
America's hacker circle has basically started to move.

Led by PoizonBOX, they have secretly raised their butcher's knife and are preparing to launch a cyber war against Dragon Kingdom.

They want to use the most drastic means to tell the Dragon Kingdom government and the people of Dragon Kingdom that America is not to be trifled with.

This is not something to be trifled with, whether openly or secretly!

at the same time.

Some hackers from other countries, after getting some news, all paid attention to it.

This is an earth-shattering event.

To know.

The Internet is currently the mainstream in the world.

Once America's hacker circle launches a cyber war against the Dragon Kingdom, the damage caused will be much less than a hot war.

after all.

Today's companies, no matter what they do for office or whatever, have to use computers.

The data is recorded on the hard drive.

If the data in the hard drive is destroyed, it will have a huge impact on a company.

It can range from heavy losses to severe injuries.

At worst, the company will go bankrupt.

These other hackers who got a little bit of information couldn't believe it.

America will launch an online war against Dragon Kingdom because of the scolding war on the Internet.

There’s something good to watch!

This is the mentality of hackers from other countries.

As for tipping off the Dragon Kingdom?


What does it have to do with them?


They didn't add insult to injury, which was a gift to Longguo.

As for the Dragon Kingdom.

Little did he know that America's hacker circle was already sharpening its knives and preparing for a big fight.

In the online scolding war, America did not gain any advantage.

Then regain your position through online warfare.

Internet Supervisory Office.


It's past two o'clock.

At this point in time, it is the time when I feel sleepy.

After eating and drinking at noon, I was busy for a long time.


Many people in one place were yawning and looking drowsy.


It was working time now, and although they yawned profusely, they continued to work.

Some people just can't bear it anymore, so they go to get a cup of coffee or a cup of tea to refresh themselves.

Others couldn't help but stretch.

"I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep."

"Yeah, I slept too late last night."

"Hey, there is no way. Our place is too important. We are at night and the opposite is daytime. It is like a cat and a mouse. We can only wait and wait for people to come to our door. It is normal to work overtime."

"Other departments are more relaxed. They go to work, drink tea, read newspapers, and get off work at a certain time. But our network supervisor is very hardworking. We are on call 24 hours a day. I almost moved my bed over."

Everyone complained about having too much work and being too tired, but they still had to keep working.

There is only one exception.

That is Xue Xiaoyun.

When others are so sleepy and yawning all day long that they have to drink a cup of coffee to refresh themselves.

Xue Xiaoyun, who was also yawning profusely, did not do this.

After yawning a few times, she slowly clicked the mouse a few times, seemingly closing the card game, then stood up and walked to a corner of the office area.

There is a living room sofa.

Say nothing.

He lay down directly and covered himself with a blanket.

Look at this, this is not done once or twice.

When Lin Yi, Fang Fang and others saw this scene, they curled their lips and frowned.

"Hey, Officer Xue is still leisurely." Lin Yi said sourly.

Who knows how much he wants to be like Xue Xiaoyun, go and relax for a while when he is sleepy instead of drinking music here.

Fang Fang, who was standing next to her, nodded in agreement and said, "There's no way we can compare with Officer Xue."

The tone was equally sour.

Look at Xue Xiaoyun, if you want to play games, you can play games, if you want to sleep, you can sleep.

What kind of life do people live? What kind of life do they live?

There's no comparison.

Comparing people with each other makes people angry.

But they really have no choice but to be envious and jealous.

after all.

Wang Chu had no choice but to deal with the maverick Xue Xiaoyun.

After telling her several times, Xue Xiaoyun didn't listen, so she just let her go.

The reason why Xue Xiaoyun is so open-minded is that although Xue Xiaoyun is very independent, she really doesn't let things slip when something happens.

Like several times.

There are overseas hackers attacking domestic networks. They are faced with some powerful attacks and are in a hurry.

But Xue Xiaoyun can easily solve the headache problem for them once she takes action.

Just because of this.

Xue Xiaoyun has made a lot of achievements, but also caused a lot of troubles because she was not very obedient.

But anyway.

Lin Yi and Fang Fang knew very well that Xue Xiaoyun was Wang Chu's favorite.


He is the darling of the entire Internet Supervisory Office.

With Xue Xiaoyun here, both the king and the leaders above felt more at ease.


As long as Xue Xiaoyun's behavior was not too outrageous, people like Wang Chu would turn a blind eye.

Just when Lin Yi, Fang Fang and others were sour.


An Internet policeman standing in front of the computer exclaimed.

"Fuck it! has been hacked!"

This exclamation immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Real or false? The firewall of is so strong, how could it be hacked?"

Fang Fang quickly looked at the computer and tapped the keyboard a few times.

She is preparing to log into

"In the last business cooperation, didn't the Network Supervisory Office Six just plug up seven or eight loopholes and upgrade the firewall for and several other official websites last month?"

"Even the server has been replaced with a new one, so there shouldn't be any big problems. It's impossible for ordinary hackers to break through's firewall. Is there something wrong with's own web page technology?"

The several Internet policemen next to them were all sleepless and immediately entered working mode.

As soon as several Internet police officers finished speaking, Fang Fang, who was typing on the keyboard, immediately exclaimed: "Oh, has really been hacked. I put it on the big screen. You can see for yourselves. It's so abominable. This is in Chiguo." What a provocation!"

As Fang Fang projected the page onto the home screen.

Everyone saw it.

The original official website of can no longer be opened.

After entering, a picture is displayed.

There are some Chinese posts in the above post, but the word order is not correct. At first glance, it is translated by junk translation software in 3.8.

There are insulting words, provocative words, laughing words, etc.

Even Ji Yi and Fang Fang saw that the most conspicuous statement was to release Rui Layer

Everyone's expressions changed.

"It's a hacker!"

"America's hackers hacked!"

"Damn it! These people are so arrogant!"

Fang Fang asked: "Should we take action?"

An old netizen said: "This is work elsewhere. Let's take a look at it first and wait until the higher ups give us the task."

Everyone else nodded.

If their first office took the initiative, they would probably be considered by the second office responsible for this area as stealing performance.

after all.

They are responsible for serious cases.

A website like this where the official website was hacked is not a serious case and there is no need for them to take action.

There have been such 'misunderstandings' among them before. .

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