Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1199: The Dismal Promotion Of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., And The Sanxing Group T

Bend this way.

Ordinary investors looked at the sharp rise in Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's stock price and started picking their scalps like crazy.

Watching the wealth in the account shrink by the second, people feel numb.

Everyone wants to escape from this 'stock market crash'.


No one can escape.

Except for the initial wave of main players who knew the news in advance and ran away, other investors who were a step slower are now all buried.

There is no one to take over.

The stock price keeps falling.

Retail investors are anxious.

The main force who has not run away is even more anxious.


Even more anxious than them is Semiconductor Manufacturing Company itself.

Last second.

Everyone at Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is still cheering that it has received orders for Turing chips, and the future is bright.

The next second.

The thunder from the sky directly struck them, making them burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, making them panic and uneasy.

In the Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. conference room.

Smoke and mist surround.

The atmosphere was very depressing.

Everyone present at the meeting had worries written all over their faces.


They no longer had the ease and joy they had before.

Zhang Zhongmou, Jiang Shangyi, Liu Deyin and others even frowned.

Smoking one cigarette after another.

The entire conference room was eerily quiet, and the thumping heartbeat could be heard.

"Everyone, let's talk about it.

After a while.

It was Zhang Zhongmou who spoke.

He seemed to have aged ten years, and his face was a little pale, as if he was about to become a king.

There is no greater tragedy or joy in life than this.

I thought.

This time, they promoted Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and joined forces with Wall Street giants to block Blue Star Electronics in the entire industry.

Blue Star Electronics must die without death.


Blue Star Electronics indeed played a card that they had thought about but didn't care about.

All their conspiracies were shattered in one fell swoop.

The 28nm process is still mature.

They promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which has just started development and is still demonstrating it in the laboratory.

This sap hit Zhang Zhongmou with stars in his eyes.

No one spoke.

Because no one knows what to say.

Even Liu Deyin, who had always been resourceful, was smoking continuously, lowering his head and saying nothing.

The signing ceremony between Blue Star Electronics, Huachang and Loongson International was groundbreaking.

Not to mention they blocked Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

Now that they are promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., they will face a huge threat.

One is not handled well.

If you want to elevate your position as the top brother in the semiconductor industry, you have to give it up to others.

in the crowd.

The corner of Cai Lixing's mouth curled into a mocking arc.

He glanced at Liu Deyin and then broke the silence.

"Mr. Liu, you have always been very resourceful. You previously teamed up with Steve Jobs, Li Jianxi and others to ban Blue Star Electronics, and even caused the whole industry to ban Blue Star Electronics. But it was all planned and promoted by you. I think you should have a way to solve our problem now." Are you going to face trouble?" "?"

Cai Lixing's words directly turned everyone's attention to Liu Deyin.


They did not follow Cai Lixing's example and add insult to injury.

Liu Deyin, who had been smoking silently, raised his head and glanced at Cai Lixing, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

What can he do?

Even if he picked his scalp, there was nothing he could do.

Even if I go back and admit my mistake to Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory now, it will be useless.

Now Flower Factory and Blue Star Electronics don’t need them to support Semiconductor Manufacturing Company at all.

Seeing that Liu Deyin still didn't speak.

Cai Lixing said again: "Mr. Liu, please speak up. You have pushed this all by yourself. What's going on if you don't say a word now?"

Liu Deyin felt secretly resentful and clenched his fists.

He knows it very well.

This is Cai Lixing taking the opportunity to attack himself and want to see his own joke.


What could he say in reply?

It was true that he danced the most happily before and was constantly making suggestions.

Something went wrong now.

He really needs to carry this pot.

Should we pass the blame to Zhang Zhongmou?

After a while.

Liu Deyin sighed and said with a wry smile: "Everyone, it's true that I didn't think well. I didn't expect Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory to be able to mess up like this. This is my fault.

When Cai Lixing heard this, a smile appeared on his lips.

Just as they were about to pursue the victory, they heard Zhang Zhongmou say: "Okay! No one is responsible for this matter. The only blame is Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory for not following the routine, and we blame ourselves for underestimating our opponents.

One sentence.

He blocked Cai Lixing's words directly.

Cai Lixing even saw Zhang Zhongmou glare at him, which made him feel cold.

"We shouldn't leave anything to chance."

"Back then, Blue Star Electronics came up with the 45nm process and took away Liang Mengsong's free body."

“It’s not that Blue Star Electronics has no technical background, it’s that we are too arrogant and arrogant.

Zhang Zhongmou said.

While Zhang Zhongmou and others were having a meeting and thinking hard about countermeasures.

Lift up the low-level ordinary employees of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

They also gathered together in twos and threes to discuss.

"Do you think our factory will collapse because of this?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Even if we are surpassed by Loongson International, we will still be second in the industry.

"It is impossible for the factory to collapse. However, we must also be prepared to be laid off."

"Yes! This year's performance was originally not good. Mr. Cai had previously caused a layoff crisis. After Director Zhang returned, it finally calmed down. Now that something like this has happened again, profits will definitely fall sharply, and Director Zhang may also have to do it. It’s time to resort to layoffs.”

Ordinary employees are focused on whether Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will lay off employees as a result, and whether the layoffs will fall on themselves.

For a while.

People up and down the industry are panicking.

Many personnel are even beginning to consider retreat.

Cold country.

Sanxing headquarters.



From the president's office, bursts of Li Jianxi's roaring sounds could be heard, as well as the sounds of things breaking.

outside the door.

The Sanxing employees who passed by all shrank their necks. They didn't dare to express their anger when passing by, and they had to step on their feet when walking.

In the office.

a mess.

Li Jianxi's cheeks were twisted and extremely ugly.

He kept throwing things and venting his anger.

Even if it is an antique worth billions of cold dollars, it will be dropped at any time.

The reason.

Naturally, it is related to Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, and Loongson International.

As soon as the news reached Li Jianxi's ears.

Li Jianxi knows it very well.

Turi (dehao Zhao)ng is completely hopeless.

And most importantly.

Sanxing, their company, just paid 1 billion meters of gold to Turing Company a few days ago.

This is just a meat bun beating a dog, and there is no return.

Everyone is at a loss!

I thought.

When Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. cuts off supply to Blue Star Electronics, Turing can come back to life.

In particular, Wall Street bosses took action and directly blocked Blue Star Electronics in the entire industry.

This increases the possibility to 100%.

He has already had the dream of counting money until his hands cramp after replacing his pinnacle mobile phone.


I was poured a basin of cold water on my heart.

This time.

Their Sanxing Group was really taken advantage of.

When eating meat, it is not their turn to be happy.

As a result, in the Turing project, they were repeatedly hit hard, paid and beaten, all of which were blamed on Sanxing.

Li Jianxi is going crazy.

Now the Turing project has almost become his nightmare. .

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