Elder Zhang looked at Chu Muyue, pretending to be a stranger, and asked, "Lao Yuan, which girl is this, she looks so beautiful!"

Zhang Zihan, who was accompanying Mr. Zhang, kept his head down and stood behind Mr. Zhang.

She was forcibly pulled over by her grandfather. Today, she is asked to apologize to Chu Muyue, otherwise she will not recognize her as a granddaughter.

There was no other way, Zhang Zihan could only follow, and it was rare to come here without raising his head to look at Yuan Xiao. He kept his head down all the time.

But when he heard Mr. Zhang praise Chu Muyue, how angry he was being picked up!

But no matter how dissatisfied and angry she was, she did not dare to say a word.

Yuan Xiao sneered in his heart, and rushed to introduce him in front of the elder, without revealing the other identities, "She's Chu Muyue, one of my classmates!"

He wanted to see how this old fellow could talk about other things with a shame.

"Yes, I'm just a classmate of Yuan Xiao, just come to discuss and study!" Chu Muyue also smiled and said lightly.

Chu Muyue sneered in her heart when she heard the words of Old Man Zhang that seemed to be very familiar with her.

If it hadn't been for Yuan Xiao to tell her, Grandpa Zhang should have investigated her, maybe she really thought that Grandpa didn't know her!

Moreover, it is very likely that Mr. Zhang came for her today.

The smile on Elder Zhang's face was a little stiff, and he did not expect that the person who introduced Chu Muyue was Yuan Xiao, not the elder.

Moreover, Chu Muyue actually said that she was only here to discuss and study with Yuan Xiao, which made him wonder what to say next.

After all, sometimes speaking is the same as going down the stairs, without topic introduction, how can you go on talking?

"Ha ha ha, isn't it? It turned out to be Yuan Xiao’s classmate!" Old man Zhang smiled awkwardly and nodded and said, "I heard that Linshi No. 1 Middle School is a gathering place for talented men and women, and the girl can go in. Not bad too!"

A sneer flashed across Chu Muyue's eyes, and said faintly, "Where, no matter how good the place is, there are still some shadows. There are some who are admitted in Linshi No. 1 Middle School and some who buy points. In fact, it is nothing. !"

The meaning of this sentence is insinuation, Zhang Zihan is also a student of Linshi No. 1 Middle School, but she didn't pass the exam, but bought the scores.

Hearing these words, the old fox Zhang, who has been in the mall, couldn't understand the meaning of these words, and even Zhang Zihan behind him understood.

After all, Chu Muyue was talking about her. She also knew her achievements, so she quickly thought of herself.

"Chu Muyue, you slut, what are you talking about!" Zhang Zihan only felt an evil fire rushing to the top of his head, and pointed his slender fingers at Chu Muyue's, shouting angrily.

Hearing Zhang Zihan's scolding, Mr. Zhang only felt his heart chuckle, turned his head and stared at Zhang Zihan fiercely, yelling, "Shut up, there is no place for you to speak!"

Originally, Mr. Zhang didn't want to treat his granddaughter like this.

However, after investigating Chu Muyue during this period of time, he found that the more he investigated, the more frightened he became. He finally understood why his family ended up like this.

Although she didn't investigate Chu Muyue's life experience, she couldn't explain some things.

Investigating the unexplainable things, but no matter how they can not continue, as if there is a force blocking him, which made him even more frightened.

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