Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 854: Mischievous Ye Chu Duo 2

Chu Zhiming went to work early the next morning.

For Chu Zhiming, the National Day holiday did not exist, and he went to work early.

Xiao Junyan came to Chu Muyue's house early in the morning and had breakfast at Chu's house.

When Chu Muyue saw Xiao Junyan cleaning the dining table carefully, a playful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Senior Brother Xiao, have you thought about how to compensate me?" Chu Muyue asked Xiao Junyan with a tone of expectation.

Hearing Chu Muyue's question, Xiao Junyan took a meal, and then nodded, "Hmm!"

"Huh?" Seeing Xiao Junyan nodded, Chu Muyue couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Chu Muyue really didn't expect that, one night, Xiao Junyan actually thought of how to make up for it.

"Then how are you going to compensate me?" Chu Muyue directly forgot to tidy up the table, and asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

Xiao Junyan looked up at Chu Muyue, then looked down at the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and said, "Clean up, here you are!"

Chu Muyue only felt a little ticklish, this man was so disgusting that he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Hum, she was sold off. If this compensation doesn't satisfy her, then she is dead.

The two quickly cleaned and washed all the dishes and chopsticks on the table.

After wiping the water stains on his hands, Chu Muyue couldn't wait to reach out her hand curiously, "Brother Xiao, how about compensation?"

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue with expectant eyes, stretched out her small hand, a touch of tenderness flashed in her eyes, raised her hand, the big hand held Chu Muyue's small hand, pulled her out of the hall, and sat on the sofa. .

Chu Muyue let Xiao Junyan press herself on the sofa and looked at him curiously.

Xiao Junyan took out a small black man from his pocket, only as big as a baby's slap, and handed it to Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue looked at Xiao Junyan suspiciously, and then at the kid who looked at this one, and couldn't help thinking in her heart, shouldn't it be a ring?

It's no wonder that Chu Muyue thought so, after all, this box also happened to contain that kind of ring.

"What's inside?" Chu Muyue didn't open it, but asked Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan's eyes fixedly looked at Chu Muyue, "Open it!"

Someone's uncooperative answer made Chu Muyue very dissatisfied, but she still took the small box that Xiao Junyan handed over.

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue holding the box, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Chu Muyue opened the box and saw that inside the box, instead of a ring, but a brown pill lay.

"This...this is?" Chu Muyue looked at the pills in the box and looked up at Xiao Junyan again, her eyes full of perplexity and doubt.

Xiao Junyan explained in a gentle voice, "This is the detoxification pill that the master gave me. It is made from a lot of precious medicinal materials. If you eat this detoxification pill, you will be able to avoid poisoning in the future."

Upon hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Chu Muyue's face showed a look of surprise, "Detoxification Pill?"

She has seen some formulas and effects of this detoxification pills in the space and in some books.

Indeed, as Xiao Junyan said, it can cure hundreds of poisons, even if you drink Crane Dinghong, you can save half your life, which shows the magic of this detoxification pill.

However, Chu Muyue had read the formulas recorded in the books. Most of the medicinal materials in those prescriptions have been extinct.

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