Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1053 Steve Jobs: If I Had Recruited Him...


Everyone was shocked by Lu Yi's demonstration just now.

Is this the effect of adding a gyroscope?

This is great!

"Nickhide! So awesome!"

"Dingfeng Mobile is indeed the leader in the field of high-end smartphones. I dare say that the smartphones that will be released later will definitely copy the design of Dingfeng Mobile and add gyroscopes!

“It’s hard to accept it, Pinnacle 4 will lead the trend of gyroscopes!”

"Fake! Why should I buy Turing1? Isn't Pinnacle 4 good?"

"Compared with Turing 4, really, Turing 1 is completely unmatched!"

Netizens at home and abroad are talking a lot.

Especially those foreign netizens who bought Turing1, tears of regret really fell from the corners of their mouths at this moment.

I thought.

Pinnacle mobile phones have lost the support of Gaotong baseband chips and are about to decline.

Turing is backed by three major industry giants: Fruit Company, Sanxing Group and Gaotong, and will replace Pinnacle Mobile's position in the industry.

But who would have thought.

Blue Star Electronics directly brought out Wang Zha at this new product launch conference!

They looked at the Turing1 they had just bought a day ago, and instantly felt that the Turing1, which had been blown up by various media, was so rubbish.

At least.

Compared with the peak, there is really no comparison.

Regret it!

These users who bought Turing1 completely regretted it.

They should have waited.

After watching Blue Star Electronics’ new product launch conference, it’s not too late to make a decision.

But they were overwhelmed by the desire to show off.

I felt that it was certain that Turing would replace Blue Star Electronics. I had a Turing1 in my hands for the first time, just like having the first-generation pinnacle mobile phone in 2006. It could steal the show in front of friends, colleagues, and love rivals, and capture the heart of the goddess.


Reality tells them that they may only have one day to show off.

this moment.

Many American consumers who bought Turing 1 had the idea in their hearts that they would sell the Turing 1 that they had just received one day ago at a discount online in preparation for the launch of Pinnacle 4 later, so they would buy Pinnacle 4.


The further Turingl goes to the back, the greater the depreciation.

Steve Jobs' home.

Watching Lu Yi's live demonstration, Jobs was also shocked and dumbfounded.

He felt very lost.

He considers himself a product genius.

In 2004, he convened more than 1,000 internal employees to form an iPhone research and development team and started a highly confidential project - Project Purple.

In his mind, he is confident that the emergence of iPhone will change the world.


Blue Star Electronics, an ancient country in the East, took a step ahead of him and launched the pinnacle mobile phone.

The design of Pinnacle mobile phone and the iPhone he led the design were so imaginative that he even once wondered whether there were commercial spies from Blue Star Electronics inside the iPhone team.

The first release of Pinnacle mobile phone caused the iPhone to still be born.

But he didn't give up.

Instead, it joined forces with Sanxing Group to create the joint venture brand Turing, and it was necessary to save the country through a curve.

It can be said.

Turing1 has been perfected by him, not inferior to Pinnacle 3.

He also has information that with the Turing brand, he can replace Pinnacle mobile phones.


Looking at this Pinnacle 4 press conference, Jobs knew that his plan had completely failed.

Turing1 is indeed excellent and can compete with the best.

But in front of Peak 4, Turing 1 is really not enough.

Although the design of Pinnacle 4 has opened a new door for him, the subsequent Turing2 and Turing3... can be designed according to the design ideas of Pinnacle 4.

But this also means that he, Steve Jobs, bowed to Lu Yi.

He, Steve Jobs, disdained and did not want to copy other people's designs.


The arrogant Steve Jobs felt that the iPhone he designed should be the one whose design was copied!

Lu Yi has added many epoch-making innovations to Peak 4.

For example, the gyroscope is being introduced now.

Even though he is a product design genius, after watching Lu Yi's live demonstration, he had to admit that this is really cool!

Why didn't he think of it before?


At this moment, the arrogance in Jobs's heart completely dissipated.

He has worked very hard, whether it is conspiracy or trick, combination or combination, he wants to pull down Lu Yi and Blue Star Electronics.


Lu Yi and Blue Star Electronics are like an unshakable mountain, no matter how many plots and tricks they have, they will not be able to move.

"If... I recruited him, then now..."

Jobs fantasized in his mind.

At that time, Lu Yi was still a quasi-graduate, and he helped Microsoft find hundreds of vulnerabilities, which made him a blockbuster. It attracted the attention of major Internet companies around the world and threw an olive branch to Lu Yi.

Fruit Company was also a part of it at the time.

But in the end Lu Yi turned down all offers.

Jobs was thinking at this moment, if he had raised the stakes to a level that Lu Yi could not refuse, would all this glory now belong to...the fruit company?


Jobs thought.

I made the wrong decision in my life by not recruiting Lu Yi.

Until now.

Blue Star Electronics, founded by Lu Yi, has become the biggest obstacle to him realizing his dream.

I'm afraid he won't be able to move this huge mountain away in his lifetime!

He, and his fruit company, may be shrouded in the shadow of Blue Star Electronics for the rest of their lives.

The conference site.

"A few of our amazing engineers helped me put these things together to show you the characteristics of this gyroscope."

"But I can't wait to see what you're going to do."

"I think it's going to be pretty amazing."

"So, this gyroscope is added to our other four sensors and installed in every mobile phone."

"Now we have gyroscopes, direction sensors, digital compasses, distance sensors and ambient light sensors."

"This phone will be able to sense the world around it more and more intelligently, which sounds really exciting.

"I can't wait to see what new tricks you will use this phone to create."

"But I think it will definitely not disappoint you!"

Lu Yi's words also made people shout out and get excited.

Lu Yi smiled and pressed the remote control in his hand, and a big 5° appeared on the big screen.

at the same time.

Also accompanied by Lu Yi's voice.

"The fifth one, which is a great one, is a completely new camera system."

“Nowadays, many friends are keen to talk about those very superficial indicators. When it comes to pixels, it is how many million pixels.

"But we tend to ask the question: How can I take better photos?"

"They are not equivalent."

“High pixels are good, but for mobile phone photography, what’s really important is how to capture the light more fully.”

"Because the camera is so small, the sensor is so small, and the lens is so small, the key becomes how to capture the light and how to shoot better in low-light environments."

“So, what we did was increase the pixels of the mobile phone sensor from three million to five million, and at the same time, we also used a method that has been used in some high-end cameras for a while, but has rarely been used in mobile phones. technology, called a back-illuminated sensor."

"It's a technology that lets the sensor get more light, by removing some of the wiring in front of the photoreceptor and things like that.

"Not only that, when other competitors increased their pixels, they made the individual pixels smaller."

"When you make an individual pixel smaller, it captures less light."

"What we did is when we upgraded the pixels from three million to five million, we kept the single pixel sensor head at the same size, 1.75 microns."

"So the light captured by a single pixel sensor head is not reduced, and we have more pixels."

"We have 5x digital zoom, which is built into the camera program."

"Of course, there's also the light focus that we're good at."

“Now there’s also a built-in LED flash.”

"The results of the photos taken through it are impressive."

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