Duan Wenhao drove his car, brought his wife to the villa, and hurriedly pressed the doorbell.

Chu Muyue, who accompanied the elderly to chatter, watched Peking Opera on TV, heard the ringing outside, got up and said, "Maybe your son is here, I'll open the door!"

"The mouse is here!" The old man was overjoyed when he heard his son was coming.

Chu Muyue opened the door of the villa and saw a middle-aged couple standing outside with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Are you Duan Wenhao Mr. Duan?" Chu Muyue looked at Duan Wenhao in front of him. Although he was sure in his heart, he still asked.

Duan Wenhao nodded, "Yes, I...Is my father here with you?"

"Yes, please come in!" Chu Muyue nodded, and stepped aside, letting Duan Wenhao and his wife go into the villa.

When Duan Wenhao and his wife walked to the door, they saw the old man walking out tremblingly.

"Dad!" Seeing the old man, Duan Wenhao and his wife both yelled.

When the old man saw his son and daughter-in-law, there were tears on his face, "Huh!"

"Dad, why did you come out alone!" Duan Wenhao walked up quickly, supported the old man, and asked concerned, "If you want to come out, you can ask the village chief to call me so I can pick it up. You!"

"I don't want to bother you, after all, you still have to work!" The old man sighed deeply and explained.

"Dad, how do you say it is troublesome? We are not free. We can ask Tianyu to pick you up. If you come out, we are all worried to death!" Duan Mu said with a worried expression.

A gratified smile appeared on the old face of the old man, "Isn't this afraid to trouble you, I am not a child, and it is not the first time to go out, but I did not expect that I was cheated this time!"

"How could I be deceived!" Duan Wenhao asked angrily after listening.

The old man told Duan Wenhao about his own affairs, "I went to the police station later, but the police saw me as an old man and kicked me out without saying anything! No way, I can only be alone. Wandering outside!"

"Which police station is it!" Hearing the words of the old man, Duan Wenhao's face showed an expression of anger, and he thought to himself that the people below should be cleaned up.

Not only will those swindlers not be caught, but the elderly who are in difficulty will be pushed out. Are they still public servants of the people?

"Oh, forget it, it's over anyway! Just forget it!" The old man waved his hand and said with a smile. I have money, but I fainted after being hungry for a few days. It was the little girl who brought me back to her house, took care of me carefully, and helped me find you. If it weren’t for her, I don’t know when I would see you. How about you!"

Chu Muyue walked out from the kitchen squatting with two cups of tea, and placed it on the coffee table.

Hearing the old man's gratitude and praise, Chu Muyue smiled and said, "This is what I should!"

Duan Wenhao stood up directly from the sofa and bowed deeply to Chu Muyue, "Thank you for saving my father!"

"No thanks, as long as your family is reunited!" Chu Muyue watched the father and son sitting together, with red eyes.

I don't know when she will be able to reunite with her parents and family!

Because she also knows how much torture her soul is to find her relatives.

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