"Watt? Steve, what did you just say? Sanxing returned to the Turing project with 1 billion meters of gold?"

"Steve, are you sure this is true?"

"Oh my God! If that's the case, that's great."

"Steve, tell me, this is true, right?"

All the directors were shocked.

It was as if he heard something incredible.

some days ago.

Sanxing Group was still clamoring for a breakup with them.


Within two days, Sanxing changed its mind.

Not only did he change his mind, but he also asked to get back together with a dowry of 1 billion meters of gold.

This is incredible.

Jobs sneered: "I can tell you clearly that this is true. I asked for the 1 billion yuan in gold from Sanxing. Hmm, how can it be so easy to get back together after a breakup!"

"Haha, Steve, you are right, you should do this."

"That's right! If you want to get back together, you must show sincerity."

"Jobs, 28 you are indeed a genius, we were right about you.

Sam and other directors said happily.

The only person who is not in a good mood is Alex.

Why does he think Jobs is going to make a desperate comeback?

Jobs looked at Alex at this time and said: "Alex, Sanxing Group wants to get back together with us. Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Alex asked subconsciously.

"It means that Sanxing Group is not optimistic about Blue Star Electronics' compromise with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.!" Jobs said coldly.

Alex didn't understand and asked quickly: "Why?"

Jobs looked at Alex as if he were an idiot and said: "Because the person at the helm of Blue Star Electronics is a genius, and geniuses have a common problem, that is, they are aloof and will not compromise easily with anyone."

"Just like me, I will not give up to Blue Star Electronics easily!"

Alex: "Uh~"

What kind of reason is this?

Seeing that Alex had nothing to say, Jobs glanced at everyone with sharp eyes and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, do you still want to remove me as CEO now?"

Everyone who heard this looked at each other in shock?

At this moment, they realized that the clown was ourselves.

"Haha, Steve, did we just say we were going to remove you from your position as CEO?"

Sam said with a smile.

Then he looked at the other directors and said, "Beasley, have you said this?"

Xinli shook his head: "I didn't."

"Alston, did you say that?"

"Sam, please don't accuse me wrongly. I haven't said a word until now?"

"That's what you said, Charles."

"I swear, I never said anything like that. Oh, God, I've always supported Steve."

Faced with Sam's inquiry, everyone who was asked shook their heads in denial.

After asking around, no one admitted it.


The only thing I missed was Alex.

Sam looked at Jobs sincerely and said: "Steve, you heard it. None of us have ever said such a thing. We have always believed in you. No one is more suitable to run the fruit company than you."


Jobs smiled coldly and glanced at Alex.

Alex's face was ugly, his head lowered, and he didn't say a word.

What else could he say?

What the hell.

People like Sam, Charles, and Beasley are all shameless people.

Sam didn't seem to hear Jobs's sneer. He smiled and said: "Steve, just go ahead and do it. We will fully support you. We believe that you can defeat Blue Star Electronics, because you are Steve Jobs. "

The arrogant Jobs raised his head and said: "That's natural, I have never doubted it.

Others were also flattering one after another, as if they had completely forgotten that they forced Jobs to resign a few days ago.

"Haha, Steve, you can definitely do it."

"Steve, under your leadership, the fruit company will surely move towards a more glorious tomorrow.

"Steve, do your best, we will always support you, don't have any psychological baggage.

Sam and Beasley complimented Jobs, which made Alex very unhappy.

But he couldn't help it if he wasn't happy.

Who allowed Steve Jobs to seize the opportunity and make a comeback?

Even if you are unhappy, you have to endure it.

if not.

The guns of people like Sam "will definitely be pointed at him without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Alex felt uncomfortable.

Immediately he couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and left the conference room.


Others also got up and left.

This matter.

They also had to report to the big bosses behind the scenes to see if they would support Jobs.


In their opinion, this matter should be close to home.

For the giants on Wall Street, profit is the most important thing.

Jobs had offered them a bait that was hard to refuse.

the other side.

In China, the news that the power supply was cut off to the flower factory triggered a much stronger reaction than in Europe and the United States.

Countless netizens scolded Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for not respecting martial ethics.

at the same time.

Everyone also went to the official V of Huachang and Blue Star Electronics to leave messages, begging Huachang and Blue Star Electronics to be gentle and save their business first.

The messages left by netizens on the official V were immediately known to Lu Yi.

He browsed everyone's messages in the office with a smile on his lips.

Domestic netizens are still very cute.


Is Xiangji Electric being soft?


Let the chip bounce around for a while, then clean it up later.

As for the threat of semiconductor power outages, neither Lu Yi nor Ren Zhengfei are actually too worried.

before this.

They have already made some preparations.

Not to mention that Loongson International is the backup to replace Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory had also placed a large order with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. before this, and had already stocked a batch of chips that would be enough to last until next year.

As for this time next year

Lu Yi believes it.

With the help and support of Bluestar Electronics and Flower Factory, Loongson International should be able to mass-produce chips below the 45nm process.


Can start accepting 28nm pre-orders from the outside world.

At this time.

Liu Hong knocked on the door and walked in.

"Netizens on the Internet are very excited now. They support us and the flower factory, and left messages on the official V page saying, let us compromise first and save the green hills without fear of running out of firewood. Do we want to respond?" Liu Hong asked.

Naturally, he also paid attention to the situation on the Internet.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "I really need to respond, so that everyone will not worry all the time."

"Then what do you think is the appropriate response?" Liu Hong asked again.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Let me respond to everyone."


Lu Yi started typing quickly on the keyboard.

As he pressed the enter key, a comment appeared under the official V.


Lu Yi's comment rushed to the top position in the comment area at a rocket speed.

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