Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 859: Hospital consultation meeting acquaintances 4

Chu Muyue gave the old village chief acupuncture, and the old village chief smiled and said, "Mu Yue has also become a little goddess doctor, my old man is really happy for you!"

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "Grandpa Liu, don't worry, as long as I am here, you will be able to live a long life!"

"Hahaha...Good, good!" The old village chief felt more relaxed, muttering in his mouth for Chu Muyue's embarrassment, "Such a good boy, the Chu family is going to be so ruined, and it is indeed God's retribution. If you know your medical skills, the intestines you will regret will be cleared!"

When the old village chief talked about the Chu family, Chu Muyue's brows wrinkled slightly, and even Xiao Junyan, who had been silent on the side, turned colder.

Chu Muyue hadn't paid attention to the affairs of the Chu family for a long time, let alone what they were doing now.

The only person in contact is the aunt's family.

"That's right, I heard that old lady Chu's legs are broken and she can't get up at all. Hey, I don't know if they know your medical skills are so good, will they come to you!" Liu Feng heard his grandfather's words , He said with a smile, "They dared to despise you at the beginning, now let them kneel in front of you to confess!"

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about!" The old village chief turned his head and stared at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng is not afraid of his grandfather's eyes at all, "I'm right again!"

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "I have seen her legs. If they are younger, I can save them. However, if they are too old, the bones of the legs are already aging, and I can't cure them!"

Liang Fuhe sat drinking tea. He didn't know about Chu Muyue, but he knew something from these people.

But I just thought that the Chu family disliked Chu Muyue as a girl, so they didn't like her, not because Chu Muyue was adopted outside by Chu Zhiming.

He just sighed in his heart, the patriarchal thought was too much in his eyes, think about whether he had this kind of thought before? If there is, he has to give up this idea as soon as possible.

Naturally, Chu Muyue didn't know, Liang Fu He Naodong, who was sitting on the side and saying nothing, was already thinking about it crookedly.

"Hey, what if it is impossible to treat! If you let them know, you are now a little goddess doctor in the First Hospital, I don't know what they think!" Liu Feng smiled triumphantly.

Chu Muyue was silent for a moment and asked, "Are they still living in the village?"

"It's here!" The old village chief waved his hand and said, "However, they also moved around. Several children were disgusted with them. Later, Old Man Chu seemed to fall out with them, alone. After moving back to live, the old lady Chu doesn't know where she moved. Anyway, I didn't ask, she should still be with her children!"

However, he thought, it must have been a bad life, otherwise how could Old Man Chu come back, and Old Lady Chu did not dare to come back, because he was afraid that Old Man Chu would be starved to death if he could not take care of her.

They don't ask too much about this kind of thing, and even if they ask, they won't talk about it.

Now the whole Chu family has a bad impression in the village, and no one wants to help them.

Chu Zhiming had cut off contact with them. Even if Chu Zhiming wanted to take care of them, these two old guys had no face to let him take care of them. After all, there was still a Chu Muyue at home!

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