Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 986: Are you the owner of a medicinal restaurant? 1

On Sunday night, it was still Xiao Junyan who sent Chu Muyue back to school.

For Chu Muyue, she went to the Chinese Medicine Clinic for one day during the weekend and convulsions, and she arranged the rest of the day by herself.

To accompany Xiao Junyan on matters without a company, to go around at home or outside, is regarded as compensation for his silent company.

Since telling Xiao Junyan that she has space, she feels that the distance between the two people has also narrowed a lot.

Back in school, Chu Muyue had a bright smile on her face when she studied in the evening.

Ouyang Mengxi approached Chu Muyue's ear and asked, "Why are you so happy today?"

"It's nothing, just thought of some good things." Chu Muyue suppressed the smile on her face and waved her hand.

"What is a good thing, let's hear it!" Yan Yu turned his head and asked in a low voice with a smile.

"It's a good thing!" Yuan Xiao also turned his head, smiled and handed an invitation to Chu Muyue, and said, "My grandfather will have a birthday banquet next Saturday, don't forget it!"

Chu Muyue was taken aback, looking at the invitation that was placed in front of him, and said with some dumbfounding, "I see, this is not a good thing, but a red envelope bomb!"

"Red envelope bomb? What do you mean?" Yan Yu asked Chu Muyue curiously.

Chu Muyue smiled and reminded him, "Are you empty-handed to celebrate the old man's birthday? Isn't it what the red envelope bomb is?"

Yan Yu laughed when he heard it.

"Yan Yu!" Perhaps Yan Yuxiao's voice was a little loud, and Yu Chengwei, who was sitting on the podium, heard it and called out.

When Yan Yu heard Yu Chengwei calling himself, he immediately shrank his neck, turned around and drew back to his seat.

Seeing Yan Yu's appearance, Mu Zhitong and the others also snickered unkindly.

Chu Muyue glanced at the invitation in her hand, glanced at the content inside, and then closed it again and put it in the drawer.

Ouyang Mengxi approached Chu Muyue's ear and said with a grin, "I will go too, let's go together then!"

"Huh?" Chu Muyue was taken aback, looking at Ouyang Mengxi in surprise.

After all, this is the birthday banquet of the elders. If it is just the relationship between Yuan Xiao and Ouyang Mengxi, it should be impossible to invite her to go!

Ouyang Mengxi smiled shyly and said, "My dad and Yuan's family have business cooperation, so my dad will also receive invitations. If there is no one I know there, I will not go, but if you go, I will go too!"

Hearing Ouyang Mengxi's explanation, Chu Muyue nodded suddenly. Also, the Yuan family and the Ouyang family are huge in business, and of course there may be some connections.

"Well, good, together!" Chu Muyue nodded with a smile.

Yuan Xiao turned his head and said with a smile, "Because it is just grandpa's birthday, it is estimated that only Yan Yu, Ouyang Mengxi, Mu Zhitong, and Xiang Tian and the elders who followed them will go with them!

Although this is the birthday of the elder, Yuan Xiao also knows who the invitation is, and there are still a few people in the class.

"Yeah! I went with my grandfather. My dad probably is too busy to go!" Yan Yu glanced at Yu Chengwei, and whispered to Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Well, I can be together at that time! I'm afraid that I don't know anyone!"

"Hehehe, even if they don't have them, there are still Wei Lao and the others! Don't worry!" Yuan Xiao smiled and comforted Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue nodded. Since she came to Linshi, Wei Lao seems to have gone to another city. It is said that there is something to do with the company.

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