Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1113 Heavy Words, Methods, Difficult Things

Sioux City.

Blue Star Electronic Conference Room.

A meeting is being held.

The theme of the meeting was naturally the problem of offline stores selling out of stock and the problem of scalpers.

The person presiding over the meeting was Jia Weiping, the head of the Pinnacle Business Department.

He said: “Currently, more than 80% of the 30 domestic offline stores are out of stock, and the inventory of 20% of stores has also bottomed out.

"Based on the information we got."

"The reason why Pinnacle 4 has been so popular in the past two days is related to the videos about voice assistants that appeared on the Internet."

“On the Video Space website, an UP owner named Director Xiang first appeared, and he produced a video to evaluate Pinnacle 4.

"In the video, we focus on the imperfect voice assistant equipped on Pinnacle 4."

"After the review video was released, it exploded on the Internet within one day."

"This also inspired other UP hosts and network anchors to join this gluttonous feast of traffic.

"With a large number of related videos appearing on the Internet, the voice assistant Xiaoying has also successfully emerged from the industry and become a virtual Internet celebrity."

"And many ordinary consumers can't control their hearts after watching these videos."

"This has led to the situation where Pinnacle 4 has been sold out in the past two days."

Everyone present nodded their heads.


They also know a thing or two about the situation on the Internet.

After the voice assistant Xiaoying came out of the industry, the sales of Pinnacle 4 suddenly started to increase sharply.

obviously. 150

Their videos to the factory director have greatly promoted the sales of Pinnacle 4.


Before the sale, Jia Weiping and the others also made sufficient preparations.

The inventory of 30 offline stores is also sufficient.


Plans cannot keep up with changes.

Director Xiang’s video boosted everyone’s enthusiasm for buying Pinnacle 4.


The inventory that was originally enough to sell for half a month was sold out in a week.

This has resulted in the current out-of-stock situation.

Jia Weiping knew that he was responsible for this matter.

He is the main person in charge.

"The responsibility for this is mine."

"As the person in charge of the Pinnacle Mobile Phone Business Department, I should have made absolutely perfect preparations in advance..."

Jia Weiping made a self-criticism in front of everyone.

after all.

Didn't you see Lu Yi, who had been silent all this time, looked ugly and scary?

After Jia Weiping finished criticizing himself, Liu Hong stepped forward and made some smooth remarks.

Jia Weiping felt relieved when he saw that although Lu Yi's face was still ugly, he did not speak.

He added: "On our side, we have contacted BYAT as soon as possible to schedule the Peak 4. It is expected that the Peak 4 will continue to be sold normally the day after tomorrow..." (cifi)

At this time.

Lu Yi interrupted Jia Weiping rudely.

"the day after tomorrow?"

"No! Tomorrow!

"Tomorrow, the 30 offline stores across the country must be able to sell Peak 4 normally."

"I don't care what method you use to deliver the goods dispatched from BYD to 30 stores across the country. I have only one request, and that is that tomorrow all offline stores across the country can open their stores on time and have normal sales. Click the item."

"If I can't do this, whoever is responsible will pack up my bed and leave!"

After Lu Yi's words fell, the hearts of everyone in the congregation jumped suddenly.

Jia Weiping was the first to bear the brunt, his face changed wildly.


Now that Lu Yi has set a hard target, this is definitely not the time to make excuses for not being able to do it.


There is no need to wait for tomorrow, you can pack up and leave now.

Jia Weiping said quickly: "Promise to complete the task!"

As soon as the words came out.

Jia Weiping's confidants are all Alexanders.

If they can't finish it, they might really have to pack up and leave tomorrow.

Let alone them, even Jia Weiping is the same.

On this point, Lu Yi means what he says.

For a while.

The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat stagnant.

Liu Hong broke the oppressive atmosphere and said, "Now let's discuss the second thing, the issue of scalpers."

"Now, there are a lot of voices denouncing our Blue Star Electronics on the Internet."

"Behind this, even though there are some friends and businessmen who are adding fuel to the flames, it is not at all based on this."

"On the Internet, many netizens speculated and denounced us, saying that Blue Star Electronics cooperated with scalpers and sold a large amount of Peak 4 to scalpers, which led to shortages in major stores."

"This is not a trivial matter. If it is not handled well, it will have a major impact on the reputation of our Blue Star Electronics."

"Now, let's talk about how to solve this matter."

The words fell.

Everyone present expressed their opinions.

"This matter is very simple. We can issue a statement to explain that we have not cooperated with scalpers in any way, and everything is the scalpers' independent behavior. Even, in order to dispel everyone's doubts, our headquarters can dispatch an investigation team to investigate We will conduct an investigation in offline stores and give the public a satisfactory explanation."

"It's not surprising that netizens have this voice. As far as I know, the current 16GB version of Peak 4 has a maximum premium of 2,000 yuan, and the 32GB version of Peak 4 has a maximum premium of 2,800 yuan. Driven by such huge profits, there are many People who used to have serious jobs are jealous and become scalpers."

"The video to the factory director and others has promoted the explosion of Peak 4 sales, resulting in tight supply of Peak 4, thus boosting the price of Peak 4 in the hands of scalpers soaring."

"I think we must curb the unscrupulous price-raising behavior of scalpers and crack down hard on scalpers who buy and sell. Otherwise, the entire market will be messed up by these scalpers, which will damage the reputation of our Blue Star Electronics."

"I agree to crack down hard on scalpers, otherwise, no matter how we explain it, ordinary consumers will be suspicious."

"We must come up with a definite attitude against scalpers so that consumers will trust us."

"But if we attack scalpers hard, it will greatly affect the shipments of Peak 4. According to statistics, scalpers account for about one-third of shipments, which is a large proportion.

"Yeah, I think the third issue with scalpers is that we need to be more cautious and not be one-size-fits-all."

“Scalpers are a normal product of the market, and it is impossible to completely eliminate scalpers.



Those scalpers gave everyone in the congregation a headache.

Attack the scalpers hard, it will definitely affect the sales of Pinnacle 4.

after all.

As of now, at least one third of Peak 4 has been bought by scalpers.

But if you let scalpers behave.

For ordinary consumers, this is an unfair thing.

This will also make consumers doubt Blue Star Electronics and affect Blue Star Electronics' reputation.

At this time.

Lu Yi spoke again.

"The scalper issue is easy to solve."

“There is no way to completely ban scalpers, but we can take measures to limit it.

"For example, directly stipulate that each person or each ID card can only purchase a maximum of two Peak 4 units in a day."

“Directly restrict the behavior of scalpers in terms of quantity to prevent scalpers from buying up all the Peak 4 products.

After hearing what Lu Yi said, everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time.

Lu Yi changed the subject.

"The scalper issue is nothing, but another matter. It is very difficult for us to solve!"

Everyone who heard this was stunned.

What is it that makes Lu Yi, who has always been resourceful, feel troublesome?

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