The Wang Gang incident aroused enthusiastic response in society.

Following the Wang Gang incident, Blue Star Electronics previously issued an announcement calling on everyone to buy Dingfeng mobile phones rationally and not to sell their kidneys to buy Dingfeng mobile phones, and encouraged the general public to report illegal intermediaries.

Almost a week after it was posted, it was finally exposed, attracted the attention of the general public, and reached the top of the hot search lists on major social media platforms.

Hundreds of millions of netizens are talking about this.

After the fishing boat outbreak, many netizens exclaimed that they only knew about it now.

And with that.

Wang Gang, Zhang San, and Li Si successfully received the news of Peak 4 for free, which was exposed and broadcast on TV news and social media platforms.

It also pushed the popularity of this matter to a new level.

in society.

A massive reporting campaign was launched to crack down on illegal intermediaries.

Not only were the black intermediaries severely attacked by the broad masses of the people, but other social contradictions were also brought to light by the broad masses of the people.

For a while.

Police stations and police stations across the country were busy.

Car after car of illegal criminals were pulled into the police station of the Public Security Bureau.

For a while.

The whole society's anger suddenly improved.

Illegal and criminal activities have plummeted.

Many netizens said online that these days, they feel much safer walking on the darkened Road 28 home in the middle of the night.

Mountain city.

A certain high school.

As Wang Gang appeared on Shancheng TV station, he appeared in the prime time news for one minute.

In addition, the Internet is full of hot news about Wang Gang cooperating with Lincheng Railway Police Station to capture He Wei and other gangster intermediaries.

all of a sudden.

Wang Gang became a star in the school.

Wherever he goes, he will be greeted with side glances.


Sometimes Wang Gang is walking on the road.

There will be schoolgirls who shyly come up to him and ask him for his phone number or WeChat ID.

Not only that.

Now in the class, Wang Gang has become the center of attention.

Every time after class.

Immediately, the classmates in the class will gather around him and ask him questions.

Even students from the next class would come to their class after class and ask Wang Gang how he helped the police capture criminals.

This made Wang Gang feel extremely satisfied.

Why does he want to buy Pinnacle 4?

Isn't it just to show off one's holiness in front of others?


There is no doubt that he is the most popular and dazzling figure in the entire school, comparable to a star-like existence.

His vanity was satisfied as never before.


The focus of everyone's attention on him is not on Peak 4, but on his bravery and fearlessness in helping the police capture criminals.

Didn't see it.

All the flowers in the class looked at him with admiration.

Wang Gang enjoys the feeling of being worshiped by the class beauty.

This also allowed him to exaggerate the matter when facing everyone's questions.

Of course.

He directly concealed the idea that he originally wanted to sell his kidneys to exchange for Peak 4.

Instead it is.

On his way home, he happened to see a small advertisement posted on a wire pole, and the justice in his heart burst out, because the teacher had taught them that when they encounter injustice, they should immediately contact the police.


I thought of the teacher’s earnest teachings, of myself being the future flower of the motherland, of...

all in all.

In short.

He successfully cooperated with the police and eliminated this illegal and criminal gang that specialized in picking off people's waists.

Listening to Wang Gang's mellow narration, he talked about fighting wits and courage with gangsters, and bravely breaking into the tiger's den.

It also made the students surrounding him exclaim from time to time, shouting "Wang Gang is awesome".

And the class beauty said: "Wow, classmate Wang Gang, you are so awesome, so manly."

Wang Gang was immediately given a shot of chicken blood.

Once again, he added one or two things that were not true at all.

Wang Gang was surrounded by everyone, listening to him tell the heroic story of the past two days.

The most unhappy ones were naturally his deskmate Zhou Yuan and the 'richest man in the class' Sun Changan.

Zhou Yuan was unhappy.

Wang Gang really got Peak 4 after two days.

And the key thing is.

Wang Gang’s is still the 32GB version of Pinnacle 4. His is the 16GB version.


Not only is Wang Gang taller and more handsome than him, but his academic performance is better than him, he also has Peak 4, and his popularity in class and school is beyond his comparison.

Zhou Yuan was very unhappy.

Sun Changan was unhappy because Wang Gang had stolen the limelight from him as the 'richest man in his class'.

I thought that as the richest man in the class, the first man to have a peak 4, after that, he has always been a rich, handsome and focus-like existence in everyone's eyes.

Even the relationship with the class beauty has become much closer.

Results now.

The class beauty ran to Wang Gang and got close to Wang Gang.

The classmates no longer gathered around him, but gathered around Wang Gang and listened to Wang Gang's stories.

Thinking that all of my limelight was taken away by Wang Gang [even the class beauty was taken away].

Sun Changan stared hatefully at Wang Gang, who was pointing out passionate words. He couldn't help but clenched his fists and wanted to punch Wang Gang.

While thousands of netizens were talking about it and the masses of people mobilized to sound the clarion call against the black agents, Wang Gang was pretending to be a rival in the class.

Sioux City.

Blue Star Electronics Headquarters.

A group of foreign guests were welcomed.

This group of people is none other than Paul Jacobs and his party.

In June this year.

Paul Jacobs listened to Jobs's advice and deliberately set up insurmountable obstacles during the negotiations with Blue Star Electronics.

Eventually, the two parties, who had been working together sweetly for five years, announced their separation.

As soon as the news came out.

It directly shocked the entire market.

People in the industry were even more uproar.

And the consequences are.

Whether it is Gaotong or the listed companies in the Blue Star Electronics supply chain, the stock prices have fallen sharply after the news broke.

To know.

before negotiation between the two parties.

The market is generally optimistic about the cooperation agreement between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong.

to this end.

Many institutions and retail investors had already ambushed relevant stocks before this happened.

Just wait for the news to come out and the good news to be realized, then make a quick buck and leave.


If you don't get the quick money, you will be trapped directly, resulting in heavy losses.

Later, the news broke that Gaotong had invested in Turing, which finally caused Gaotong's stock price to rise sharply, giving those who had been trapped before a chance to unwind.

On the other hand, the listed company of Blue Star Electronics Supply Chain was once again beaten up and refused to admit it because of the news that Gao Tong had invested in Turing.

The person who lurked in the quilt, 657, was beaten so hard that he couldn't even recognize his own mother.

It's just that the reversal happened quickly.

With the release of Pinnacle 4, it shocked the world.

The stock prices of those related companies that had fallen miserably before immediately started a retaliatory rebound.

On the other hand, the rise in stock prices of listed companies related to Gao Tong and Turing came to an abrupt halt and plunged directly into a 90-degree suicide dive.

It truly demonstrates to retail investors what it means to be in KTV one second and be pushed into the ICU the next second.

As Pinnacle 4 took the lead in going on sale in the domestic market, its first-day sales and first-week sales exploded, and it even ran out of stock twice.


The stock prices of related individual companies such as BYD and Futukang once again started a sharp rise.

However, Gaotong and Turing-related stock companies started a wave of decline again.

Some people have made a lot of money because of it, and some people have lost consciousness because of it.

And Gao Tong.

Before the ceremony where he was originally going to sign a stake in Turing, he realized that something was not going well and slipped away, making Turing a big joke.

I started thinking about how to repair the relationship with Blue Star Electronics.

How to resume cooperation with Blue Star Electronics.

after all.

There are no absolute enemies and friends in the shopping mall, only eternal interests.

Whoever can bring more benefits to Gao Tong, then Gao Tong will choose who to turn to, and whoever is Gao Tong's closest friend.

Turing was the same before.

The same is true now for Blue Star Electronics.


Gaotong's negotiation team, headed by Paul Jacobs, is here.

This time they came to seek peace. .

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