Off stage.

Evans looked at the handsome man on the stage and felt more and more headache.


Today I came to see Lu Yi to watch Blue Star Electronics jokes.


Got hit in the head.

His position as the president of Nuoji Yalong Country is really getting hotter and hotter.

It was hard to get the fat salary in the first place.

I thought that after staying in the Dragon Kingdom for three to five years and then returning to the headquarters of Fennan Nuojia, my career would reach a higher level, and I might even have the opportunity to aspire to the position of CEO in the future.

But now Nomagia's performance in the Dragon Country market has collapsed.

High-end models have a strong opponent like Pinnacle, and Nokia was beaten back and forth.

Mid- to low-end models are constantly being cannibalized by brands such as Rice, Huaban, BYD, HTC, Sanxing, and LG.

The market in Longguo District continues to decline and is becoming more and more difficult.

As the president of Longguo District, if he can't open up the situation, the sales volume will rise again.

Not to mention returning to the headquarters to improve to a higher level.

There is no question whether he can keep his position as president of Longguo District with "673".

As the top person in charge of Longguo District, now that Nokia's market share has declined, he must come up with corresponding solutions.

if not.

The headquarters will think that he is incompetent.

If you don't have the ability to stay in this position, you're just occupying the manhole and not taking a shit.

Even if he has someone behind him at the headquarters.

But in the face of the general trend, those who recommended him to take the position of president of Longguo District were afraid that they would be implicated and their opponents would label them as unknown people.


How can we solve the current dilemma that Nuojiya is facing in the Dragon Kingdom?

Give up the recently acquired Symbian system and join the Android camp?

This is indeed a path.

But Evans can guarantee that if he puts this suggestion forward, he will definitely be scolded by the old men at the headquarters.

How can we solve the current troubles without changing the current route?

Evans really couldn't find a way.

While Evans was clapping against his will, his thoughts were wandering to an unknown place.

Lu Yi's speech on the stage continues.

"Okay, this is Retina screen technology."

* 3.5 inches, the same as Pinnacle 3, but with 960x640 pixels, four times that of Pinnacle 3.

"326 pixels per inch and a contrast ratio of 800:1, which is also four times that of Pinnacle 3."

Lu Yi on stage.

Keep walking around.

at the same time.

He also kept pressing the remote control in his hand, and the corresponding comparison numbers kept popping up on the big screen behind him.

"Advanced R-IPS screen, you know, IPS technology is a very advanced LCD technology, even in my opinion, much better than the immature OLED technology."

“This has been proven at the top.

"After all, it offers more accurate colors and higher resolution for this type of device."

"If you only use an OLED display, there is currently no way to achieve this level of display effect."

These words made Li Xiangguo, the person in charge of Sanxing Longguo District, look down.

Because this would be a slap in the face to their Sanxing Group.

Sanxing's main product now is OLED screens.

As a result, Lu Yi now said in public that OLED is far inferior to IPS technology.

Although he didn't name his Sanxing Group.

But who can’t hear what it means?

Whose connotation is it!


Although he felt very unhappy, Li Xiangguo could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.


He couldn't refute it.

Huaxing Optoelectronics' R-IPS screen really beats their Sanxing OLED screen and is enough to compete with Samsung's most advanced AMoled screen.


AMoled has too many flaws, and the experience is not as good as an R-IPS screen.


He couldn't refute this at all.

To refute is to humiliate oneself.

Unless they Sanxing Display can perfectly solve the pain points of AMoled screens.

Lu Yi had no time to pay attention to Li Xiangguo's complex psychological activities at this moment.

"So we believe that, for now, IPS technology is quite appropriate."

“The result is that our text is incredibly clear and our images and videos are extra vivid.”

"Furthermore, the R-IPS screen, coupled with retina display technology, well, as you should know, the display effect is even better, beating the AMoled screen that has many pain points."

When he said this, Lu Yi glanced at Li Xiangguo in the front row intentionally or unintentionally.

This scene was naturally captured by the big guys present.

Many people looked at Li Xiangguo with half-smiles on their faces.

Li Xiangguo's face was already ugly, but now that Lu Yi said these words, his face became even more ugly.


Li Xiangguo stood up with a cold face and said: "Mr. Lu, although the IPS screen coupled with retina display technology makes the display effect outstanding, the mainstream of LCD panels in the future must be AMoled technology. We at Sanxing Display have also found a solution for AMoled screens. Solutions to pain points.”

Li Xiangguo couldn't stand being exposed to Lu Yi's connotations again and again, intentionally or unintentionally.

In response to Li Xiangguo's rebuttal, Lu Yi said with a smile: "Well, come on, work hard!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience burst into laughter.

This is too hurtful.

Who in the industry doesn't know that Huaxing Optoelectronics has already solved many shortcomings of AMoled screens and launched Super-AMoled screen technology.

Now Li Xiangguo said that Sanxing Display has found a solution.

any solution?

Copy Huaxing Optoelectronics’ diamond arrangement patent?

And Lu Yi's words of "Come on, work hard" are undoubtedly saying, Come on, Sanxing, you can bypass our Huaxing Optoelectronics patent.


If it was really that easy to circumvent, Sanxing Display would not have dominated the LCD panel industry before then.

Li Xiangguo obviously also understood the sarcasm in Lu Yi's words, which made his face so ugly that water could drip from his face.

And Li Jianxi, who was watching the live conference through VideoSpace, kept scolding "Xiba, Asiba" and angrily swept the documents on his desk all over the floor.


Domestic netizens are also very happy about this and are talking about it.

"Haha, the richest man in Lu is so domineering. This Li Xiangguo was so angry that he was almost half dead!"

"What does it mean to humiliate oneself? This is it!"

"The words "Come on" from the richest man Lu are very insulting and very hurtful!"

"Huaxing Optoelectronics has completed overtaking Sanxing Display in the corner. Sanxing Display wants to overtake and come back. Well, come on, eh!"

"I dare say that soon some people from the Han Kingdom will appear on the Internet and say that through archeology, it can be confirmed that the richest man in Lu is from the Han Kingdom!"

"Pfft~ The richest man in Lu is from Han State!"

"Haha, with the shamelessness of stealing from the country, it is really possible to directly turn the richest man in Lu into a Han countryman."

For a while.

Everyone joked that Lu Yi would be forced to become a Han State borrowed joke by the Han people.

no way.

The people of Han State are habitual offenders when it comes to stealing cultural heritage from other countries.

And 2.8 denier.

Still caught the Dragon Kingdom's cultural heritage and tried to steal it.

for example:

The Dragon Boat Festival of the Dragon Kingdom was stolen by the Han Kingdom for the Dragon Boat Festival.

The acupuncture points of the Dragon Kingdom were also stolen by the people of the Han Kingdom.

The traditional Chinese medicine of the Long Kingdom was stolen by the Han Kingdom and became the Treasure Book of Eastern Medicine.

The ancient tug-of-war sport of the Dragon Kingdom was also stolen by the Han Kingdom and successfully applied for World Heritage status.

The Confucian culture of the Long Kingdom was stolen by the United States and the Confucian Academy was successfully applied for World Heritage.

The kimchi from Sichuan and Chongqing was also stolen by Han Guo and applied for World Heritage status.


There are too many to count.


The capital of the Han Dynasty also wanted to apply for Chinese characters to be listed on the World Heritage List, saying that Chinese characters were invented by Americans.

According to the behavior of Han people who like to steal other countries' cultural heritage, it is unrealistic to snatch Blue Star Electronics from Huaxing Optoelectronics.

But Lu Yi can be turned into a Han nationality.

When Lu Yi becomes a Han nationality, doesn't it mean that Blue Star Electronics is a Han nationality enterprise and Huaxing Optoelectronics is a Korean enterprise?

Doesn’t it mean that Pinnacle mobile phone is a Korean brand, and R-IPS and Super-AMoled technology were invented by Han Guo. .

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