Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1170 Steve Jobs: Hey, I Can Do It Again!

"Mr. Ren, please be patient, we don't blame you!"

"The richest man in Lu, please be gentle and keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood."

"Boss Mr. Ren and the richest man Lu, the most important thing is to protect yourself first. You can take care of other things later!"

Countless netizens flocked to leave comments on the official V of Huachang and Bluestar Electronics.

Everyone knows it.

Once the chip supply is cut off, Huachang and Blue Star Electronics will have huge problems in their development.

Bluestar Electronics does not need Gaotong's baseband chip.

But we must not ignore the Kunlun core manufactured by Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

This is the brain of a smartphone.

Without a CPU, a smartphone is just a brick.

In this era of extremely rapid development of smartphones.

If Huachang and Blue Star Electronics lose one or two years of development time, they will definitely fall behind completely.

Their share of the market will be divided up by other mobile phone manufacturers to the point where nothing is left.


Loongson International can OEM and produce 90nm and 180nm chips.


Chips made with this kind of process technology are really so backward that even dogs dislike them.

As a leader in the smartphone industry, if the top mobile phone uses 90nm or even 180nm level chips, will everyone still buy it?

Is the Pinnacle mobile phone still the original Pinnacle mobile phone?

The reason why Dingfeng mobile phones are loved by everyone is precisely because Dingfeng mobile phones are the best in the world in terms of industrial design and software and hardware.

Once chips using the 90nm process technology are used, it will go too far in reverse, and it will no longer be the top mobile phone in everyone's mind.

This way.

It will inevitably be abandoned by the market.

No one will rush to buy Pinnacle mobile phones anymore, let alone scalpers queuing up a month in advance.

It is precisely because the majority of netizens know that Huachang and Blue Star Electronics are now facing life and death.


They understand the difficulties of both companies.


Even if Huachang and Blue Star Electronics give in to Li Semiconductor, they will not blame them.

Of course.

There are these lovely netizens who are worried about the development of Flower Factory and Blue Star Electronics.

There are also kneeling people who have returned to the world.

In the past, these kneeling people were badmouthing Pinnacle 4, but they were so beaten up by the Pinnacle 4 press conference that they no longer dared to stand out again.


This does not mean that these online kneeling tribes have completely disappeared.

They were just dormant for the time being, ready to fight back at any time.


The power supply to the flower factory was cut off, which was a direct warning to the monkeys.

This gives these Internet kneeling people hope to make a comeback.


They couldn't hold it anymore, ran out, started jumping up and down, and taunting wildly.

"Haha, what am I talking about? Those Pinnacle NC fans were bragging about Pinnacle phones like this and that, but when they lifted up Semiconductor Microelectronics a little harder, their true colors were revealed"[!"

"I have long said that Pinnacle Mobile and Petal Mobile are not good enough compared to old manufacturers such as Nokia and Motorola. Now they have been stripped of their clothes and revealed their true colors.

If old manufacturers such as Nokia and Motorola encounter this kind of situation, they will definitely not be like Huachang and Blue Star Electronics, who have no solution at all. "

"So, I still have to buy a Turing1 phone [the pinnacle phone is not worth it]."

"Those people used to brag about Pinnacle mobile phones, but now they are done. They can't even make a small chip, and their life is in their hands. They are still bragging about Blue Star Electronics being the leader in the mobile phone industry. The high-tech enterprise of Longguo is really making me laugh to death."

Internet kneeling people have been suppressed for too long.

Once he gained the upper hand, he went crazy and attacked Blue Star Electronics and attacked the flower factory.

In addition to these Internet tribes who have long been displeased with Blue Star Electronics, they clapped their hands crazily in celebration after learning the news that the power supply was cut off.

Another person also expressed great excitement.

That's Steve Jobs.

As the news fermented, relevant news information soon became available in Europe and the United States.

It has also attracted constant discussion in Europe and the United States.

As for Steve Jobs.

Due to the huge sales of Pinnacle 4, Turing mobile phones could not be sold and were overstocked in the warehouse [not to mention the heavy losses.

Sanxing also announced its withdrawal from cooperation.

This is what makes Alexander Jobs so proud.


Not long ago, Samxing Lee Kun-hee expressed his intention to withdraw from the cooperation.

The board of directors of the fruit company immediately held a board meeting.

in the meeting.

Most of the directors of the fruit company pointed their fingers at Jobs.

Because it was Jobs who caused shareholders like them to suffer heavy losses.

after all.

The Turing project failed and a lot of money was lost.

And all this money needs to be paid by directors like them.


When Steve Jobs launched the iPhone project, he failed to obtain authorization for multi-touch technology and failed to break through patent barriers. As a result, it was difficult to produce the iPhone, and hundreds of millions of dollars of R&D funds invested were wasted.

They had already begun to question Jobs' abilities back then.

But later Jobs persuaded Sanxing Group to jointly establish Turing Company, build the Turing brand, reskin the iPhone, and launch it in a ten-curve way to save the country.

They backed Jobs again.

I thought I could succeed this time.

The result is directly in front of Peak 4, nothing.

these years.

In order to support Jobs' plan, they invested a lot of money.


Only investment is seen, but no output is seen. The more you lose, the more you lose. It can be called a financial black hole.

As Sanxing was about to withdraw, the board of directors could no longer sit still and once again attacked Jobs.

Nearly half of the directors have asked Steve Jobs to give up his position as CEO and let Kuke take charge of the fruit company.

Facing a lot of pressure, Jobs couldn't stand it anymore and said he had to think about it.


Just when he was considering whether to retreat.

A gift package from heaven.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company actually wants to cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics.

This immediately gave Jobs an opportunity to make a comeback.

If Semiconductor Manufacturing Company really cuts off supply of chips to Blue Star Electronics, then Pinnacle Mobile will be completely wiped out. Will the Turing project be revived?

Think of this.

Jobs suddenly felt a surge of blood in his body, and he was extremely excited.

There is no such thing as retreating. I, Steve Jobs, have not yet been defeated!

I, Steve Jobs, am doing well again!


Jobs knew it too.

If Blue Star Electronics shows mercy, Semiconductor Manufacturing Company will definitely not cut off the supply of chips.

In this way, his happiness would be in vain.


He absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

There must be a push behind (Qiannuo's) back, so that even if Blue Star Electronics gives in, Semiconductor Manufacturing Company will cut off supply at all costs.

He planned to contact Zhang Zhongmou, who promoted Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and have a chat with him.

Their Turing can completely replace Blue Star Electronics.

He believes it.

As long as he, Steve Jobs, comes to the door and borrows the power of the vampires on Wall Street.

Zhang Zhongmou, who supports Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., must obey.

After all, Xian.

The technology to improve Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was obtained from America.

If you don’t obey.

I went to the white house to chat with Opama and explained the stakes. The government came forward to put pressure on Zhang Zhongmou. I still didn't believe that Zhang Zhongmou dared to disobey America's order.

Just when Jobs was having wild dreams, he even imagined that after Blue Star Electronics was cut off, he would lead Turing to take over the city and replace it.

His personal phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Li Jianxi calling.

This made Jobs frown.

What is Li Jianxi trying to do by calling him at this time?

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