Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1157 Sanxing Is About To Divest, And Steve Jobs Is Dead

[Bluestar Electronics and Gaotong have reached an agreement and the patent fee ratio is set at 3.9%. 】——Fox News

[Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong have renewed their cooperation. 】——The Wall Street Times

[The patent fee ratio is 3.9%. Gaotong will collect at least 1 billion meters of patent licensing fees from Blue Star Electronics every year. 】-News of the World

[Three months after breaking up, Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong announced their reunion. 】——~America Broadcasting Company

As the news spread from the Dragon Kingdom to America.

America's major mainstream news media organizations have carried out extensive reports.


All the people in America know it.

Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong just broke up in June.


Got back together.

To this.

The outside world is actually not surprised.

after all.

After Pinnacle 4 was released, everyone could see it.

The alliance between Fruit Company, Sanxing Group, and Gaotong against Blue Star Electronics completely failed.

Gaotong is an enterprise, especially an enterprise that puts profits first.

After failing against Blue Star Electronics, it is extremely normal to go back and seek cooperation again.

at this point.

There have been signs since Gao Tong ran away one second before the signing ceremony to invest in Turing on October 10.

Turing phones are no match for Pinnacle phones.

If Gao Tong continues to hug such a withered tree, he will only lose himself.

Stop losses promptly.

And re-establishing a cooperative relationship with Blue Star Electronics is the most correct choice.

As long as a qualified leader is in Paul Jacob's position, he will make such a choice.

Some time ago.

The plummeting share price of Gaotong is a feedback attitude of investors towards Gaotong's wrong decision.

If Turing mobile phones can successfully attack the top mobile phones, then the market will naturally push up Gaotong's stock price.

But the reality is.

Turing1 was completely incompetent in front of Peak 4 and was knocked down in an instant.

It has become the fastest price-diving mobile phone in the history of the industry.

Now the Turing Company's warehouse is full of Turing1 that cannot be sold.

Futukang, which manufactures products for Turing Company, also had its orders cut off.


Gao Tong re-entered cooperation with Blue Star Electronics.

With the current sales pace of Apex 4, it is crazy.

It can be said that Gao Tong can take away 1 billion meters of royalties from Blue Star Electronics next year.

This is a huge increase in performance.

To know.

In 2004, Lu Yi and Jacob Lao reached a gambling agreement.

As a result, old Jacob was completely defeated.

So much so that Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phones are selling like crazy, but Gaotong can only take away tens of millions of dollars in royalties from Blue Star Electronics every year, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

So much so that Gao Tong became a joke in the industry.

Jacob Sr. also had to resign due to the gambling agreement, which caused Gao Tong heavy losses, and handed over the position of head to his son Paul Jacobs.

Now that Gaotong and Bluestar Electronics have reached a new cooperation agreement, the patent fee ratio is 3.9%, which is indeed a very favorable ratio price.

Even counting the 65% collection ratio that is unknown to the outside world.

After one year, the patent fee of at least 5.6 billion meters of gold can still be guaranteed.

Guaranteed harvest during droughts and floods.

No matter how.

Gaotong and Bluestar Electronics have reached a new cooperation agreement.

That means.

Gao Tong's revenue from the patent fee business will surge next year.

Stock trading is all about expectations.

Now Gao Tong's expectations are there.

After the sharp drop in stock prices some time ago, space has also fallen.

Can't everyone take advantage of this great opportunity to buy Gaoshi's stocks like crazy?


When Gaotong's share price soared 29% due to this news.

The share price of the fruit company plummeted by 17% in a waterfall style.

Everyone knows who is behind Turing.

Said without politeness.

Turing Company is the shadow company of Fruit Company.

Now Gao Tong directly betrayed their tripartite alliance and re-reached a cooperation agreement with Blue Star Electronics.

This is very, very bad news for the fruit company and Sanxing Group.

Investors vote with their feet.

When there is good news, it will naturally be your stock.

And once the black swan strikes, it will be a trampling-like escape.


As for the fruit company, the stock price has soared due to the release of Turing1.

Now it's so fun to fall down.

Turing has become a financial black hole for fruit companies.


Compared with the fruit company, Sanxing Group can be said to be the worst loser.

In the Turing project, people, effort and money are all involved.

It also tripped up Blue Star Electronics on the screen.

As a result, it kicked the iron plate of Huaxing Optoelectronics.

Not only did they lose the high-quality customer Blue Star Electronics, but they also gained the powerful competitor Huaxing Optoelectronics.

…………Please give me flowers…………

I thought that with the Turing mobile phone, I could defeat Blue Star Electronics.

Everything you did before that was worth it.


The emergence of Peak 4 made all calculations completely come to nothing.

This is just great.

On the Turing project, we suffered a huge loss.

Without Blue Star Electronics as a major customer, and Huaxing Optoelectronics taking away a large number of customers, revenue will inevitably decline sharply.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

Even worse than the fruit company.

After Li Jianxi saw Gao Tong and Blue Star Electronics re-entering a cooperation agreement, he felt regretful.

Why did I believe in Jobs's evil deeds and board Turing's broken ship in the first place?

For a while.

Li Jianxi's idea of ​​withdrawing investment from the Turing project is getting stronger and stronger.

Because there is no hope at all.

Sanxing really wants to enter the high-end market and compete with Blue Star Electronics.

But seriously.

The Sanxing Group alone is fully capable of manufacturing high-end series of mobile phones.

He doesn't want to stay stuck in the Turing project now.

We still have to get out as soon as possible to reduce losses.

Think of this.

Li Jianxi took out his Pinnacle mobile phone and dialed Jobs.

He believes it.

Steve Jobs would have understood his decision to divest.

I've already suffered such heavy losses, and it's unreasonable for you to hold on to me after Steve Jobs went crazy with you.


The call is connected.

Steve Jobs was a little surprised by Li Jianxi's call.

It was just when I was going to bed at night, what did Li Jianxi want to do when he called me?

Li Jianxi stopped hiding things and showed his cards directly.

"Hey, Mr. Jobs, I am very sorry to inform you that after discussion by the board of directors of Sanxing Group, we have decided to withdraw investment from the Turing project."

the other side.

When Jobs heard that Li Jianxi was going to divest his capital, he couldn't sleep immediately.

It was as if there were five thunderbolts from the sky.

It’s okay if Gao Tong withdraws his capital, after all, Gao Tong hasn’t come in yet.

Now you, Li Jianxi, also want to withdraw your capital?

What should my fruit company do?

Is my fruit company playing alone?

Who will share the losses?

all of a sudden.

Steve Jobs became a scholar because of Li Jianxi's words. .

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