"The above is our DOS application store.

"Next, I want to talk about the Peak mobile phone."

"As we all know, the media is filled with statistics, market research reports, etc."

"Some data are reliable, and some reports are questionable."

"Here, I have prepared two sets of data for you, so you can refer to it and make your own judgments."


Lu Yi pressed the small remote control in his hand.

The big screen at the back changed instantly.

Lu Yi leaned forward, looked at the big screen, and said: "The first set of data comes from the report just released by Nielsen.

Nielsen is a company with high credibility. "

"This is the report for the second quarter of 2009, which has just been released."

"This first set of data is about America's smartphone market share in the second quarter of this year.


On the big screen, a picture of pizza appeared.

The picture is divided into five blocks, of different sizes, marked with different colors, and there are 28 corresponding company names.

"We can see from this picture that RIM, the BlackBerry, ranks first with a market share of 35%."

“The second place is our Blue Star Electronics’ pinnacle mobile phone, with a share of about 28%. 7”’

"Third place, Windows-Mobile, 19% market share."

"Android and other systems are tied for 9% market share.

At this time.

Lu Yi looked back at the audience.

"According to Nielsen's report, in the second quarter of 2009, the market share of Pinnacle mobile phones was three times that of Android.

"The gap between us and RIM is only 7%.

"You know, RIM was established in 1984, and Blue Star Electronics was only established four or five years ago, and it has only been three years since it entered the American market.

The audience gave warm applause.


Everyone knows the underlying meaning of Lu Yi's words.

In the American market, it is only a matter of time before the market share of Pinnacle mobile phones exceeds that of BlackBerry phones.

"Okay, let's look at another report."

"This second set of data also comes from America."

"This is America's Mobile Browser Usage Survey."

"This is September's statistics. The most recent statistics they published on the use of America's mobile browser showed that the peak accounted for 60%, which is three times that of second-place Android at 22% and five times that of BlackBerry's 12%."

"This is very new data, I hope it can help your judgment.

Lu Yi introduced the new pizza picture on the big screen.

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

This is simply showing off.

It is here to stimulate our friends and businessmen.

In particular, RIM was highlighted.

America ranks first in the smartphone market share, as high as 35%.

As a result, only 12% of mobile browsers are used, even worse than Android.

The gap was widened five times by Pinnacle mobile phones.

The conference site.

There is Livingston, president of RIM Dragon Kingdom.

Although he could not understand Chinese, he wore simultaneous interpretation headphones.


There is no need for translation at all, just looking at the picture of pizza on the big screen, Livingston can understand the meaning.

This made his face darken a little.


Lu Yi on the stage doesn't care whether Livingston's face turns dark or not.

The press conference he hosted is still going on.

And at the same time.

Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi, who were watching the live broadcast of the press conference through VideoSpace, had serious expressions on their faces again.

Every set of data at the press conference shows how much Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phones are loved and favored by consumers around the world.

They do not doubt that these two sets of data were fabricated by Lu Yi.

Lu Yi himself said that this is from the adjusted data released by Nielsen and is public.

“Damn it, Yi Bu Shixiu opened his mouth, maybe the iPhone is everyone’s favorite smartphone!”

Jobs said bitterly.

When the iPhone was difficult to produce, the key was the multi-touch patent.

In order to obtain a patent license, he originally traveled east to Sioux City, found Lu Yi, and wanted to obtain the authorization.

As a result, Lu Yi opened his mouth.

In anger, he returned to America.

I want to find another way to bypass the patent barriers of Blue Star Electronics.

It's a pity that it failed in the end.

This also led to difficulties in producing the iPhone, and had to save the country through a curveball. It cooperated with Sanxing Electronics to launch Turing based on the iPhone.

Looking at those sets of data, it should have been his iphore that stole the show!

The arrogant Steve Jobs never thought that the iPhone built by him was inferior to the top mobile phone.

He was also extremely convinced.

If it weren't for the multi-touch control, the iPhone could have been successfully launched.

So among the top three in terms of market share in America, iPhone must have a place.

Even if it can't compare to RIM and Pinnacle Mobile, it will definitely surpass the Andrbid camp.

As for Li Jianxi.

After looking at these data.

It is clearer and clearer that it is not an easy task for 483 to pull the pinnacle mobile phone from its throne.

Not to mention the local market in Dragon Kingdom.

Let’s just talk about the America area.

Turing wants to reach 28% market share, but we don’t know how long it will take.


Li Jianxi felt a little more confident when he thought that as long as he could successfully snipe Blue Star Electronics, as long as Blue Star Electronics fell, the market share that would be vacated would naturally belong to Turing.

"Now, let's get back to the pinnacle phone itself."

Lu Yi's voice echoed throughout the audience again.

at the same time.

On the big screen behind him, the word "peak" appeared on the side of the screen again.

The atmosphere at the scene was once again pushed towards Gao Chao.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the hot man on the stage.

Not only the people at the scene, but also countless people who watched the live broadcast of the conference through video space or VideoSpace.

Everyone was a little excited at the moment.

Even the big shots sitting in the front row of the press conference, as well as Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi watching through VideoSpace, were all excited at this moment.

Because they know.


This is the highlight of this press conference!

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