Because there are a lot of high school courses, this mid-term exam is almost a week without classes.

After the exam, it's time for school to end on Friday.

Before the exam, Yuan Xiao told her that Zhang Zihan and Mu Xueqing did not come to school on Monday, and they had been transferred away by Mr. Zhang.

Chu Muyue didn't care about Zhang Zihan and Mu Xueqing whether they turned away or not, but just expressed understanding.

Although the Yuan family and the Zhang family signed a contract to dissolve their cooperation, they could not be withdrawn right away. They still need to make some handovers. It will take a while for Chu Muyue to act on the Zhang family.

After finishing the exam, Chu Muyue relaxed back to the old place, Xiao Junyan had already parked the car and waited for her.

"Exam, are you tired?" Xiao Junyan asked with concern after taking the schoolbag on Chu Muyue's shoulder.

Chu Muyue smiled and patted herself on the shoulder, "If I hadn't followed the master, I would definitely be tired, but not tired!"

"Go back and rest!" Xiao Junyan said with concern.

Chu Muyue shook her head and said with a sigh, "I want to go to the medicinal restaurant again!"

Xiao Junyan frowned slightly, watching Chu Muyue's eyes full of concern, "Okay! Rest after I go back!"

He knew that the things that Chu Muyue decided could not be changed.

If possible, he only hoped that Chu Muyue could be a little more relaxed and happy, he just wanted to spoil her.

However, he also knew that it must be Chu Muyue who knew his identity and wanted to be qualified to stand with him based on her own ability.

He doesn't care, but Chu Muyue cares, so she is so desperate.

However, what Xiao Junyan didn't know was that before Chu Muyue knew her own life experience, maybe she worked hard to match him.

But after knowing my own life experience, thinking of my parents and family, I am more determined to make myself strong. Only when I become strong can I deal with my mother's family and seek justice for my parents.

"Okay!" Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, "Anyway, Dad didn't come back so early, let's go to the medicinal restaurant first, and then go home!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and led Chu Muyue to the medicinal restaurant.

When he arrived at the medicinal food restaurant and handled the affairs of the medicinal food restaurant, Xiao Junyan was accompanied by him.

Ling Hong was no stranger to Xiao Junyan's company. He just sighed in his heart, alas, if I were Miss Chu and Mr. Xiao accompanied me like this, I would be determined!

Every week, almost without exception, she took Chu Muyue to and from her. Even if she was busy all day, she didn't say a word, and she took care of her.

After a long time, he was either serving tea or water, or snacks and nuts. With such a thorough care, even he was embarrassed.

He said that as a man, he never knew he could take care of his girlfriend in this way.

It was already in the winter, and it was getting dark and dark, so Chu Muyue processed some documents.

Chu Muyue closed the document, pressed her somewhat sour neck, and said to Ling Hong, "I have read it. It took a lot of money to buy the real estate for Run, and all the money earned by the medicinal restaurant recently was adjusted first. When you go to the construction site, you can't let the workers run out of money, and it's the end of the year, and you can't owe their wages!

At the end of the next life, construction sites will be in arrears of wages, and many people will die because of these incidents.

However, since she started a real estate company, Chu Muyue would not have such a thing happen, and no one can owe a debt to those hard-working workers.

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