Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1159 The Big Battle, Both Banners And Personal Greetings

Can't sit still?

It's quite possible.

According to the team members.

During this period, Infineon was pinched by Intel.

Now Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong have officially reached a cooperation.

This is undoubtedly huge bad news for Infineon.

The opposite of.

This is very conducive to Intel's control of Infineon, thereby lowering the price of Infineon.


Both parties want to maximize their interests.

One doesn’t want to be pressed too hard.

One wants to get it at a cabbage price.

Without them, the Sun God would disrupt the situation.

Faced with Intel's manipulation, Infinelen really has no decent countermeasures.

But with the Sun God involved, it would be different.

At least.

Infineleng does not have no chips at all.

It was obvious from the fact that Collison wanted to have a serious talk with them.

Collison must be very dissatisfied with Intel's crazy manipulation.

As long as there is a little sunshine on its side, it is very likely that Infineon will choose to sell its wireless business to Helios. 28

It seems so.

This group of people is preparing to go to Hans Kingdom again.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Yang Fei found Lu Yi.

Relevant situations were reported.

Hear the words.

Lu Yi's lips curved into a smile.

"It seems that Infineon has been pinched by Intel and is indeed a little bit unable to sit still."

"Okay, since Infineon wants to have a serious talk with us, let's satisfy their wish.

"However, we don't need to be too aggressive."

"You have to make Collison's group feel uncomfortable before you understand who is the right person.

Lu Yi said with a smile.

Yang Fei also smiled and nodded: "I understand."

the other side.

After contacting the personnel from the Sun God, Collison still felt a little uneasy.

just in case.

Sun God really has no interest in their wireless business, what should we do?

They must sell the wireless business and give it to the company.

Naturally, we must use this to strive for the greatest benefit.

Intel was originally their first choice.

But Intel wanted to take away its wireless business at a bargain price, which made Collison and the others a little angry.

We work with you, America, to block the high-tech technology of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the end, this is what America's company did to us?

Treat us like fish on the chopping board and slaughter us at will?

That being the case.

Then I will sell it to Helios Company!

Although Collison's mind has now changed.

But the situation is completely different from the beginning.

At first, Helios begged Infinelen to sell its wireless business to Helios in a low voice.

They Ying Feileng didn't want to.

it's good now.

Blue Star Electronics has re-established a cooperative relationship with Gaotong.

This means that Helios Company is no longer so urgent and has less demand for their wireless business under Infineon.

A good hand of cards was directly beaten to pieces by Ying Feileng.

Now being manipulated crazily by Intel, I have no choice but to put down my body and go to the Sun God Company.

But the key is.

It’s unclear whether the Sun God is still willing to take over.

If the Sun God Company is not willing to take over the deal.

They are really controlled by Intel.


After contacting people from the Sun God Company yesterday and expressing his intention, Collison has been waiting for a reply from the Sun God.

one day.

Two days.


No news came.

This made Collison panic.


He contacted the Sun God Company again.

The reply I received was that Yang Fei already knew about it, but had not yet given a reply.

The answer disappointed Collison.

at the same time.

I felt even more flustered and regretful.

What Collison didn't know was.

In fact, Yang Fei had already replied to the team members who stayed in Mu Nihei.

Ask them not to call Collison back yet, and wait until Collison calls to inquire. Then they will tell Collison that they have not received a reply yet.

Sure enough, everything was as Yang Fei expected, Collison took the initiative to call and inquire.

After Collison called to inquire, the team members from Mu Nihei immediately called Yang Fei to report.

Yang Fei gave instructions in the air to call Collison back in the evening and told him that he would fly to Munihei soon.

From the fact that Collison took the initiative to call and inquire about the news, it can be inferred that Collison is indeed a little anxious and panicked.

Then it would be necessary to make Collison more flustered and even a little desperate.

Only in this way.

When a ray of sunshine comes over, Collison will cherish it.

Everything is following Yang Fei's script.

Mu Nihei at eight o'clock in the evening.

The team members of Helios Company called Collison according to Yang Fei's instructions.

"Mr. Collison, I just received a reply from Team Leader Yang. Team Leader Yang will fly to Munihei soon."

Collison had never felt that the night was so sunny.

in the morning.

He was disappointed not to get the reply he had hoped for.

The whole afternoon was spent in anxiety.

The result was when he was a little desperate.

Here comes the good news.

It's like a traveler in the desert encountering manna falling from heaven.

Collison immediately said on the phone that he would personally go to Munich International Airport to welcome Yang Fei that day.

This time.

They must take good care of Yang Fei and his party.

Two days later.

November 18th.

Yang Fei took the team members who had returned to China and set foot on the land of Hans Kingdom again.

It’s different from the last time I came to Hansi Country.

This time.

Just got off the plane.

Yang Fei and his party saw the banner hung by Infineleng at the airport to welcome their arrival.

Not just a welcome banner. 203 Collison even brought a group of senior officials to the airport to greet Yang Fei and the others.

This kind of battle is not a big one.

It also attracted the attention of everyone at the airport.

Guessing what the origin of Yang Fei and his group was, why the battle was so big.

"What happened?"

"Who are those oriental people? Why are they greeted by such a huge battle array?"

"Oh my god, I know that person. He is Mr. Collison, the CEO of Infineon. He actually went to the airport in person to greet an Asian. It's incredible.

Everyone at the airport was talking a lot, constantly guessing about the identities of Yang Fei and his party.

after all.

The person who came to greet them was the head of Ying Feiling.

For ordinary people like them.

Collison is their unattainable big shot.

Such a big shot came to the airport to greet him in person. With such a huge battle, the identity of the group of Orientals must be extraordinary.

"Mr. Yang, welcome to Mu Nihei again.

Collison stepped forward immediately, with a smile on his face, hugged Yang Fei, and gave Yang Fei a kiss to express his welcome.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Collison, I am flattered by the battle at the scene."

"Haha, you are our extremely distinguished guest of Infineon, and this is what you should do." Collison said with a smile.

The two walked out of the airport talking and laughing under the gaze of everyone.


Everyone saw a row of motorcades driving onto the airport expressway. .

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