Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1123 Goal: Annual Shipments Exceed 100 Million

"Is it over 100 million..."

After hearing Jia Weiping's words, Liu Hong murmured.

Is it difficult to break 100 million?

It's not difficult in front of Pinnacle 4.

after all.

In the domestic market, 4 million units were sold in the first week.

What about global markets?

Breaking 100 million is not difficult!

Not difficult at all!

At this time.

Lu Yi opened the door and walked in. He asked with a smile: "Breaking billions? What breaking billions?"

Liu Hong came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Director Lu, you are here just in time. Take a look. This is the statistics we just calculated. Peak 4's first week sales are overwhelming!"

Lu Yi took it over curiously.

He knows that Pinnacle 4 is currently selling very well in China, and the sales volume is definitely not bad.

after all.

Sales reached 420,000 units on the first day.

With such popularity, how bad can the sales be in the first week?

Before the launch of sales, he gave a forecast of sales of 2.8 million units in the first week.


It should be exceeded.

As for how much more... could it have reached 3.5 million units?

For a moment.

A lot went through Lu Yi's mind.

After a while.

When he saw the specific numbers, he was also stunned.


It would be a lie to say that I am not surprised or shocked.

This was 2009, and 600 was only the domestic single market.

It actually sold 4 million units of Peak 4 in the first week.


So unexpected!

They were all shocked when they saw Lu Yi, who was always sullen and calm.

Liu Hong and Jia Weiping both smiled.

This kind of thing is rare.

"Not bad!"

After the shock, Lu Yi regained his composure.

Jia Weiping smiled and said: "Director Lu, I was talking to Mr. Liu just now. Given this popularity, it is not impossible for our Peak 4 annual shipment volume to exceed 100 million!"

Lu Yi smiled and said: "It's still a bit difficult to break 100 million. After all, the world has just experienced a financial crisis. The economies of all countries are at a low point and they don't have enough to eat. How can I have spare money to buy a mobile phone?"

"Of course, there are difficulties, but we still have to have dreams, otherwise there is no difference from salted fish."

"Old Jia, since you have this ambition, then I will give you an additional task to strive for shipments to exceed 100 million units in the peak four years. If you can do it, I will reward you with a bonus of 10 million on behalf of the company!"

Jia Weiping did not refuse this challenge.

He was not doing it for the 10 million bonus.

Speak the truth.

His current annual salary is not low, exceeding 99.9% of people in the country (cibd).

He is not short of money.

At least there is no shortage of ten million.

But he enjoys the urgency of taking on a challenge.

He is the person in charge of the Pinnacle Mobile Phone Division.

If he leads the people under him to achieve the peak of 4 years of shipments exceeding 100 million, it will definitely be a very fulfilling thing.


He does not lack ten million.

But he lacks people under his command.

If he can achieve this challenge goal of over 100 million, then he will have a legitimate reason to increase wages and pay bonuses to his people.

There is even an excuse for promoting one's own confidants.

"Okay, Director Lu, I accept this challenge."

"As for the bonus of 10 million yuan, I don't lack it, so why not give it to my colleagues in the Peak Business Department at that time.

Jia Weiping said.

This is to strive for welfare for the people under his control, and it is also a means to win over people's hearts.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "I don't think ten million is enough for you to give bonuses to your subordinates."

"Well, if you achieve the goal of breaking 100 million, the company will allocate a bonus of 100 million to your department. You can decide how you will pay the 100 million by then."

Jia Weiping immediately smiled even more happily.

He said: "Then I will thank Director Lu on behalf of the brothers and sisters below."

Lu Yi waved his hand.

If it can really break through 100 million, then the money earned by the company will not be such a small amount of one or two billion, but billions to tens of billions.

Liu Hong next to him smiled and said: "Old Jia, if this news gets out, colleagues in other departments will probably envy the people in your peak business department."

Jia Weiping chuckled.

Lu Yi said: "We can't favor one over the other."

"Da Liu, tell your colleagues in the PC Division that if our first Red Star computer can be released next spring, we will also give them bonuses by then."

"In the domestic PC market, Lianxiang has always occupied the leading position, and other brands cannot shake it."

"Now Lianxiang has fallen off the altar due to various reasons, but foreign brands such as Huipu and Deer have taken advantage.

"This is not okay!"

"Let the people in the PC Division work harder to build Red Star Computer as soon as possible. We can't just watch a bunch of foreign brands wipe out Lianxiang's market share. We also need to get a piece of the pie."

Liu Hong nodded and agreed.

At present, the company is not only stepping up the research and development of Red Star computers, but also products such as Red Star tablet xPad, Red Star Walkman and multimedia player xPod, Blue Star headphones, and Blue Star bracelets are also under intense research and development.

The xPad and xPod are benchmarked against the company’s ipad and ipod.

Naturally, Blue Star Electronics will not only sell the pinnacle mobile phone product, but will develop more diversified products.

Jia Weiping came out of Liu Hong's office.

He went straight to the Peak Business Department.

A meeting with people above the supervisory level was immediately convened.

"Everyone, I have some good news for you."

"However, along with this good news, our business unit will also be under tremendous pressure."

"Just now in Mr. Liu's office, Director Lu gave our Peak Business Department an additional task, which is to strive for the annual shipment volume of Peak 4 to exceed 100 million!"

Jia Weiping's words immediately caused an uproar among everyone present.

Everyone looked at Jia Weiping with wide eyes.

Sales exceeded 100 million?

Is this a step too big?

Although Pinnacle 4 is currently very popular.


It is still very difficult for annual shipments to exceed 100 million.

This shipment volume is twice the total shipment volume of the company's first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone, Pinnacle 2 and Pinnacle last year.

Last year, the annual shipment volume of Peak 3 alone was only 25 million units.

But now.

What is Jia Weiping talking about?

Strive to achieve peak 4 shipments exceeding 100 million!

This is 4 times that of Peak 3!


Some people raised doubts.

"Mr. Jia, are you wrong? It means that the peak annual mobile phone shipments exceeded 100 million, not the peak 4-year shipments exceeded 100 million?"

"Yes, the shipment volume of Light Summit 4 has exceeded 100 million, which is too difficult."

"This is more than just pressure, this is simply a mountain pressing down on me."

"Mr. Jia, is this step too big? What if the egg is pulled?"

Bang bang!

Jia Weiping knocked on the table directly to ask everyone to quiet down.

He looked around and said slowly: "I can't say enough, but the peak shipment volume exceeded 100 million units!"

After hearing Jia Weiping's decisive words, everyone suddenly lost their composure.

I can’t calm down!

I was really frightened by the ‘small goal’ of annual shipments exceeding 100 million units. .

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