Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1115 Set Rewards And Mobilize The Masses To Report

For a moment, everyone was silent.


Lu Yi’s words are by no means alarmist.

Even if such a thing really happens, Blue Star Electronics cannot be held accountable.


Its products are called "kidney machines", which doesn't sound good either.

This time.

Everyone finally understood why even Lu Yi was in trouble.

"Two days ago, when I was browsing the Internet, I found some forums and bars, both domestic and foreign."

“There have been many posts tempting people to sell their kidneys.”

"It's better here in China, it's not so direct."

"But those posts on foreign websites are really blatant."

"Once America's official government uses this as an excuse to insist on this kind of thing, it will be very detrimental to the overseas expansion of our Blue Star Electronics products."

Jia Wei "480" Ping said at this time.

For a while.

Everyone became even more silent.

America kept a close eye on her.

He tried every possible means to catch the little pigtails of Blue Star Electronics or Future Group.

In this way, you can take a big piece of meat from Blue Star Electronics.

If America's government really wants to make a fuss about this kind of thing, it will definitely spare no effort to ruin the pinnacle mobile phone.

Even if America doesn't do this, competitors like Turing will definitely not miss this opportunity.

"It seems like this matter is indeed very serious."

"Everyone should use their brains to think of ways to solve this hidden danger."

Liu Hong said, looking at everyone.

For a while.

Everyone spoke one after another.

"This is not something that our company can handle alone. I think we still need to rely on the government.

"Not bad! I think we can report this situation to the higher authorities and ask them to increase their efforts to crack down on black intermediaries and try to reduce or avoid the worst things from happening."

"As Director Lu said, this problem is very difficult to solve. We can't stop others from doing this kind of thing. If someone wants to sell their kidneys, we can't know in advance."

"It's very tricky..."

Each opening is as big as one head or two.

Of course.

There were also some helpful suggestions.

"This matter is not the responsibility of our company. The key lies with the government departments. I think there are two things we can do. One is to call on everyone to consume objectively and rationally according to their ability, and clearly tell consumers that Peak 4 Just a mobile phone is not a means of comparing each other to satisfy one's own vanity; the second is to inform the government department about this matter and request the government to increase efforts to crack down on similar illegal and criminal activities. What should the government department do? It is something that is considered above, but we have to put our own attitude out there. In this way, even if someone does end up selling their money to buy a Pinnacle mobile phone, there will be no explanation at all."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Shi caused everyone to nod their heads.

"I agree with what Director Yang said. We must show our attitude to the outside world in advance. In this way, even if the worst happens in the end, the resulting fishing storm will be minimized."

"I think Director Yang's suggestion is very good. The difficulty of this matter is that it is not under our control, so we have no way to absolutely prevent this kind of thing from happening. We can only think of all ways to reduce the impact on us as much as possible. Influence."

Lu Yi listened to everyone's suggestions and was thinking about it in his mind.

Wait until everyone has said it is almost done.

Lu Yi spoke.

"The two suggestions Director Yang just mentioned are very good and worthy of our in-depth consideration."

"Everyone is right about one thing, that is, we do not have the absolute ability to prevent this kind of thing from happening. We can only minimize the impact on the company after it happens.

"However, just because we don't have the absolute ability to prevent things from happening doesn't mean we can't do anything. Just issuing some reminders and statements is too thin."

"I don't think we can do that."

"Mobilize the power of the masses and let the masses stop it. N

As soon as Lu Yi's words came out, everyone was stunned.

For a moment, I didn't react.

Mobilize the masses?

How to start?

Could Blue Star Electronics issue an announcement to get everyone to take action?

Maybe within a short while, the masses will respond.

But as time goes by, can everyone still have the original enthusiasm?!!

This is very doubtful!

"Director Lu, it is not impossible to mobilize the masses, and it is even a very good solution. But in the short term, this method is feasible, but over time, it is impossible for everyone to maintain enthusiasm." Liu Hong said.

"Yeah, it's okay in the short term, but over time, everyone's enthusiasm will dissipate, and those black agencies and black clinics will inevitably bottom out..."

Others echoed.

Lu Yi said with a smile: “To maintain the long-term enthusiasm of the masses, we can think of ways, such as setting up rewards and so on.

“Why are these people selling their kidneys?”

"It's just that we don't have money to buy our top mobile phone!"

"If this is the case, then we can fully mobilize the public's ability to report. As long as the general public reports those black agencies and black clinics that harvest kidneys, and after confirmation at the police station, they can get a free top mobile phone based on their contribution."

"With rewards, can everyone's enthusiasm be maintained for a long time?"

"Moreover, for those who want a top-notch mobile phone but have no money to buy it. In the past, they might have had to go to black intermediaries and black clinics to sell kidneys. Now they can report such black intermediaries and black clinics. In this way, there is no need to If you sell your kidneys for money, you can still get a pinnacle mobile phone that you have longed for. What would you choose if it were you?"

The words just fell.

Everyone immediately burst into an uproar.


"If it were me, it goes without saying that if I contact the black agent first, confirm the other party's address, and then report it, I don't have to pick off my kidneys and I can get a top-notch mobile phone for free. I can maintain this enthusiasm for a year!"

"If this is the case, I dare say that those black agencies and black clinics will definitely be afraid of someone fishing for law enforcement.

"Haha, yes. This will cause a devastating blow to black agencies and black clinics, because they have no idea whether the people who contact them really want to sell their kidneys, or are just phishing law enforcement in order to get the pinnacle mobile phone for free. "2.5

For a while.

Everyone felt like they were setting aside the clouds and seeing the sun.

I used to think that this problem was very difficult to solve.


With everyone's brainstorming, wouldn't the problem be solved?

Blue Star Electronics only needs to produce hundreds or thousands of top mobile phones to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Not only in the future, he will not be dragged into the whirlpool of fishing boats.

It will also receive support and praise from the broad masses of the people.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Even if there are still cases of people selling their kidneys in the future, Blue Star Electronics will definitely not be involved.


As long as you report a black agency and a black clinic, you can get a pinnacle mobile phone for free, so why bother selling your kidneys?

There are free channels to get Pinnacle mobile phones, but you still have to sell kidneys. That is definitely not selling kidneys just to buy Pinnacle mobile phones. .

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