Chu Muyue came to the elder's villa, and after Xiao Junyan sent him to him, he drove away.

Yuan Xiaoxiao looked at the back of the car leaving, turned his head to look at Chu Muyue, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Your Senior Brother Xiao is really worried about you!"

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes at Yuan Xiao and said, "Hurry in!"

"Okay!" Yuan Xiao smiled softly and led Chu Muyue into the villa.

The villa the Yuan family lives in is in a rich villa area. The villas inside are all a courtyard and a courtyard. It is a bit far away, but it is relatively independent. The construction and decoration are gorgeous, but the surroundings are indispensable.的景物.

"Pretty sister, you are finally here!" As soon as Yuan Ning saw Chu Muyue enter the villa, she threw up excitedly, "Grandpa said you will come today, and I am worried that you will not come!"

Chu Muyue laughed, touched Yuan Ning's head, and said, "Xiao Ning wants me to come so much, so how can I not come? You can't help Xiao Ning without giving face to anyone!"

When Yuan Ning heard Chu Muyue's words, her little face smiled.

The elder laughed and stood up from the sofa, and said, "Mu Yue, you have finally come, I thought you were not coming!"

"Elder, am I here? I still have to go to school!" Chu Muyue laughed and explained to herself, "Furthermore, I also came with Yuan Xiao. When Yuan Xiao came, I would naturally coming!"

"You girl!" The elder smiled and waved to Chu Muyue, "Come and sit down, you have been in Linshi for so long, and you haven't come to my old man once, do you dislike my old man?"

"How come?" Chu Muyue smiled and took Yuan Ning's hand, came to the sofa and sat down.

After Yuan Xiao ordered people to bring tea up, he also came to sit on the side of the sofa, "Mu Yue is very busy, where is she like your old man, she has nothing to do every day, walk the birds at home, and play chess!"

When the senator heard that his grandson had dismantled his own stage, he was a little beard and stared, "What's wrong with walking the bird and playing chess? That's also a thing!"

"Yes, yes!" Yuan Xiao nodded, "However, Mu Yue is also very busy. You don't know that Mu Yue is still busy with company affairs, and you have to take a day to go to the doctor. He is busier than I am!"

The elder sighed, looked at Chu Muyue, and said, "Mu Yue, you are also busy every day. Don't let yourself rest. Although young people have to work hard, they still have to rest!"

Chu Muyue smiled slightly, and a warm current flowed through her heart for the elder's concern, "Fortunately, there is no time to go out to play, there is usually rest time!"

She is now in a state of throwing hands away. She is just giving the main direction of development and letting the following Qin Shaoyang and the others go to work, so she doesn't have so many things.

"The young people are different. We used to be the same as you. However, there is no achievement as a girl like you. At a young age, there are already several companies!" The veteran said with a laugh.

Chu Muyu touched her nose a little sullenly, "Elder, you are too modest. I have just caught up with the era of development. Moreover, without your financial help, I wouldn't have what I have now. achievement!"

"That's what you deserve. Grandpa spent so much money for me, but it's still not as effective as you!" Yuan Xiao laughed and said gratefully.

"Yes!" The elder nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "It really seems to be thanks to..."

"Ding Dong..."

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