Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1165 Official Announcement: Bluestar Electronics And Flower Factory Officially Become Shareh

Loongson International lost the lawsuit.

Domestically, it caused an uproar and widespread discussion.

As a leader in the domestic chip foundry industry.

First, Lu Yi appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International, and then there were tripartite talks between Blue Star Electronics, Flower Factory, and Loongson International, and a series of other things.

Ordinary people who eat melons already have a preliminary understanding of Loongson International.

We know that Loongson International plays a very important role in the development of domestic chip semiconductors.

If Loongson International is destroyed, it will definitely be a huge blow to the domestic chip semiconductor industry.

Fishing wheels are fermenting rapidly on the Internet.

Thousands of netizens complained about Loongson International.

What's more.

Directly digging out this is already the fourth time that Jiangsu Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has sued Loongson International, and it is also the fourth time that Longxin International has lost the lawsuit.

"In fact, this is not the first time that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has sued Loongson International. This is the fourth time.

"And Loongson International has lost four consecutive games in the face of lawsuits against Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

"The first time was on August 18, 2003, when TMC requested the America International Trade Commission to initiate investigation procedures, claiming that the import and sale of Loongson International's semiconductor devices infringed on its patents."

"The second time was on December 22, 2003, just before Loongson International was listed. In America, Loongson Semiconductor sued Loongson International again, claiming that the latter had infringed on many of its patents and stolen some trade secrets. For this reason, Loongson International had to Delay the time to market.”

"The third time was in August 2004, when Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. initiated the tenth intellectual property lawsuit against Loongson International in Aye Xinka."

"Three times before and after, the reasons for prosecution were basically the same."

“In 2005, Loongson International was finally forced to succumb to the three lawsuits filed by Samsung Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and reached an out-of-court settlement, paying compensation of 175 million yuan to Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. within six years.”

"The result is good. It has only been a year since the settlement agreement was reached. On August 28, 2006, Tsinghua Semiconductor once again sued Loongson International for intellectual property infringement in America, demanding compensation of 1 billion yuan."

UP leader Bei Sima became famous for exposing Lian Xiang's true face and has now become an internet celebrity with over one million fans.

After Loongson International was sentenced to defeat for the fourth time.

Beisima immediately collected relevant information on the grievances and resentments between Loongson International and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., sorted them out, and then posted them on Weibo.


Fans of Bei Sima forwarded comments one after another.

When everyone saw this situation, they immediately stopped working and started to stir up trouble.

"Damn it! It's so shameless to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. They sue for the same reason every time. This is an obvious act of extortion."

"This is really disgusting. It's fucking disgusting. It's so disgusting."

"I would like to say something to EMC. They are born from the same roots, so why be too hasty in fighting each other?"

"Haha, brother upstairs, you regard Semiconductor as a brother, but others regard you as a scapegoat."

"Everyone understands it! Although ICMC is a company in the Treasure Island region of our country, I don't need to say more about who listens to ICMC."

"I just don't understand, why is Loongson International clinging to the government of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?"

"Isn't it already stated in Beisima's article? The reason is very simple. The rapid development of Loongson International threatens the status of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the industry. In order to suppress Loongson International, this kind of despicable means is used. It can be seen that It turned out that it was indeed successful to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The first four to five years after the establishment of Loongson International was the period of fastest development. However, after being involved in endless lawsuits with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Loongson International’s development became chaotic and slowed down. "

"Yes! The purpose of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is to suppress Loongson International to death. In the first few years, Loongson International was profitable, but since being suppressed by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. with lawsuits, it has been losing money for four or five years. .”

Bei Sima's article caused an uproar on the Internet.

At this moment.

Only the vast number of melon-eating people know this.

This is not the first time that Loongson International has been suppressed by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and was sentenced to lose the lawsuit.

This is the fourth time.


In 2005, Loongson International had no choice but to reach a settlement agreement with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. outside the court, paying compensation of 175 million meters in six years, 30 million meters in compensation in each of the first five years, and 25 million meters in the last year. gold.

Loongson International originally thought that this way it could buy peace of mind and develop its business well.


The next year, I regretted my promotion of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

For the fourth time, Loongson International was sued, demanding compensation of 1 billion yuan.

After hundreds of millions of domestic netizens found out about the dirty things that Semiconductor Manufacturing Company did to Loongson International, everyone was outraged.

How could there be such a shameless Qi Ya in this world?

In order to suppress competitors, they will do anything they can.

This is to suppress Loongson International to death without giving any chance to breathe.

Domestic netizens are very angry and want to criticize Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s official website.

It was only after checking that it was discovered.

What a shame that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has no official website or official website in mainland China.

This makes the majority of netizens angry and frustrated.

The first time that Loongson International was sentenced to lose the lawsuit.

Domestic and foreign media organizations rushed to the Loongson International Headquarters in Zhangjiang Science and Technology Park in Shanghai to interview Zhang Rujin for his views on the matter.

Zhang Rujin also responded immediately.

he said.

He was very disappointed with the decision of the California District Court in America and said he would appeal.

at the same time.

Zhang Rujin also said.

Since Loongson International signed a settlement agreement with ICMC in 2005, Loongson International has tried its best to fulfill and comply with the terms of the settlement agreement.

Loongson International is shocked and deeply disappointed by the repeated actions to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Loongson International believes that this is a malicious act by some people.

at last.

Zhang Rujin also said.

Loongson International will use all means to safeguard the company's legitimate interests and actively defend against legal proceedings against Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

at the same time.

There are also many media organizations in Su City and Pengcheng that want to interview Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei and want to know their attitudes.

To this.

Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei did not refuse.


It seemed like it was an agreement.

The two said almost the same thing when interviewed by reporters.

Lu Yi said that he felt very sorry for Loongson International's defeat and did not understand why the District Court of America ruled in favor of a company that maliciously sued a competitor.

at the same time.

Lu Yi expressed his support for Loongson International’s appeal to maintain its legitimate rights and interests. He believed that it was very shameless for some companies to use malicious means to suppress competitors.

Reporters at the scene were shocked.

Because Lu Yi's words were almost pointing at Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and scolding them for being shameless and obscene.

On the other side, Ren Zhengfei, when interviewed by reporters, spoke much more tactfully, but his meaning was almost the same as Lu Yi's.

At the same time.

at the end.

Both Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei announced a big news.

That is, after more than a month of negotiations, Blue Star Electronics, Huachang and Loongson International finally reached an agreement.

Bluestar Electronics will invest in Loongson International through a technology investment plus a cash flow of 300 million meters.

The flower factory also invested in Loongson International through technology investment plus 150 million meters of gold.

As soon as the news came out.

It immediately caused an uproar within and outside the industry. .

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