Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 955: Yuan Xiao's Invitation 3

Xiao Junyan escorted Chu Muyue back to school, but the car stopped in the old place.

"Brother Xiao, did you live in the military area during your work?" Chu Muyue asked Xiao Junyan with concern.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Hmm!"

Chu Muyue asked in embarrassment and worry, "My dad lives with you, will you bother?"

"It's okay!" Xiao Junyan shook his head, lowered his head to help Chu Muyue's seat belt untie, looked up at her, "I'll pick you up on Friday!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded lightly, and said, "When you let Ye Tianming have time, go see my dad and ask my dad if he can help! I guess my dad won't find it now. I!"

After all, Chu Zhiming was a father, so he couldn't recover from using his daughter's money for a while, and only felt a little shocked.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, escorted Chu Muyu out of the car, and then watched her go to school.

Chu Muyue came to the school and went back to the bedroom first.

Because Chu Zhiming was worried, Chu Muyue came back late this week, and Mu Zhitong and the others were no longer in the dormitory.

After putting things away, Chu Muyue went to the classroom, but halfway through, she ran into Yuan Xiao who was also coming out of the dormitory.

Yuan Xiao was a little surprised to see Chu Muyue also came out of the dormitory.

Because he usually handles company affairs, he comes back to school later, so he almost never walks with the people in his dormitory. Every time he goes back to the dormitory, he is the only one.

"Mu Yue, why are you so late today?" Yuan Xiao walked to Chu Muyue's front and asked curiously and surprised.

Chu Muyue shrugged and said, "My dad is here in Linshi!"

"Your father came to Linshi?" Yuan Xiao was taken aback and nodded, "Then you should have been with Uncle Chu for the past two days. Uncle Chu has gone back?"

Chu Muyue thought for a while, shook her head and said, "My dad was fired from the company and happened to be recruited by my company. When I went to see the company, I met my dad. Then, my dad even knew who I was!"

Originally, I didn't want to tell Yuan Xiao, but thinking of the relationship between the Yuan family and the Zhang family, it's better to remind Yuan Xiao first.

She wants to act on the Zhang family, which may affect the Yuan family.

Yuan Xiao was taken aback, looked at Chu Muyue in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "You said, your dad knew about your company? But how could your dad get fired? What's the matter? "

He also knew that Chu Muyue had not told Chu Zhiming about starting the company, so he was surprised to hear what Chu Muyue said.

Chu Muyue nodded helplessly, looked at Yuan Xiao and said, "It's not something you did. The Zhang family found my dad's company!"

When Yuan Xiao heard this, his footsteps were a stop, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and his tone became a little cold, "Zhang Zihan did it?"

He didn't expect that because of his affairs, Chu Muyue would be burdened with so many things, and he even lost Uncle Chu's job.

He used to look at his grandfather's face, but now, he felt that his previous handling attitude made Zhang Zihan even more arrogant.

This time, regardless of whether Grandpa agreed or not, he would never show mercy to Zhang's subordinates.

"Yeah! I'm going to do something with the Zhang Family, but I don't know if your Yuan Family is cooperating with them?" Chu Muyue nodded and asked Yuan Xiao.

When she thought of Zhang Zihan's actions, she felt an anger in her heart, wanting to avenge the Zhang family and get them punished.

However, seeing Yuan Xiao now, thinking of his help to himself, first suppressed the anger in his heart.

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