district, and other schools have also heard the wind of Beijing University.

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