Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 827: To return to the other body 1

Soon, another news came out from the school.

This time, I also named Liu Qingyue, and directly pointed out Liu Qingyue. He didn't allow the passing doctors to give first aid. Instead, he watched his grandfather die on the road. Passers-by couldn't see it and called an ambulance. But in the end, the hospital didn't have any He died immediately after sending it.

There is also a bit more outrageous, that is, Liu Qingyue killed her grandfather, which is definitely more vicious than not being saved.

Killing his own grandfather, hehe, no one is probably willing to be friends with her, and the classmates in the class dare not get close to Liu Qingyue.

People who even dared to do something with their own grandfather are so cold-blooded and ruthless, they don't want to die so miserably.

However, what was even more crazy was that Liu Qingyue couldn't help her grandfather.

This has also been seen by some people passing by the vegetable market. It is absolutely true.

In an instant, the limelight turned sharply and aimed at Liu Qingyue.

Liu Qingyue only felt that her head was getting bigger with anger, and she was even more resentful in her heart.

"How could this happen! How could this happen!" Liu Qingyue threw her book angrily, cursing in her mouth.

Looking at Liu Qingyue's angry look, the classmates in the class didn't dare to approach each other. Several people gathered in a group and pointed.

Only Chu Muyue ignored those pointers.

And what about Liu Qingyue?

But he was furious, after all, this matter was fake.

She is not that kind of person, this thing is not like this at all.

Liu Qingyue turned to look at the classmates in the class, and shouted angrily, "It's not like this, they are talking nonsense!"

"Cut! Who knows!"

"That's right, it's pretty straightforward!"

Some students pouted and expressed disbelief.

Liu Qingyue's eyes were red and angry, "It was Chu Muyue who framed me, she framed me, and she herself did not save my grandfather. If it weren't for her, my grandfather would not die!"

"Ha!" Hearing Liu Qingyue's words, all the students suddenly laughed.

Since every class was preaching about Chu Muyue, she laughed when Liu Qingyue said the name Chu Muyue.

"Liu Qingyue, do you want to show your face!"

"That is, will your grandfather die? What's the matter with Chu Muyue?"

"That's right, isn't your hatred transfer a bit too much!"

"Cut, why do I still think about it? I can see that you did not save your grandfather, and you pour the accusation on Chu Muyue!"

"Don't look at how old Chu Muyue is now, can he save people? If she can put your grandfather to death, I will thank God!"

"Damn, I said Chu Muyue sells dog skin plasters. Chu Muyue has a good heart. At least she knows that she can do what she can. If you can't cure it, your grandpa won't be treated. Maybe she thinks she should ask a doctor to help. She did it. On the contrary, it will harm your grandfather!"

"I didn't expect it, I don't know good people!"

Although everyone doesn't know whether Chu Muyue knows how to heal, is it really selling any dog ​​skin plasters, but at least, this matter has nothing to do with Chu Muyue?

Listen! Listening to what Liu Qingyue said, it seemed as if Chu Muyue had saved her, and her grandfather would be able to live.

They didn't think that Chu Muyue, a 16 or 17-year-old girl, could save Liu Qingyue's grandfather.

Those classmates who had originally said bad things about Chu Muyue also kept silent, especially those from Liu Qingyue's class.


I'm so busy, because I had to change the title of the book because of the anti-pornography!

And now the old text is somehow banned, and more than three million words need to be checked, indicating that the author wants to hit the wall!

The update of new articles will decrease, but at least 6,000 words are updated every day!

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