Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1195 The Counterattack Begins! (Middle)


before this.

It has already been reported that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will invest in Loongson International in the form of cash and technology.


As Blue Star Electronics, Huachang and Loongson International officially announced the signing date, it still caused an uproar in the market.

Why did Semiconductor Manufacturing Company cut off supply to Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory?

Isn’t it just to prevent Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory from investing in Loongson International!

Seeing that there was nothing he could do to stop it, Tie Jie made the ultimate move of cutting off his confession.

This triggered a series of events that followed.

Even Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are facing a very difficult situation.

But everyone has to admit that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang are indeed very strong.

Even if it is blocked by the entire industry, we still have to fight to the end.

This is betting everything on Loongson International, at least that's what the outside world thinks.


Generally speaking, the outside world is not optimistic that Loongson International can help Blue Star Electronics turn the tide and support the building from collapse.

after all.

In terms of technology, Loongson International is very different from first-tier manufacturers such as Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Intel, and Sanxing.

This is not a technology that can shorten the gap by spending money in a short period of time.


Look at 543 from the outside world.

What Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory did was just a kick before death.

Not even a flashback!

November 27th.

Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The lobby of a five-star hotel.

Media reporters from all over the world have already filled the entire hall.

They will all witness today the fact that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang have invested in Loongson International.

"It's a pity that although Loongson International can help OEM chip production, it can only mass-produce chips using the 90nm process at present. It is said that 65nm process chips will have to wait until next year or the next year. But in the rapidly iterative industry of smartphones, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory simply cannot afford to wait a year or two.

"What if Loongson International catches up with the help of Blue Star Electronics and Huachang? Even if it cannot catch up with the three first-tier manufacturers, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Intel, and Sanxing, if it catches up with GlobalFoundries and UMC, It can also greatly alleviate the dilemma of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

"Do you think this is possible? In the semiconductor industry, once there is a relatively large technological generation gap, it cannot be caught up by spending money in a short time."

"This is just the struggle before Blue Star Electronics collapses."

"There is no doubt that Blue Star Electronics' investment in Loongson International is a useless effort."

In the past, Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phone, but the leader in mobile phones, will now become history. "

The reporters at the scene were talking a lot and looking down on each other.


They are not optimistic at all that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang's investment in Loongson International will change the current predicament.

10 o'clock in the morning.

On the rostrum.

Lu Yi, Ren Zhengfei and Zhang Rujin appeared in public view.


The flashlights on the scene flashed crazily, shooting wildly at the three people.

Under bursts of flashlights.

Lu Yi and the others did not delay. They opened the agreement they had already drawn up, took out a pen and signed their names.

This time's signing ceremony did not have the embarrassing scene of Gao Tong running away when he bought shares in Turing in October.

After signing.

The three of them, Lu Yi, shook hands with each other, and were shot wildly by the scene.

Signing the signature means that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will officially become the major shareholders of Loongson International from this moment on.


It is a live question and answer session.

Reporter A: "Director Lu, even though the entire industry has blocked Blue Star Electronics, your company still insists on investing in Loongson International. Do you think Blue Star Electronics can break through the predicament with the help of Loongson International's technology?"

Lu Yi: “Although Loongson International’s current technology is far behind that of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Intel, Sanxing and other manufacturers, I believe that with the investment of Bluestar Electronics and Huachang, it will help Loongson International in the future. Catch up with the first echelon in a short time.”

As soon as these words came out, the reporters at the scene were stunned and in an uproar.

The amount of information here is too great.

Reporter B (cice): "Director Lu, you just said that Blue Star Electronics and Huachang will help Loongson International to narrow and improve the gap between first-tier manufacturers such as Semiconductor Manufacturing Company in technology. Where does this confidence come from?"

Lu Yi: “The confidence comes from ourselves.”

Reporter C: "Director Lu, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory invested in Loongson International with cash and technology. What does the specific technology refer to?"

As soon as this question came up, everyone looked at Lu Yi.


This is not only the answer that reporters on the scene want to know most.

It is also the answer that the outside world is eager to know.

Lu Yi said with a smile: "Well~ this question, why not ask Mr. Ren to answer it."

Swish swish swish~

Everyone looked at Ren Zhengfei on the other side.

Ren Zhengfei knew that Lu was taking the initiative to make his presence felt.

Ren Zhengfei smiled and said: "Before this, the outside world must have been speculating whether we will use our process technology to invest in Loongson International. I can tell you here clearly, yes!"

The reporters at the scene were all shocked.

It’s really chip manufacturing technology!

Reporter D: "Mr. Ren, what are the specific technical parameters?"

Although Ren Zhengfei's words shocked everyone present.

But if it is only 110nm, 90nm, and 65nm level process technology, the shock will be halved.

Ren Zhengfei: "It is up to Mr. Zhang to explain the specific technical details."


Everyone turned their attention to Zhang Rujin, who was sitting between Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei.

Zhang Rujin said: "Currently Loongson International can mass-produce 90nm chips, and 65nm-level chips should be mass-produced next year. Compared with manufacturers such as Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Intel, and Sanxing that have mass-produced 28nm and 32nm chips, there is a huge gap. It's really big.

"If you want to catch up with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Intel, Sanxing and other manufacturers step by step in a short period of time, it is obviously impossible to do it step by step."

"Therefore, with the help of Bluestar Electronics and Huachang, Loongson International will skip the 45nm, 32nm, and 28nm process technologies and directly challenge the 22nm process technology."


The scene suddenly exploded into an uproar.

"What? Skip 45nm, 32nm and 28hh and directly challenge 22hm?!!"

"You're kidding!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Loongson International is crazy!"

"Whimsical, this is absolutely whimsical!"

The reporters at the scene were stunned by Zhang Rujin's words.

Loongson International wants to directly skip 45nm, 32nm and 28nm to challenge 22nm. This is a fucking joke, right?

This is not catching up with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Intel and Sanxing Gate, this is surpassing them!

is it possible?

The reporters at the scene all shook their heads wildly.

I think this is fanciful.

You have to say that skipping one or two generations is okay.

But jumping directly from 90nm to 22nm, even triple jumpers would not dare to jump like this. .

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