Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 994: This guy was scared silly 2

Several people were holding dishes, and sitting at a spacious dining table, Xiang Tianhe waved to them, shouting, "Here!"

Everyone walked toward the dining table where Xiang Tianhe was sitting.

Xiang Tianhe asked inexplicably, seeing everyone coming so late, "Why are you so late today?"

"There is a big news, I need to make it clear!" Mu Zhitong looked at Xiang Tianhe and said with a smile.

Thinking of the people in them, Xiang Tianhe doesn't seem to know yet!

After all, this guy was not in the same class as them, because he was late, so he didn't encounter this incident.

Xiang Tianhe blinked his eyes in confusion, looked at the crowd and asked, "What news?"

I don't know why, seeing the appearance of Xiang Tian and the confused solution, everyone just felt refreshed in their hearts.

It seems that in the entire school, only they know that Chu Muyue is the boss behind this medicinal restaurant, right?

"Hey, tell you!" Mu Zhitong approached Xiang Tianhe's ear and said, "Mu Yue is the boss behind the medicinal restaurant!"

Since Chu Muyue had already told Mu Zhitong and the others, she would not stop telling Xiang Tianhe about this matter. Anyway, she would have to know sooner or later.

When Xiang Tianhe heard Mu Zhitong's words, he subconsciously said, "It's not that Mu Yue is the old man behind the medicinal restaurant...what...what!"

However, when I was halfway through, I realized something was wrong, stared, stood up from the seat, and screamed.

Hearing Xiang Tianhe's screams, all the students who were eating on this floor turned their heads to look at them, with a bit of puzzlement and dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Mu Zhitong grabbed Xiang Tianhe's clothes, pulled him down fiercely, and let him sit on a stool, staring, "Why are you screaming so loudly!"

It seems that someone has forgotten that they were yelling loudly at that time.

However, Xiang Tianhe didn't listen to Mu Zhitong's words at all, his eyes locked tightly on Chu Muyue's body, " this true?"

Chu Muyue nodded, reminding Xiang Tianhe, "Well, it's true, but this matter! You must not tell others!"

On the way here, Chu Muyue also reminded Mu Zhitong and the others that this matter should not be known to others, even their parents.

Although Chu Muyue didn't tell them that she was the behind-the-scenes boss of the medicated restaurant, they knew the importance and agreed to her request.

Obviously, Xiang Tianhe didn't hear the second half of Chu Muyue at all, only the first half of her sentence.

Because the first half of the sentence has already made him dizzy for a while.

Seeing Xiang Tianhe's somewhat silly appearance, Mu Zhitong and the others couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Opposite Xiang Tianhe touched a tear of sympathy.

They know the situation of this matter is different from Xiang Tianhe.

Weng Mingcheng gave them a buffer, so it was not so exaggerated, otherwise, it is estimated that they will be like this.

"This guy is stupid!" An Ziyun pointed to Xiang Tianhe and reminded Chu Muyue, "People have become stupid because of your affairs, you are responsible!"

"Yes, I was stupefied by Mu Yue's news from Tianlei! You must be responsible!" Mu Zhitong also laughed and reminded Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes helplessly, could she be to blame? It's not her fault!

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