Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1202. One Side Is Rising Sharply, And The Other Is Plummeting. The Two Worlds Are Ice And Fi

[Jobs was suspected of being stimulated again and vomited blood and fell into coma for the second time. 】

[The fruit company held a board meeting and decided to remove Jobs from the CEO position and replace it with Cook. 】

[Cook went to the hospital to convey the board's decision, and Jobs vomited blood and fell into coma. 】

[Jobs was ousted as CEO at the speed of light. It is suspected that the funder behind the fruit company was dissatisfied with Jobs. 】

[After Steve Jobs was removed from the CEO position at the speed of light, he may have become the scapegoat. 】



There have been a lot of news reports about Steve Jobs vomiting blood and falling into a coma in the hospital.

There were even photos from the scene.

As can be seen from the photo, Jobs vomited blood for the second time, leaving the hospital doctors scrambling.

This also caused an uproar on the Internet.

"Watt Jobs just woke up and was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma?"

"The fruit company moved too fast. Steve Jobs was removed from the CEO position at the speed of light."

"Brothers, guess what I found? I found a figure suspected of being Cook in the "230" film."

"The case has been solved! It must have been Cook's appearance that caused Jobs to vomit blood and fall into coma for the second time."

"Capital is always so ruthless. Steve Jobs worked hard for the fruit company, but in the end he couldn't escape capital.

America's netizens protested against Jobs on the Internet.

Jobs brought them many good products.

For example, Aipade, Aipade, Fruit Computer, etc.

These products are deeply loved by consumers, which makes Steve Jobs very popular among the people of America.


Jobs was hospitalized after vomiting blood.

He had just been rescued from the brink of death.

As for the fruit company, Steve Jobs was dismissed as CEO at the speed of light.

What this does is somewhat chilling.


The people who want to fight against the injustice cannot change the established facts.


The capital tycoons behind the fruit companies don’t care at all about the opinions of the people who eat melons.

What they value is profit.

Now that Steve Jobs is in hospital, he doesn't know when he will be released.

Should the company stop everything and wait until Jobs is discharged from the hospital?


This time they made great efforts to support Jobs' conspiracy against Blue Star Electronics.

Jobs even patted his chest and assured them that there would be absolutely no accidents.

But what’s the result?

A huge defeat!

Turing, a hugely expensive project, has no hope at all.

all of these.

They all need someone to take the blame.

The best candidate, of course, is Steve Jobs.

Who made Turing a project that Steve Jobs single-handedly led?

They gave Steve Jobs too many chances.

But every time they failed, they suffered heavy losses.

Jobs no longer has their trust.

The public is hotly discussing the news that Steve Jobs was vomiting blood and fell into coma, and was dismissed as CEO by the board of directors at the speed of light.

on the other side.

America's stock market.

It was also in full swing.

Some time ago.

Due to the influence of Blue Star Electronics, Future Group was implicated, its stock price was cut in half, its market value was cut in half, and it became a stock that even dogs despise.

Countless retail investors in Leeks were directly trapped and returned to before liberation overnight.

There are also gamblers who lost so much money that they lost all their pants and owed a lot of money to the bank.

In desperation, he went directly to the rooftop.

in this mood.

After the stock price of Future Group fell sharply in the first three days, it fell again in small steps.

If investors dare to buy, Future Group will dare to bury it.

Until yesterday.

The stock price of Future Group has dropped to the 250-meter gold mark, and its market value has also dropped to the 200 billion-meter gold mark, and may fall below the 200 billion-meter gold mark at any time.

In just one week.

The market value of Future Group has dropped from the highest of 410 billion meters to 200 billion meters, which is a direct loss of half.

The wealth of countless investors who didn't have time to run was reduced to ashes.


Just today.

The stock of Future Group, which even dogs despise, has been violently tightened.

As the news from the other side of the ocean spread to America.

Everybody knows.

Blue Star Electronics' crisis has been resolved.

Good news.

In addition, the stock price and market value have been cut in half in the past few days, which can be said to have reached a position relative to the floor price.

As good news comes.

The retail investors of Leek, who were cursing a second ago, rushed in again with a very honest body and bought heavily.

same day.

Future Group's share price soared 15%, closing at 288 meters gold, and its market value soared by 30 billion meters gold.

Seriously, I was in the ICU one second, and in the KTV the next second.

As much as the stock price of Future Group has risen, there is also Gao Tong.

Now that Blue Star Electronics' crisis has been resolved, it means that Gaotong's shipments to Blue Star Electronics next year will not be affected.


How did it fall before, and now it rises again.

Of course.

What goes up comes down.

Contrary to the stock prices of Future Group and Gaotong, which have soared, the share prices of Fruit Company have plummeted.

For fruit companies, this is really a huge loss...

First, Loongson International obtained the 28nm process, and Blue Star Electronics' predicament was resolved.

Immediately afterwards, CEO Steve Jobs was so angry that he burst a blood vessel and was hospitalized. The board of directors dismissed him as CEO at the speed of light.

Under the double negative blow.

As soon as the market opens.

The share price of the fruit company plummeted 25%, which was extremely tragic.

To know.

It was previously reported in the market that Blue Star Electronics was blocked by the industry and "Turing will replace Pinnacle Mobile.

As the major shareholder behind Turing Company, the share price of the fruit company soared directly in response.

Investors are even more crazy about buying. They are selling houses and cars and borrowing loan sharks to buy. They are all going crazy.


Before the black swan fell, there were many speculators who took the opportunity to make a lot of money, talk freely, and directly achieve financial freedom.

But more people are blinded by greed.

I feel that the stock price of the fruit company can continue to rise.

As long as they keep holding, they can earn more.

The space for imagination has been opened up, and everyone inside and outside the market is unanimously optimistic about it. There is no reason to get out of the car after making such a small amount.

But the storm came so unexpectedly.

Let alone retail investors.

Some funds and other major institutions are blindly optimistic about fruit companies.

Especially the financial giants behind the fruit company.

The reason why they used their power to block Blue Star Electronics in the entire industry was because they were persuaded by Jobs' plan.

So before the plan started, I started buying stocks of fruit companies in large quantities, preparing to make a lot of money.

They know all the plans, and this is a sure-fire business.


Blue Star Electronics' counterattack was too deadly.

The funds of these institutions had no time to escape and were directly buried.

This is one of the reasons why the fruit company's board of directors wanted to remove Steve Jobs at the speed of light.

Because these financial giants are angry.

Not only did Jobs' plan not work, it actually caused them to lose a lot of money in the stock market.

This tone comes from Steve Jobs.

Not even the major institutions can escape.

How could those retail investors who were unaware of the situation escape?

Especially those investors who were buried in Future Group before, reluctantly left the market, and then went back to buy fruit company stocks.

This time it can be said that he was beaten from left to right, and everyone was paralyzed.

For a while.

On U.S. stocks.

Investors who were buried in the fruit company's stocks were wailing.

And the other side.

Investors who bought shares of Future Group were in jubilation. .

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