Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 802: Hades wants to receive 4

In fact, not long after Chu Muyue and the others left, the ambulance arrived.

The doctor who got in and out of the ambulance squatted down and checked the old man. He said to the middle-aged women, "The old man has acute cerebral congestion. It's a bit late, so prepare yourself!"

"Ah!" When the passers-by heard the doctor's words, their eyes widened in surprise. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

"It's really acute cerebral congestion!"

"Isn't that just saying that what the girl said just now is true?"

"Hey, the girl is kind to save people, this mother and daughter don't appreciate it!"

"Now it seems to be really bad, maybe that little girl is here, this old man can live!"

"This is really the king of Hades who wants you to die at three watchdogs. Who dares to keep you until the five watchdogs! Hit the calamity, you can't cross it!"

"Tsk tusk tusk! This mother and daughter really killed an old man!"

Passers-by looked at the middle-aged woman and her daughter, shaking their heads and sighing.

The middle-aged woman was also dumbfounded, her eyes widened, she didn't expect that Chu Muyue actually had a way?

Although Chu Muyue had no cure, but since she said there was a way at that time, she could have a way, but now...

The girl beside her stared in surprise when she heard this. Then she stomped her feet bitterly and gritted her teeth, "I called her just now, but I didn't even listen to me. If she were here, It will definitely be saved! This **** can't be saved! How can this be done!"

When the emergency doctor heard the passer-by, he was shocked, "Someone saw the patient? Why can't it be saved!"

"I was driven away by their mother and daughter!"

"Yes, I see it clearly that you are going to kill this old man and try to seize the family property!"

"Hey, girl, how do you say this!"

"Cut! I can't save you from death, I don't know who it is!"

"People really want to save your grandfather, but you don't appreciate it!"

"That's it, he still scolds people for being cheap, whoever hears it, who wants to save it!"

The girl's words made the passersby gloat, mocking and contempt in their eyes. This is what they did themselves, don't blame the girl.

Other girls do good deeds, but you refuse to let them and insult them. Isn't this what it means to seek death by yourself?

The ambulance staff carried the old man lying on the ground into the ambulance, and the middle-aged woman and her daughter left the door of the vegetable market in a daze.

"Hey, let's go!"

"This mother and daughter, they are really weird, obviously they don't let the family rule by themselves, and they blamed all the responsibilities on her!"

"Who says no, it's not a good-hearted person, and even scolding that girl, I deserve it if I can't be treated!"

"Oh, people's hearts are not old! Walk around, go home!"

As the ambulance left, all passers-by watching the excitement all scattered and went to do their own thing.

After that, everyone didn't even know that there was a big fight in the hospital.

The reason was nothing else, it was because the old man died on the way to the hospital, and died before he could get into the emergency room.

This pair of mother and daughter directly pushed the responsibility to the hospital and did not rush to the elderly's side in time. It is even more to blame that the emergency doctor did not treat the elderly in time, which caused the elderly to die on the road.

But inside the villa, it was warm, Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan joined hands to make a sumptuous and delicious dinner.

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