Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1032: The Cards Are Full And The Big Guys Gather Together

October 10th.

Early in the morning.

At the break of dawn, the logistics department staff at Blue Star Electronics were already busy.

By about eight o'clock in the morning.

Audiences who purchased tickets entered Tai Chi Galaxy one after another.

When ordinary people enter Taiji Galaxy, the new headquarters of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, for the first time, they basically look like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

The architecture has a strong Taoist atmosphere of the Dragon Kingdom and has a Hardy style.

That is to say, there are no obvious edges and corners, but at a glance, it is full of geometric structures, which in turn brings a strong sense of technology.

"Is this Taiji Galaxy, the new headquarters of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics? Although I have seen related photos on the Internet before, it is definitely not as shocking as seeing it in person."

"These buildings are so beautifully designed. I am very envious of the employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics who work here. It is simply not awesome to work in such a place."

"Yes, if you work in such an environment, you will be in a good mood all day long."

"No wonder everyone is trying to get into Future Group or Blue Star Electronics. Mr. Lu is really not picky about the working environment of his employees."

"I heard that in order to build the new headquarters, Future Group and Blue Star Electronics spent a total of 2 billion yuan, which is a lot of money~"

"More than that! How did I hear that more than 5 billion yuan was spent to build the new headquarters?"

"Whether it is 2 billion or 5 billion, it all shows one problem, that is, the richest man in Lu is really too extravagant."

"Haha, who makes Lu's richest man not short of money? Moreover, I think the money is well spent. Look at the environment. It is full of technology and is at least ten blocks ahead of other large company headquarters.

"Look at the high-rise building over there that is still under construction. It is said to be a welfare house for employees! I am envious, the welfare is so good that it is outrageous."

"Looking at Tai Chi Galaxy, I have to say that the richest man in Lu is indeed engaged in Internet technology. This is a real technology company, not only in terms of products, but also in building a headquarters. It has a high-end atmosphere."


The people who walked into Tai Chi Galaxy were in groups of twos and threes, constantly looking at the internal environment and talking about it.

can be seen.

Most people's faces are full of envy.

Most of them are hardworking workers.

This time they spent money to watch the new product launch, and they made up their minds because they are die-hard fans.

Comparing the working environment of employees of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, and then thinking about my own working environment, tears could not help but flow from the corners of my mouth.

Among these people, in addition to 70% of the audience being consumer users, some media guests were directly invited.

Many media reporters also entered Tai Chi Galaxy for the first time.

Looking at the architectural layout full of technological dreams, these people kept taking pictures.

The new headquarters of Taiji Galaxy is also the subject of reports, and it deserves a close-up.

Eight forty.

The conference site was already overcrowded.

Looking around, there are crowds of people.

"So many people!"

“After all, this is Blue Star Electronics’ annual new product launch, so it’s normal!”

"Look at the front, there are foreigners!"

"It should be sent by foreign mobile phone companies to gather information."

“As a leader in the field of smartphones, Blue Star Electronics’ every move will attract widespread attention.

"Look at that person, I recognize him. He is Li Xiangguo, the person in charge of Sanxing Electronics in Longguo."

"The short man next to Li Xiangguo is Ichiro Koizumi, the person in charge of Soailongguo District."

"Look at the golden retriever over there, it's Evans, the president of Nuoji Yalong Country.

"Gee, there are a lot of big guys in the mobile phone industry."

on site.

The melon-eaters looked at the big guys sitting in the front row.

Many people's identities were recognized, which caused exclamations from the crowd.


At this time.

There was a commotion at the venue.

"I'll go and look, that's Mr. Ren from the flower factory. Mr. Ren actually came in person this time!"

The arrival of Mr. Ren attracted the attention of everyone present.

As a leader in the domestic communications field, the flower factory acts very low-key, but its name is well known to everyone.

In particular, Huachang has launched the Petal Mate series and the Honor series of smartphones, which have become a household name in China and are well known to everyone.

The commotion here has not subsided yet, and there was another uproar on the scene.

"Mr. Wang from BYAT is also here! In recent years, BYAT has been very popular. Its OEM business, relying on orders from Blue Star Electronics, has greatly surpassed Futukang, the leading OEM!"

"Yes, for this reason Futukang's boss, Guo Taiming, complained repeatedly in private about why Blue Star Electronics didn't choose Futukang for OEM."

"Looking at Mr. Wang walking with wind, he has a smile on his face."

"Mr. Wang has embraced Lu's richest man, so he can't lead the way. The foundry business has relied on orders from Dingfeng Mobile, and its smartphone business is also doing well in the domestic market."

Everyone was talking a lot and their eyes were shining.

I feel that today's press conference was not in vain. Just seeing so many bigwigs that I would never see in normal times made the ticket price worth it.

But their turmoil wasn't over yet.

After Mr. Ren and Wang Chuanfu, another energetic middle-aged man walked into the venue, causing everyone to exclaim.

Rebus from the rice company has also arrived!"

"Dami mobile phones rely on the high performance-price ratio of high configuration and low price. They have been sold out in China. Many people around me are 'Mi fans'."

"..." Rebus is also a talented person. He resigned from Jingshan and started his own business overseas. He directly targeted the field of smartphones, which was entering the mainstream period, and founded Rice Company, taking the road of cost-effectiveness. As soon as Rice 1 was released, it attracted widespread attention in the industry. When it goes on sale, it sells out instantly!”

"Yes! It is said that when Rice 1 went on sale, millions of people grabbed 50,000 units of Rice 1, and it even made it into the newspapers."

Ordinary melon-eating people at the scene.

Seeing the big bosses appear one after another, the mood is rising and they look very excited.

Is this the face of Blue Star Electronics?

A new product launch conference is held, and half of the industry is present.

And it wasn’t even the deputy who arrived.

Either this or that chairman comes.

Everyone stomping their feet can make the industry tremble.

at the same time.

The reporters from major media who were invited were even more excited.

He pointed the camera at the big guys like Mr. Ren, Wang Chuanfu, and Rebus, and took pictures with all his strength.

This is all traffic, no, it’s news!

While Blue Star Electronics is preparing for a new product release meeting (Zhao Dehao).

America on the other side of the ocean.

A piece of news detonated the fishing boat.

Just seven o'clock in the evening local time.

The person in charge of Turing Company announced that at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, he and Gaotong Chairman Paul Jacobs will formally sign the agreement for Gaotong to invest in Turing.

It was not long after Turing announced it to the public.

Paul Jacobs, the head of Gaotong, also confirmed the news in an interview with reporters.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Although there have been rumors in the market that Gao Tong intends to invest in Turing Company.

There are even rumors that the reason why Gao Tong is embarrassing Blue Star Electronics over Gao Tong's tax is because Turing offered a bargaining chip that Gao Tong could not refuse. This bargaining chip was Gao Tong's investment in Turing Company.

Now the statement comes out.

These rumors were immediately confirmed.

All of a sudden.

North American fishing boats are boiling.

The relevant news, as if it had wings, traveled across the ocean to the Dragon Kingdom. .

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