Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 950: Tell Chu Zhiming 3 (40 more)

Chu Muyue took Chu Zhiming to the medicated food restaurant and met Ling Hong, An Qing and Qin Shaoyang.

When I walked out of the office, I saw a big man sitting on a rock outside, smoking a cigarette. I looked up and saw Chu Muyue and Chu Zhiming coming out from inside. They quickly threw away the cigarettes in their hands. Walked over.

"Old Geng!" Chu Zhiming smiled when he saw Geng Liangfei approaching, and greeted him.

As soon as Geng Liangfei came over, he complained, "You are still not a brother, and you don't even tell me that your daughter has opened such a security company. I recommend you to come in!"

Chu Zhiming was also very helpless and depressed, he really didn't mean it! He also didn't know about this!

"I really don't know about this!" Chu Zhiming sighed innocently, "Mu Yue didn't tell me this girl!"

Chu Muyue stood up and explained to Chu Zhiming, "Uncle Geng, you really blamed my dad for this matter. My dad really didn't know this matter. I kept it from him from beginning to end! "

"Is this girl Mu Yue? I haven't seen it for more than ten years, she looks so beautiful! What a female eighteen change!" Geng Liangfei looked at Chu Muyue's eyes, that was a surprise!

He didn't expect that Chu Muyue could start such a company.

I don't know where her money came from, and she seems to be only a teenager! He can start a company at such a young age, he really has to admire it!

Everyone has opportunities, but not everyone can seize these opportunities.

Chu Muyue smiled at Geng Liangfei and said, "Dad said, you have been to our house before, but I was too young at that time, and I don't remember Uncle Geng very deeply!"

"Yeah, at that time, you were only five or six years old, and you always hid in the room, you probably don't remember me anymore!" Geng Liangfei said from Haha University.

Geng Liangfei's words made Chu Muyue blush, but she was also lifeless.

Xiao Junyan turned to look at Chu Muyue's blushing appearance, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a gentle smile, unexpectedly, she could blush because of what Geng Liangfei said.

Chu Muyue coughed and quickly changed the subject and said, "Uncle Geng, I'm going to take my dad to where I live now. When I have time, I will invite you to dinner again!"

When Uncle Geng was able to help his father when he was in trouble, he helped find a job, which represented that his character was good and he was worthy of socializing.

"Oh, well, go!" Geng Liangfei nodded and said, "Your dad came to Linshi to work for you, but I didn't expect you to start a company here. This fate is really... strange! "

"Yes!" Chu Muyue nodded in agreement.

This fate is indeed quite strange.

Chu Zhiming and Geng Liangfei said goodbye, and then they got on Xiao Junyan's off-road vehicle.

Now, Chu Muyue is going to take Chu Zhiming to the medicated restaurant for dinner, and by the way, let Anqing and the others come over and get together.

Because I couldn't tell Chu Zhiming, I didn't introduce them to his father.

Now that he had disclosed his identity, Chu Muyue felt that it was better to let them meet.

In order to prevent things like today from happening, Chu Zhiming came to Qin Shaoyang and didn't recognize him. He was Chu Muyue's father, and then the two recognized each other in front of so many people.

Thinking about it, Chu Muyue felt dumbfounded.

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