Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 972: Xiao Junyan outside the villa 2

The veteran and Yuan Xiao are naturally aware of the fact that Chu Muyue has established a dream cosmetics company.

However, the factory of Dream Cosmetics Company is still under construction, so the veterans did not care.

But I didn't expect that Chu Muyue's speed would be so fast, and it would be able to flow to the market early next year.

"Well, you can discuss this matter with Xiaoer!" The elder nodded and said with a smile, "You are a doctor with superb Chinese medicine skills. I believe the skin care products you have developed are also good!"

The medicated food restaurant is the best example. Chu Muyue uses traditional Chinese medicine to cook, and the medicinal food that Chu Muyue cooks is good in terms of taste and effect.

Moreover, Chu Muyue also cured Yuan Xiao's legs, but even an international doctor of Western medicine couldn't heal it! She was cured.

Therefore, the elders even believed that as long as the skin care products developed by Chu Muyue, they must be the best!

Yuan Xiao nodded and said with a smile, "Well, I will let someone arrange this!"

"Don't worry, it's still early, what's the matter, it's time for the New Year!" Chu Muyue laughed and said comfortingly.

"It's okay!" Yuan Xiao smiled and shook his head, "I have to ask the people below to prepare an advertisement for you, and I can help you promote it!"

Chu Muyue's eyes lit up when she heard Yuan Xiao's advertisement. She looked at Yuan Xiao and said, "I remember you still have an entertainment company under your control?"

Yuan Xiao nodded, "Is there an entertainment company, why? Do you want a celebrity to speak for you?"

Chu Muyue touched her chin, and said, "I will have a very high-end skin care product in me. In fact, it can also be said to be a medicine!"

"What?" Listening to Chu Muyue's somewhat ambiguous words made Yuan Xiao curious and asked.

"Well, this is a medicine that can remove scars. No matter how big the scar is, after using this skin care product, it will be able to remove the scars as soon as one week and one month at the slowest!" Chu Muyue smiled and said.

"I understand what you mean. I will help you find stars with scars on their bodies. The famous ones are the best, right?" Yuan Xiao smiled, knowing Chu Muyue's purpose very well.

Chu Muyue nodded, looked at each other with Yuan Xiao, and laughed, "Well, I am really not sure about the star! So I rely on you!"

She can also find it, but the price will be much lower than asking Yuan Xiao to find it.

Sometimes money is saved like this.

She has a lot of money now, but she can use it not a lot. After all, the construction site still needs to be built, and various expenses are being spent every day.

It can be said that the only thing that can make money is the medicated food restaurant. The income of the two medicated food restaurants is still very difficult to support the construction of that site.

"Okay, rest assured, I won't let you down!" Yuan Xiao nodded, taking this matter to heart, "however, how much do you need for this medicine bottle?"

Chu Muyue touched her nose and said, "The price is temporarily priced at 500,000 a box, um, a box is only 100 milliliters!"

"Puff!" Hearing Chu Muyue's quotation, the veteran who was drinking tea suddenly squirted out the tea.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Ning asked carelessly as she watched the elder slobber.

The elder patted his chest and coughed, trying to calm his mood.

His old man was completely shocked by the price Chu Muyue offered, 500,000 yuan for 100 ml!

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