Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1193 The Outside World Is Making A Big Fuss, Lu Yi Is Crazy About Bargain Hunting And Making

Blue Star Electronics is blocked by the industry.

As a result, the most injured person was actually Future Group.

In just three days.

Future Group's share price plummeted 55.8%, and its market value fell by more than 150 billion meters.

I don’t know how many investors who didn’t have time to run suffered heavy losses in the three-day plunge, and even lost their pants.

It was a disaster of epic proportions.

For a while.

On the American Internet, countless retail investors were wailing.

They can't figure it out.

Obviously Blue Star Electronics and Future Group are two independently operating companies.

Why is it that Mao Lanxing Electronics suffers a disadvantage, but Future Group suffers the consequences?

Is it just because the boss of these two companies is Lu Yi?

It’s too far-fetched here!


No matter how these people cry, this is the reality.

The reality is so cruel.

I won't tell you any logic.

As long as someone feels something is wrong, cashes out in advance and runs away, triggering a stampede of panic and fleeing, there is no reason to argue.

Not to mention retail investors in leeks.

Even if it is a major institution with strong capital, it will suffer heavy losses if it cannot clear its positions immediately when encountering such a thing.

The melon-eating people here in China.

After seeing the sharp decline of Future Group in the past three days, I was stunned.

Those big A leeks that had been cut numb by the main force's sickle suddenly felt extremely happy when they saw this scene.

Although the main force in the country is very indifferent, they repeatedly cut leeks against them.

But there has never been such a cutting method.

It plummeted 30% on one day, 18% on the next day, and 8% on the third day...

The main force of Big A cuts leeks, at least the roots are still there, and they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

But here in the U.S. stock market, it can be called a great escape.

Not to mention leaving roots for you, I even spread ashes for you.

"No more words to say, stable happiness!"

"Three seconds of silence for the American stock market."

"I originally thought I was badly cut off in Big A, but seeing America's stock investors, I actually feel very happy at the moment."

"Our big A main force cut the leeks and at least kept the roots. But in the US stock market, the main force has to be cut by the market. If it runs a little slower, the main force will be trapped on the top of the mountain.

"The U.S. stock market is really terrible. It's not something I can just wait for Xiao San to play."

"Now I finally know why the dog masters in China are always harvested after going to sea. I really don't blame them..."

"Domestic dog main force: Leek upstairs, you are the only one who understands us [crying.jpg]"

"Big A main force: Finally someone understands us. We have shouldered too many grievances that we should not have endured over the years [crying.jpg]"

"In this wave, the one with the heaviest losses is none other than the richest man in Lu. Think about it, Blue Star Electronics is facing an industry-wide ban, and Blue Star Electronics is on the verge of collapse. As a result, the stock price of Future Group has been directly cut in half. There is no one like the richest man in Lu. Have you been having a worse time these days?"

"When the richest man Lu saw what you said, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry!"

"What the hell, you are a laborer earning 2,000 yuan a month, but you are still worried about the misfortune of the richest man Lu, wouldn't it be wrong for you to move two more bricks?"

"In three days, the wealth of the richest man Lu has evaporated by more than 50 billion meters in the Future Group."

"Even though the richest man Lu's net worth has evaporated by 50 billion meters, he is still the richest man in the world. This is very shameful."

"It's just wealth on paper, but you guys take it seriously."

"If you are rich on paper, you are also rich. You don't even have wealth on paper."

"Old iron, it's your heart!"

For a while.

Domestic and foreign news were flooded with news that Blue Star Electronics was blocked by the industry and that Future Group's share price was cut in half.

While everyone was talking endlessly, they all looked towards Su Cheng.

Faced with the current difficult situation, how should a hot man solve it?


For several days, there was no response from Blue Star Electronics.

This has made the outside world even more vocal in badmouthing Blue Star Electronics.

"There is no doubt that Lu Yi is helpless in the face of this situation.

"The decline of Blue Star Electronics is inevitable!"

"The decline of Blue Star Electronics will further trigger the future decline of the group."

"The real culprit for the decline of Blue Star Electronics is not the promotion of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., but Lu Yi! It was Lu Yi's arrogance that led to today's situation."


There have been many comments that badmouthed Blue Star Electronics and Future Group, as well as criticized Lu Yi.

These remarks indicate.

Blue Star Electronics is doomed to have nowhere to go in this industry ban, and decline is inevitable.

at the same time.

This will also lead to the future group going downhill and being brought into the quagmire.

On the surface.

Blue Star Electronics declined because Semiconductor Manufacturing Company took the lead in banning Blue Star Electronics.

But after these remarks criticized him from left to right, they finally put the blame on Lu Yi.

Think Lu Yi is the culprit that caused all this.

If Lu Yi's attitude had not been too tough, if Lu Yi had not led Blue Star Electronics' investment in Loongson International, and thus had a bad relationship with Jiangsu Semiconductor...then the current situation would not have occurred.

Such remarks have been widely circulated by the kneeling tribe on the Internet.

There are indeed some unreasonable people who have been brainwashed.


No matter how outside fishing boats blew up the sky.

Lu Yi's side is always extremely calm.


Taking advantage of the plummeting share price of Future Group during this period, he also instructed Future Group to buy back the company's shares at the bottom.

Let Lin Qingya take out the family trust fund and go crazy for bargain hunting.

It would be unforgivable to miss such a good opportunity to make money.

There was a lot of noise outside.

Lu Yi, on the other hand, is frantically bargain-hunting to make money.

Blue Star Electronics remained silent.

This makes the kneeling people on the Internet become more and more arrogant.

Lu Yi threatened that Lu Yi was at his wits end, so he remained silent.

If Lu Yi had a way to solve the problem, he would have jumped out and spoken long ago.

The arrogant remarks of the Internet kneeling tribe, coupled with the silence on the part of Blue Star Electronics, made the netizens who supported Blue Star Electronics and Lu Yi very hurt.

They want to refute, but they need confidence.

Everything now shows that the situation is very unfavorable for Blue Star Electronics.

No one from Blue Star Electronics came forward to respond, which gave the impression that Blue Star Electronics was really going to die as the outside world said.

They had a quarrel with the Internet kneeling tribe, but they didn't have enough confidence.

"Please, Blue Star Electronics, the richest man in Lu, please come out and speak out. You are so silent, so that we, the netizens who support you, have no confidence to quarrel with the Internet kneeling people.

"Yes! Mr. Lu, like a man, stand up and respond. Whether you admit defeat or carry it to death, show your attitude. We still support you."

"The richest man, Lu, if you don't stand up and respond, I will switch sides!"

"Damn it! Seeing the arrogance on the faces of those Internet kneeling people, I'm so angry, I really want to smash their faces. Mr. Lu, please stand up and give us some confidence.

Many netizens rushed to Lu Yi's personal Weibo to leave messages, asking Lu Yi to stand up and express his support and cheer them up.

It seems that I heard the voices of netizens.

this day.

A piece of blockbuster news spread across the country, immediately igniting the emotions of hundreds of millions of netizens who support Blue Star Electronics. .

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